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[–]Erasmus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're basically talking about the Republic of New Afrika proposed in 1968. It's a good idea to organize around. Black sovereignty and White sovereignty entail each other, and one is far easier to support in public than the other.

We'd be in a very different place right now if instead of marching on Charlottesville with Nazi LARPers in Stahlhelms chanting "Jews will not replace us!", we'd been marching shoulder-to-shoulder with black nationalists, shouting "Black power! White freedom!" The whole script would've been flipped. Instead of using new tactics to challenge the narratives our enemies use to marginalize white identity, though, we gave them exactly what they wanted. To a tee.

Too many of our people are still stuck in a WN 1.0 mentality, though, one that hasn't moved the needle forward for us in half a century, and has in many ways been an anchor around our necks. This is not to say I don't get it, because I do. The gulf between our activists and theirs can be vast. Just yesterday, Black Twitter was swooning over "The Delectable Negro", an academic gay stroke book in which slave narratives are interpreted through a homosexual lens as metaphorical cannibalism.

If that breaks your brain, imagine how it broke theirs. The cry went out across Black Twitter: "whyt people used to literally eat their slaves"! And then the retweets blew up, often from people who wouldn't or couldn't read a book if you paid them. A fellow of Jewish persuasion valiantly attempted to correct the record: "It's a critical look at slave narratives from the perspective of homoeroticism. IT'S ABOUT ORAL SEX NOT ACTUAL CANNIBALISM, YOU IDIOT!"

Nevertheless, 74,000 people liked the original tweet. 2 liked the correction. Zero people brought up the epidemic of cannibalism in Africa today.

So, even though there are great, logical reasons to build a mulitracial separatist movement with Blacks, it's hard to work with gullible, ignorant, low IQ folks who actually hate you.

There are lots of Blacks who don't fit this description, but as they become politically aware, they also become politically valuable, and many are co-opted or sell out to well-funded Jewish-oriented anti-white progressive movements instead of the lonely road of Black nationalism. So you're basically trying to lead a mounted cavalry charge with black unicorns. It takes real work to wrangle a viable coalition like this, but whoever does it will probably change the world.