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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

IMHO: look as much as possible at websites and analyst groups that do not appear to be biased

There really aren't any. It took me a while to notice, but they're basically ads. That resource on medium you listed, I read a few of those like coindesk and coin telegraph. Even those you have to view with a critical eye. And it pains me to say, but reddit is probably the best source you can find. You have to separate the chaff from the wheat though and that's not something a beginner knows how to do. Discord is one they didn't mention, but same problem.

Any necessity for market corrections will have an impact on confidence in crypto.

I've been thinking about that recently. In one way people might want to move to crypto to avoid inflation in USD, but... More than confidence, all cryptos are essentially tied to USD indirectly.

Personally, I wouldn't invest much in it, and especially not an amount that I would miss if I lost it.

I think that's smart. I'm not playing with much myself but what I'm trying to do is the same thing you do in poker when you're short stacked. Hold your money till you have the best odds as far as you can tell and just go for it. In poker you lose all your money on a bad bet, here you only lose a %. But you take your wins and try to build them up into something that is considerable.

I'm basically just playing with the stimulus money.

And what better way to do that, and scratch my gambling itch, than a insanely highly volatile market.