all 3 comments

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't support banning advertisement altogether, not because I care about the "market" or capitalism, but because what can be called advertisement covers a long range of techniques and tools so a blanket ban would be a complex thing to enforce. If someone puts up a poster somewhere or leaves a set of those call cards or whatever (I don't know how to call them) in an other building, as long as it is not in a inappropriate place, I don't mind it. I don't have a problem with people promoting their services or small businesses in a limited and less obvious manner as now. I agree though, most of mainstream advertisement is useless and causes more harm than good. Advertisement definitely needs highly regulating. Any advertising that would exist would obviously have to meet cultural norms, no more unnecessary and irrelevant pandering or "sex sells" nonsense, especially with all this "pride nonsense" like in the famous Stonetoss comic.

While I would probably not allow those channels that are basically continuous adverts (those shopping channels), I don't know if I would fully ban TV advertising, newspaper advertising and radio advertising on independent media. It would be highly regulated to only allow certain types of products and services to be advertised anyway in a clear manner.

I think also billboards are ugly whether they're on the roadside or in cities, especially when they are used to block naturally beautiful landscapes or buildings, I would personally support banning or restricting them like they have done in some regions of the world. I know they also put them in shopping centres/malls (although I doubt there'd be many shopping centres in my kind of society, at least in the manner of how they are now) and airports, honestly I'm not as bothered by this as they're indoors or don't take up unnecessary space or block the view of anything of value, so maybe not ban them there.

There's also more discrete forms of advertising like the subliminal advertising in TV shows or films. This usually backfires anyway because people see it as so obvious when the main character drinks from a clear Pepsi can. I'd also ban "influencers", although social media like Instagram would hopefully not be relevant in such a society anyway.

Part of my reluctance to fully ban all of advertising is also the fact that certain advertising tools could be used by the government to promote ideology or certain messages to the populace, so they could be useful in some ways.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It shouldn't be degenerate and it should be heavily taxed the more public and more beautiful the space of display is. Then of course there should be advertisement sanctuaries.

[–]aukofthecovenantWhite man with eyes 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One should distinguish between advertising ("here is this product you might want") and marketing ("you should buy this product"). I found out about a local farmers' market from a random newspaper ad and go there all the time now. On the other hand, you walk down the cereal aisle at any grocery store and you can tell the boxes are designed to excite children so that parents will buy (with added sugar for the same purpose). That's a scummy tactic I would not miss.

That said, it's not an issue we should put on our platform. Realistically there will be tasteless, manipulative ads as long as there are people on whom they work, and it's a hard thing to enforce.