all 16 comments

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Because what it really means is that state police are gone and there's just federal and private police left which means basically there's no local rural cops that are decent people anymore it's just pure anti-white tyranny on the federal level. Every police officer would essentially just be FBI, which as we know is just an ADL front group used to oppress white people.

If it actually was just getting rid of the police and not replacing them it would be great, the crime problems would be sorted by people policing their own communities. Back when police weren't so ubiquitous there was a little known group called the KKK who regularly dealt with cleaning up communities for the people when criminals were terrorising them.

I've seen alot that the Alt Right think the only solution for a white victory in North America is through armed revolution

Get off of telegram chats, they're 49% unpaid Jews and antifa and 49% paid FBI agents. Only 2% are actual humans.

[–][deleted] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The plan of anti-whites is not to weaken the police. Their real plan is to nationalize or federalize the police force in the United States. The purpose of this to consolidate their power by having the power of police centralized at the federal level. This means all police will be under the wing of the ADL and considering the ambiguity of hate crime laws it means every white person is a potential kangaroo court case away from 10-400 years in prison with an altercation with a non white agitator. At least with local police you are not automatically subjected to draconian federal laws that violate the constitution and are designed to attack white dissidents.

Also, if the police officers are local members of the community they might side with the community against the federal government if someone in the community is persecuted by Jewish organizations. This is extremely important if you are in the secession and balkanization camp in the United States. If a group has power at the county level and state level it is feasible to organize a secession of states away from the United States of America. If all police is federal, every white person is subjected to anti-white laws and every police officer is a potential anti-white commissar because they have no stake in the local or state community. Good luck organizing anything if every cop is an ADL crony.

The final reason was outlined in the police bill a few months ago. They want to take police funds and divert them into anti-white NGOS and in the future create an organization that has the power of the police and staffed by people that work at anti-white NGOS. Leftists basically want to recreate the Human Rights Council in the Turner Diaries which was basically a political police and political agitation group in the book.

This book, Communist Attack On U.S. Police outlines the tactics that communists used in the 1960s. The same tactics and arguments are used by antifa and anti-white marxists that occupy positions of power today. Just recognize the anti local police arguments are in bad faith and don't trust the new wave of marxists.

[–]ayotollahsinIran[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Can you prove this please?

[–]literalotherkinNorm MacDonald Nationalism 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Personally I've found that like myself the general attitude towards police on the Alt-Right is measured hostility. We know they're mostly jobsworths who will do anything they're told and if that includes harming us then they'll do it.

However as for doing some of the ludicrous things proposed by the left now to the police -- and BTW there already are 'anti police brutality' measures in place, thousands of them -- like replacing them with social workers then it's not going to help the Alt-Right it's going to lead to further chaos, destruction and death. How would that help us or society?

Now if you're an accelerationist or just like mass death and carnage I guess you might support that but personally I can't see the benefit.

[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–]literalotherkinNorm MacDonald Nationalism 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    Yes and what's interesting as well and plays into your point about overreaching is that I'm not sure the riots will stop even if Biden is elected which would have a massive effect on the divide in the nation. If the left is actually in charge and these types of incidents keep happening -- and they will -- who's to say the dark Golem can be magically made inert again?

    That situation too could be a massive push to radicalization for your average conservative. People have short memories but they're not going to forget that that this crisis was entirely blamed on Trump and them if it continues and the left has no one to blame anymore.

    [–]masterclass 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    The Jewish elite are addicted to pushing the overton window. It's obviously the strategy they've been using and they never stop doubling down on it. It's generally a successful strategy too, especially when you control the entire media and most of the internet. The problem is this, they can win the propaganda war, nobody doubts that they are extremely good propagandists, but once you win you have to actually be competent. They cant, they never have been and never will be. They are professional revolutionaries. They begin to believe their own propaganda, and their propaganda is always based on lies. You cannot competently run things when you are basing your leadership on false information. Jews have never been successful leaders. They are too inflexible, too ideological, and too detached from reality. They THINK in propaganda, and propaganda doesnt make the trains run on time. They are merchants, conmen, snake oil salesmen, and the product they sell people is junk, and once the sale is made buyers remorse sets in.

    The dysfunctional America we see is their unfinished junk product, and the final product will almost certainly be a hundred times worse, and this will become obvious after we've fully bought what they are selling. They took America from the WASPS, who were generally competent managers, and ran it straight into the fucking ground. It is from the ashes of their incompetence that whites can rebuild a place for themselves, probably through a break up of the US. Unfortunately they will cause incredible suffering and destruction before we can rebuild, just like they did in Russia.

    [–]asterias 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Can't speak about USA or Alt Right, but a similar situation in Europe shows that the police are an instrument of the government, which serves a certain agenda and gives the police specific orders. Members of the police care mostly about keeping their job and it's a rare incident when someone objects the unconstitutional orders. It might be a different thing in USA, where constitution is still somewhat upheld.

    And it's a joke that European governments declare their sympathy for protesters beaten in Belaruss, when protesters in Europe get brutally beaten all the time for objecting giving their land to "refugees" and becoming a minority in their land.

    But if you speak about police brutality in the general sense, which is often a problem in many societies, certain circles, often in the far right, insist that people should shut up about it because for some reason you aren't supposed to criticize the police. The result is that police becomes unaccountable and disliked by common people.

    [–]DoubleReverse 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

    Because they associate a desire for police accountability with black people, and they don't want to do anything that would help non-white or Jewish people regardless of how much it would help white people as well.

    [–]literalotherkinNorm MacDonald Nationalism 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    Nice language. As if the proposals that are floating around would hold police accountable rather than completely hamstring their ability to do their job.

    Also for most White people police are not a problem because we BEHAVE like civilized human beings. The police aren't even in the top 100 problems for most White people -- though I'm not defending the police.

    Name one actual proposed law that would have any major impact on White lives and then also tell me with a straight face it would be applied with no racial bias?

    [–]DoubleReverse 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Specialized bureaus to combat things like homelessness and drug addiction would actually help people instead of punishing them for being miserable. Higher accountability would help prevent police abuse of power and force them to obey the law.

    straight face it would be applied with no racial bias?

    When has anything ever been totally immune to racial bias?

    [–]IRONICALLY_A_NAZI 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    shadowboxing shill

    [–]DoubleReverse 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    No u

    [–]JuliusCaesar225Nationalist + Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    Civil War in America looks like it will just be 2 groups of retards fighting. Notice the push back is coming not from some radical or revolutionary nationalist movement but Trump worshipping retards. It will be insane leftists vs Trump idiocy.

    [–]masterclass 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    A civil war likely wont happen for many years, long after Trump is gone and the US economy has largely collapsed, and whats left of the GOP is just seen as a controlled opposition tool of the zionist elite.

    [–]Minedwe 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    It's not that we are pro-police or pro-police brutality, the problems a lot of us (or at least me and a few others) have are:

    1. These are mostly talking about blacks and letting blacks off the hook. Yet again, cops will be free (if not directly encouraged) to abuse whites and the right moreso than they do already.

    2. A lot of this isn't about ACTUAL police corruption, waste, etc. it's about optics and "anti-racism". They'll either cuck the cops like they did in the UK or make no discernible, de facto changes and allow them to continue pushing Cultural Marxism and the Corporate Government.

    3. This will be used to negrify the police force even more and impose even more anti-white laws and racism

    4. This still doesn't fix Jew prosecutors, judges, politicians and lawyers conspiring against whites.

    [–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)



    This book, Communist Attack On U.S. Police outlines the tactics that communists used in the 1960s. The same tactics and arguments are used by antifa and anti-white marxists that occupy positions of power today. Just recognize the anti local police arguments are in bad faith and don't trust the new wave of marxists.

    The problem with this quote is that counter-culture was largely hijacked by a corrupt group of traditional conservatives to ideologically subvert the movement.

    anti-white marxists that occupy positions of power today.

    I don't know many marxists that occupy power today. Most of them are corporatists and neoliberals. Does James Petras occupy this power? No. Marxism was just a means to an end.

    This still doesn't fix Jew prosecutors, judges, politicians and lawyers conspiring against whites.

    To understand where we are today, one has to understand what happened on 9/11. 9/11 was orchestrated by 5th column neoconservatives (neither New or Conservative) aligned with Netanyahu's Likud party and ZioCons embedded in the state department, executive, intelligence communities and in private think tanks preparing their pretext for the Yinon "global War on terror" charade.

    We have a power struggle here. For on 9/11 we saw many conflicting stories. We saw Bush having been sent to Florida to read to children, clearly his response to the attack on the World Trade Center, was one of confusion, as if he had been fooled by someone.

    The "Saudi hijackers" with Mossad handlers. I quote the patsy hijackers because their only goal was to leave a trail for the media to pick up and use for propaganda purposes after the attack. The icing on the cake was the pre-written script of the anthrax cakes and crop-duster planes to try to connect the Anthrax attacks to the 9/11 terrorists. The perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks were the same persons who sent Anthrax to democrat congressmen who refused to sign the Patriot Act into law.

    We see right after the attacks clear insinuations of who was responsible without any evidence. The neocons and PNACERS (mostly Zionist dual-Israeli nationals) and Likudniks blamed Iraq, and specifically Palestinians. The anthrax attacks were originally blamed on an Arab, and then another Arab, then white nationalists, then another American who sued and won for libel and then a suicided Bruce Ivins. There was no talk of Zack Frank, a Zionist, from the media who was caught stealing anthrax from a weapons grade US lab. We must remember too, Israel's involvement in stealing nuclear triggers at NUMEC via front companies.

    SO, did Bush do 9/11, no. Not exactly, most definitely not the son, he might have even been out of the loop. When we take into account his fathers run in with Mossad, who wished to assassinate him for withholding Israeli aid due to illegal settlement building in the 90's, we can observe a power struggle between two parties.

    One is the corrupt oil-oligarch Bush family who have great financial relations with Saudi Arabia. Who did the Bush family blame 9/11 on? The CIA asset Bin Laden, of course, an enemy of Saudi Arabia. So, somehow Bin Laden directed his enemies to fly planes into buildings? Does not make any sense. If we read the Likudniks "Securing the Realm" document authored by PNACERS and neocons that in a matter of months before 9/11 embedded themselves in US government, we can observe Israel's hatred for the Saudis and their want to balkenize the regime in the future.

    So, the choice for the Bush oligarchs was either blame Palestine, bad choice... or use 9/11 as the UNOCAL pretext in Afghanistan and then make a deal with the neocons to then later go after Iraq. That was the deal!

    If the corrupt Bush family, who could have known about 9/11 and were complicit in its happening, were to admit the truth, Israel would be wiped off the map. It wasn't geographically or geopolitically feasible.

    So, who is behind Trump? Billionaire Zionist media moguls and Zionist real estate agents and the theocratic Chabadniks. If CNN is so against Trump, why is Trump friends with the Zionist Jeff Zucker who owns CNN? CNN is pushing communist ideological subversion not because they are communists but to break up morality, breed distrust, destroy unity and create division on a partisan basis. They are revolutionaries for their motherland and people. The more people that will be pushed to the right, the more they can potentially capture that partisan unity to infiltrate and hijack it.

    Ziofascism is theocratic Chabadism; it is Likudism with political revisionist Zionism. They can easily pander to the conservatives and rightists in order to demoralize them into supporting their ethnocracy. They shape-shift depending on their environment.

    Owning the press and money combines for far better control over the population than controlling the government, which they have now captured.