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[–]magnora7 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Interesting post, but you neglected to mention how the whole thing was funded by JP Morgan's bank, which is a Rothschild-owned bank. JP Morgan also designed the federal reserve. His grandfather George Peabody ran one of the largest London international trade organizations, who got their funding from the Rothschilds.

It really has a lot more to do with big money that happens to be owned by a small number of Jews, rather than "the Jews" writ large as your title implies.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Many of these warmongering people running around calling themselves Jews are no such thing. They're Ashkenazi, who originate from the Caucasus mountains, and lived in the vicinity of the Khazaks (aka Cossacks) of Russian and Khazakstan. In addition, they follow the extremely heretical culture of Judea (Judea, Jews/Juden/etc.) and its Talmud, which excuses every form of reprehensible behavior down to rape of 3-year old girls (as long as the victim "isn't Jewish") and murder (again, as long as the victim isn't Jewish)... because the Talmud teaches that everyone who is not one of the adherents isn't even human.

In contrast, the true descendants of Israel, who refer to themselves as Hebrews and Kaolians, do NOT study, endorse, or otherwise subscribe to the writings found in the Talmud, are truly honorable and Godly people.

"Jews" = Ashkenazi =/= descendants from ancient Israelites

Kaolians = Hebrews == descendants from ancient Israelites

Ashkenazi Jews therefor, are not Jews except in name only.

Bolshevik Revolution and The Soviet Union

Considering that (according to Russian author and Nobel Peace Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn) 66 Million souls were mass murdered by the Bolshevik Soviet government, its astonishing how silent is the western corporate mainstream media to the fact that communist Bolshevism was a largely Jewish revolution against Christian Russia by international Jewry (world Jewish league and international Zionist court) and financially supported by international Jewish bankers. Robert Wilton was based in Moscow as a Journalist for the Times of London throughout the period of the Bolshevik revolution. In 1919, the Soviet Press provided a list of 556 of the top figures of the Soviet Government, identifying their ethnicity. Wilton obtained this list and included it as an “appendix’ in his book, “The Last Days of the Romanovs,” 1920. (they slaughtered the whole Romanov royal family including all their young daughters and son).

The list included 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts (Latvians), 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Czech, 1 Karaim (Jewish sect) and 457(did you catch that – Four Hundred and fifty Seven) Jews.

Jews, in fact, totally dominated the government of the Soviet Union. Jews were only 1%-2% of the Russian population then. Lenin created a law that so-called ‘anti-semitism’ (criticism of any Jewish criminality) would incur the Death Penalty.

Could this be why they have made the holocaust industry into big business and force the world to focus solely on their cash cow? Many Jews, such as Norman G. Finkelstein, have written astonishing books on this industry and how it is an ignominy to all victims of World War 2 including Jews and Germans alike.

In Lenin’s government almost all were Jews. Many, if not most, Communistic leaders who were not Jews, had a Jewish wife. Jews were heading the secret police Cheka at the time of the worst purges and are responsible of the death of at least 10 million. The role of Jews decreased in the end of Stalin’s reign, especially after Trotsky was forced to leave. Close to the end of his life Stalin become suspicious of Jews and blamed that Jewish doctors were murdering many high Communistic non-Jewish leaders. The doctors were convicted. Soon Stalin died and the Jewish doctors were announced innocent. The cause of death of Stalin was verified to be by rat poison by a Russian-American investigation in 2005. So, today it is said in the main media that Stalin was really paranoid fearing that somebody tried to poison him.

(Also, I have an 8 part series concerning Bolshevism, Zionism, Jewry, Stalinism, Communism and their many connections, relationships and conflicts starting from the Bolshevik Revolution to the fall of the Soviet Union.)

1st part:

^ ^ ^ Links are at the bottom of post.

Central Committee

62 Members: 42 Jews, 20 Gentiles

Name and Nationality

Sverdlov (president) Jew

Avanessof (secretary) Armenian

Bruno Lett(Latvian)

Babtchinski Jew

Bukharin Russian

Gailiss Jew

Ganzburg Jew

Danichevski Jew

Starck German

Scheinmann Jew

Erdling Jew

Landauer Jew

Linder Czech (Probably Jew)

Dimanstein Jew

Encukidze Georgian

Ermann Jew

Joffe Jew

Karkline Jew

Knigissen Jew

Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew

Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew

Krylenko Russian

KrassikofSachs Jew

Kaprik Jew

Kaoul Lett

Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian (part Jew)

Latisis Jew

Lander Jew

Lounstcharski Russian

Peterson Lett

Peters Lett

Roudzoutas Jew

Rosine Jew

Smidovitch Jew

Stoutchka Lett

Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew

Sosnovski Jew

Skrytnik Jew

Bronstein (Trotskyu) Jew

Teodorovitch Jew

Terian Armenian

Ouritski Jew

Telechkine Russian

Feldmann Jew

Froumkine Jew

Souriupa Ukranian

Tchavtchevadze Georgian

Scheikmann Jew

Rosental Jew

Achkinazi Imeretian (Jew)

Karakhane Karaim (Jew)

Rose Jew

Sobelson (Radek) Jew

Schlichter Jew

Schikolini Jew

Chklianski Jew

Levine (Prafdine) Jew

Extraordinary Commission of Moscow

36 Members: 24 Jews, 12 Gentiles

Name and Nationality

Dzerjinski (president) Pole (Jew)

Peters (vice-president) Lett

Chklovski Jew

Kheifiss Jew Zeistine Jew

Razmirovitch Jew

Kronberg Jew

Khaikina Jewess

Karlson Lett

Schaumann Jew

Leontovitch Jew

Jacob Goldine Jew

Glaperstein Jew

Kniggisen Jew

Latzis Lett

Schillenkuss Jew

Janson Lett

Rivkine Jew

Antonof Russian

Delafabre Jew

Tsitkine Jew

Roskirovitch Jew

G. Sverdlof Jew

Beisenski Jew

Blioumkine Jew

Alexandrevitch Russian

I. Model Jew

Routenberg Jew

Pines Jew

Sachs Jew

Daybol Lett

Saissoune Armenian

Daylkenen Lett

Liebert Jew

Bogel German

Zakiss Lett

The Council of the Peoples Commissars

22 Members: 17 Jews, 5 Gentiles

Ministry, Name and Nationality

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian (part Jew)

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian

Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian, possibly (part Jew)

Agriculture Protian Armenian

Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew

Food Schlichter Jew

Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew

State Control Lander Jew

State Lands Kauffman Jew

Works V. Schmidt Jew

Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess

Public Instructions Lounatcharsky Russian

Religions Spitzberg Jew

Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew

Hygiene Anvelt Jew

Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew

Press Voldarski Jew

Elections Ouritski Jew

Justice I. Steinberg Jew

Refugees Fenigstein Jew

Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew

Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party

12 Members: 10 Jews, 2 Gentiles

Name and Nationality

Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew

Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew

Lourie (larine) Jew

Ouritski Jew

Voldarski Jew

Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew

Smidovitch Jew

Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew

Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew

Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian

(part Jew) Krylenko Russian

Lounatcharski Russian

Central Committees

Mensheviks: 11 members, all Jews

Communists of the People: 6 members, 5 Jews

Socialist Rev. Party (Right Wing): 15 members, 13 Jews

Socialist Rev. Party (Left Wing): 12 members, 10 Jews

Committee of the Anarchists: 5 members, 4 Jews

Polish Communist Party: 12 members, all Jews

Ministry of the Commissariat

22 Members 17 Jews 5 Gentiles

Central Executive Committee

61 Members: 41 Jews, 20 Gentiles

Soviet Government (1919): Summary

Bureaucracy……………..Total number………….Jews

Peoples Commissaries……………22……………………….17

Provincial Commissaries…………23……………………….21

Commissariat of War……………..43……………………….33

Foreign Affairs……………………16……………………….13



Public Instruction………………….53………………………42

Social Assistance…………………...6………………………..6


(my source American author and retired air force pilot Benton Bradberry “THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY”, his source Times of London correspondent Robert Wilton who was stationed in Russia at that time. The ORIGINAL source of this list that Wilton obtained was the Soviet Press who in 1919 themselves provided the list of 556 of the top figures of the Soviet Government, identifying their ethnicity)

[–]magnora7 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Saying Jews were the majority of the Bolshevik government is true.

Saying "Jews run the Bolshevik government" is not true because it implies all Jews, when it's really just under 1000 people or so, most of whom are Jewish. But they're also white. And they're also men.

But instead of focusing on those secondary characteristics, it seems more relevant to focus on their actual ideology that caused all the problems, bolshevikism

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They classify themselves as Jews, not white. Many of them even changed there names so they looked like ethnic Russians when they really were apostate, atheistic Jews, but not the biblical Jews. So, yes, apostate Jews did control the Bolshevik government, of course not all Jews and espeically not real Jews, if we are to use the dictionary definition of Judaism.

Let us call them atheistic apostate Jews, which I mentioned at the very end of my post, because for the most part, that's what they were with some very bad gentiles mixed in. Zionist Jews were actually executed in some cases by many of the atheistic Jewish bolshevik leaders. Largely, the synagouges during Lenin's time were unhindered whereas CHristians were executed and the churchss burned down, same with mosques. Though, these apostate Jews didn't like the idea of Zionism as well as Orthodox Juadaism, many of them still came from orthodox Jewish families.

As for Stalin, apostate Jews still were ranked in with his regime. It is a lie to say Stalin purged Jews, simply because they were Jewish. He purged many because of the comintern agenda as well as his paranoia that the old bolsheviks would take over again.

Wikipedia says:

Although many of Great Purge victims were ethnic or religious Jews, they were not specifically targeted as an ethnic group during this campaign according to Mikhail Baitalsky,[10] Gennady Kostyrchenko, David Priestland, Jeffrey Veidlinger, Roy Medvedev[14] and Edvard Radzinsky., though many historians like to promote this myth.

For the majority, the Jews of the diaspora supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition.” In light of this record, Margolina offers a grim prediction:

The exaggeratedly enthusiastic participation of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the subjugation and destruction of Russia is a sin that will be avenged. Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.”

^ ^ ^ Let us not let this happen. Instead we must call out their names and expose their crimes and lies, no matter if they classify themselves as a Jew or not.

Paul Wolfowitz is a Jew but he's also a warmonger and boasted about a New Pearl Harbor well before 9/11. He probably helped plan the 9/11 terror attrocity. Yes, he classifies himself as Jewish, to point that out is perfectly fine, as I'm not the one saying ALL JEWS are at fault. When I talk about the crusades and Christians who murdered so called heretics like the cathars. I'll call these crusaders Christians or Catholics, but they sure are not REAL christians, rather apostate christians.