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[–]SoCo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They are going in for the kill. They must act quickly to kill them off and install the government crypto to spy on you, before all this clown-court-shit gets overturned in court.

The SEC has adopted insane interpretations of laws that won't last and consider the grocery store checkout lady a broker who needs to register with the SEC.

Yet, the US has pledged to share all US citizens' personal info, financial status, employment status/amount, and life insurance amounts with > 40 other countries automatically with a new info sharing partnership....totally for money laundering and war discrimination sanctions.....not to feed AI to track everyone's every purchase, surely.

The rush to comply with having already pledge all the US's info to all these eat shit little countries to data mine is important for the timing of converging this and several other efforts at moving towards a centralized corrupt multi-government-partnership-organization to control the world and erase actual democracy.