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[–]roguecanine 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

you've never had anyone argue your personal freedom needs to be taken away. Maybe someday we'll get radical feminists arguing that males should all be kept in cages because they're too violent to move around freely, and only taken out for mating purposes

Have you watched Rick and Morty? It has a pretty neat episode about a planet ruled by women where males are even more aggressive than human males and are kept separated from women - they are given fuck dolls to harvest their sperm and that's their only purpose.

As just as such a turn of events would have been, it's obvious from replies to your comments that males don't expect anything like that to ever happen to them - precisely because they have the physical strength and aggresiveness to defend themselves. That's why they are not shy to impose that tyrany on women - might makes right, after all.

I think the nature played a cruel joke with human species. Our greater intelligence more often than not means not greater compassion, but rather greater ability to rationalize cruelty, which they do. Case in point - Islam made art out of rationalizing why women should be enslaved and treated worse than animals. If only our species was one of those where females are bigger in size and strength... Then the world would have had a shot at being just. Somehow I don't thing those stronger females would have kept males enslaved - most women are too good for such an action.

PS I think I saw you mention /r/blackpillfeminism in one of your comments. I've been a fellow subscriber too. I've only discovered it recently and was sad to watch it go. That sub helped me to accept the unfortunate truths of this world and wasn't violent at all - after all, violence and anger is the refuge of those who can't accept the world as it is and still think it can be changed.