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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The mainstream left serves capital, just like the mainstream right. It's the kosher sandwich in action. The prominent left wing ideology isn't concerned with class. It's advocacy for all sorts of hedonism, individualism, and alienation. The point of feminism, multiculturalism, and sexual liberation is to make it impossible for the greater society to unify against these bourgeois parasites. Amazon diversifies their warehouses and grocery stores to prevent unionization. It does ultimately come down to a profit motive, but not always directly. Even if interracial porn loses money, they feel like the effect it has on the culture will allow them to make all that money back, and then some, in the long run.

In scenario 2, Corporate America still loses. A string of women come out and accuse the likes of Bezos and Dorsey of sexual assault, etc. All these guys like Bezos and Dorsey get pressured more and more to resign, and are replaced, usually by women or non-Whites.

Lots of women make all sorts of claims, but these stories never go anywhere unless the establishment wants them to. Look at how they covered for Jeffrey Epstein for decades. Who do you think owns the media? Certainly not Jeff Bezos...