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[–]HopeThatHalps 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

So you believe things on the flimsiest of evidence, or no evidence at all, if it serves to make a historically renowned Jewish physicist out to be fraud. Does it ever cross your mind that you might be the "bad guy"?

[–]HeyImSancho 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

No bad guy here "Halps". On that note, I think you should re-read my first post. I was simply stating that people investigate smoke when they see it; does it mean there's fire, or not?

You, nor the thought police will ever silence people's need for comprehension, and closure. All you do, is show yourself for being a bigot; only the 'approved thought' allowed, comrade, right "halps"?

[–]HopeThatHalps 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

There is no smoke. You cast me as attacking your right to express yourself, that's obviously not the case. I've criticized the substance of what you have said, and you offer no defense of your own words. You have no logical case to suggest Einstein was a fraud, your motivations are beyond suspect. It's just sad to me that you can be so hateful of a person, or people, for things that are beyond their control.

[–]HeyImSancho 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Halps, The circle jerk continues, and you continually avoid any notion of what I stated; in fact, you never ask for clarification of anything I've written. The exact post of yours, I'm responding to, again, puts me in a corner of thought by you, in which it seems as though you attempt to paint the picture that I'm limiting myself to said corner? The corner is in your own mind, as I've got no 'corner'!

Let's look at this last post of yours: You say, 'There is no smoke'(the op itself is smoke?) How authoritarian, and definitive of a redirection.... I simply said, 'where people see smoke, they investigate'. Am I owning, disowning, passing judgment, or anything else with this statement? No, yet you attack, interesting.

Is it wrong to note a trend? The trend I see pertinent to this particular thread, is that Jews, are a small group in the world, and control a great deal of wealth. Can this not be noted? The OP, simply notes that there are a great deal of bolsheviks that were Jews, which traditionally always gets attacked for being mentioned, is this a bad trend to note? Why?

The next portion of your last post, states you've 'obviously' not attacked me, yet the very next sentence utterd by you is,'you offer no defense of your own words.' Again, how in stating the simple fact, that people should be able to investigate smoke when they see it, is wrong( and lacking 'defense')? To state this doesn't take a side, as I'm literally pointing out people never stop; especially when others, such as yourself, vehemently go into label with the official Politically Correct bull****, in apparent hopes that by some simple emotionally response of guilt, embarrassment, or other simple low iq response in order to halt the conversation. I guess now since that's not working across the board, it's become 'doxxing', but the fact remains, people don't like bullies; so you cannot win.

Regarding the next portion of your post, 'you have no logical case to suggest Einstein was a fraud, your motivations are beyond suspect.' Another great quasi hit, and run "halps". If you reread my posts, my entire premise was 'smoke', and people investigating. I didn't mention Einstein, someone else did in their post as a means to state,'look, there are good Jews'!!!! In fact, they started their list with Jesus. Jesus is in debate as to what he was; all the way around. The next person on that list is Einstein? Really? The guy who with a simple internet search can stir controversy? Go read, and search "Halps", it's all there, from the numerous other scientists who feel that their work was stolen, and why they thought so. People in general read this too, hence the smoke.

My question though my ignorant friend is what is your motivation? I was simply pointing out that someone's counter evidence, had holes. The world is all shades of grey, and nothing black, and white; there will never be a sanitized world; where by any group won't be subject to controversy. This is a multi way street.

The last portion of your drivel post? 'It's just sad to me that you can be so hateful of a person, or people, for things that are beyond their control.' Am I hateful? Do you know me? You obviously could give a rat's ass to read what I write, so I'm not shocked at your heart string, intuitive last little dig at sympathy pandering to who? Another reader perhaps not knowing how SJW, PC'd Communists think?