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[–]hennaojisan 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You've done a lot of work and thank you. Let me briefly describe one aspect of the JFK assassination that fascinates me:

Before being elected to the House of Representatives in 1937, LBJ was working as a congressional aid and was spotted by Brown & Root, a Texas company that manufactured oil-drilling equipment. B & R were looking for lucrative government contracts and wanted someone in congress to help so they backed Johnson for the 1937 run for the House of Representatives and he won. Both LBJ and B & R became more powerful, especially with the beginning of WWII.

With the start of the Vietnam War, the US needed infrastructure—airbases, ports, barracks, etc—and hired a consortium of companies to provide those. The consortium was known as RMK-BRJ and the BR in the name was Brown & Root. RMK-BRJ and its subcontractors built over 90% of US infrastructure in Vietnam.

Through a series of mergers and acquisitions, B & R became Halliburton Corp. By 1963 they had connections with mercenaries, the CIA, and many bad actors. They were probably not too happy about JFK's election. So the Grassy Knoll was pretty crowded that day.