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[–]cybitch 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

And I'm not sure where you get this idea that chores are asymmetrically divided

I want to squash the boomer trope of men being helpless buffoons which I think is what you are basing this off of.

A lot of that trope is kept alive by men who pretend to suck at household chores so women won't ask them to do it again. Combine that with the complaints about "nagging" whenever women tell them to do something that's awfully difficult and unreasonable, such as suggesting they might try changing a diaper sometimes, and it's easy to see why women just accept their husbands are morons and do everything themselves. This breeds resentment and soon you'll get the stereotypical marriage where both parties hate each other.

why can't homemaker be the default?

Well, what kind of attitude did society used to have towards women, back when they were mostly homemakers? That they were important? That they had to be respected, their voices heard and their opinions taken seriously? Or was it more like "what do you say to a woman with two black eyes?" I'm sure you can finish the joke yourself. Is that what you want for your daughter, assuming your kids aren't all boys?

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Is that what you want for your daughter, assuming your kids aren't all boys?

No absolutely not, and I want my daughters to marry men like me who are able bodied functional adults that put the needs of their family first. I don't have any broad disagreements with anything that you have said, but I don't think the answer is to burn down the family unit and create a daycare society with two parents working. Tbh none of the tropes that you have mentioned are true of my household at all (lol I just changed a diaper). I'm all for creating a more equal household in terms of child rearing and chores- none of those complaints are unreasonable and I like to think myself and my neighbors are all a force of change in that department. I mean part of "being a man" is just getting shit done ("I have spreadsheets to fill and sports to coach, so that fucking diaper needs to be changed").

I think you just hate shitty men. My issue is that society seems to have thrown the baby out with the bathwater.