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One of the most hilarious self-owns of feminists has been one of their core pillars, which is that differences in outcome between men and women, now and across history, has been proof of oppression. Now that we have taken this thought to its logical conclusion and ignored the biological differences between men and women long enough, it is suddenly unfair that trans-women compete against women. There are no complaints about trans-men because their gender is less socially constructed, apparently. Now we hear that it's unfair. Why? Because men have innate advantages over women! Where is the patriarchy then? In biology? Is the patriarchal oppressor in our skeletal muscles? And how are we going to deconstruct it now?

You would expect that people with a brain would also reflect on other areas of society where men have exceeded women and that perhaps similar innate differences are responsible, not the oppression of women by men. Don't hold your breath, though, for feminists to think that far.

The idea of the patriarchy in feminism is trash. Once you toss it into the garbage, not much is left. That same is true for the so-called radfems that have been tossed off Reddit. I can't quite tell which of them are dumber: radfems or trannies. They both draw from the same playbook of victimhood and oppression, all validated by shoddy science, being oblivious to statistics, and reasoning backwards from outcomes. In all their drivel, replace "men" with "cis people" and you will find perfect ideological compliance.

Patriarchy is associated with a set of ideas, a patriarchal ideology that acts to explain and justify this dominance and attributes it to inherent natural differences between men and women.

I will be patiently waiting for radfems to get rid of patriarchy. Maybe, though, it would be much quicker and more entertaining to put all trannies and all feminists into a big arena and let them battle it out. I would hope that neither of them would be left after, but maybe we can napalm the area from above to get rid of whoever survives.

Either way, you people are both fucking morons. Just because you realize how dumb trannies are does not mean I am on your side. You still spout the same feminist bullshit and you can all go to hell.

The sociologist Sylvia Walby defines patriarchy as "a system of social structures and practices in which men dominate, oppress, and exploit women".

It's the same Marxist bullshit of victomology, repainting history, selective editing of facts, and focus on male privileges at the exclusion of male responsibility, such as defense of country or having to be criminally liable for one's wife.

Marxist theory, as articulated mainly by Friedrich Engels in The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, assigns the origin of patriarchy to the emergence of private property, which has traditionally been controlled by men. In this view, men directed household production and sought to control women in order to ensure the passing of family property to their own (male) offspring, while women were limited to household labor and producing children. Lerner disputes this idea, arguing that patriarchy emerged before the development of class-based society and the concept of private property. In stupidity it's right up there with the wage gap.

This will be part of a series "1001 Reasons Why Feminists Are Stupid Pieces Of Shit".