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Come visit us in the Netherlands i seen docu explain its a law to keep the prisons in buissness, in some towns every1 ( white or educated people) workes at the prison or law some way, and poor people or people who like to smoke a little weed are kept in this rotating criminal system (and with criminal i mean the Law not the people who smoke a bit of weed). When you look at the History in the USA of when drugs substance became illigal-then you understand the reason why- lots of it is because of rasism, when they found out most black people smoke weed they made it illigal, before it was the President (i believe Washington) grown and smoked it himself. They did the same with Chinese people when a lot of them immigrated into the US they als made also stuf the Chinese specially used illigal( i think it was opium, not shure) so its a Hypocrity system, also Presidents use it to scare people and WIN votes with their presidentcompains, you see that they all talk suddenly about the "War on Drugs"and stuf just to scare people and WIN votes,lot of votes it can( is proven) win or loose your President campain/election stufff thinggg pppppppppppllrttttt 😝🤧🤮