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[–]kfn 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I give it 1-2 years before all out race war.

Instead of coronavirus cases we'll be counting the number of racially motivated murders that happened over the last night. Police will have been "defunded" in liberal cities and lost all morale, the only thing they'll say is that they're "investigating" but there's an overwhelming number of cases. Some areas will emerge as safe zones for whites and safe zones for blacks, becoming no-go areas for the opposite race.

The division in America is too deep to fix without massive bloodshed at this point. It may be delayed more than my estimate of 1-2 years but I think it's inevitable. It's not even really a race war as much as a war of ideas, but the left is using race as a dividing wedge so that will probably be the theme of it even though the divide is more ideological than racial.