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[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Blackstone Intelligence (Jake Morphonios) uses the LONG DISCREDITED Child Advocate Report to justify the official narrative of Adam Lanza shooting up Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Apart from no one dying, and no one getting hurt on the day of the event because it was DHS FEMA capstone drill event, Jake Morphonios (Blackstone Intelligence) recently went on a tirade about Sandy Hook Truthers. He calls them "idiots," "morons," "mental midgets," "nutjob conspiracy theorists" etc. Well guess what? Jake doesn't seem to know much about Sandy Hook at all. He's regurgitating old debunking sites. He's using Alex Jones and Halbig to discredit everything. And most appalling of all. He uses the LONG DISCREDITED Child Advocate Report to back his claims of Adam Lanza carrying out the mass shooting. Morphonios blocked hundreds of people who opposed his view. He laughably claims the FBI is behind a staged troll attack on his YouTube channel.

Look, there’s no such thing as crisis actors. Gene Rosen is a great friend and a true hero. Adam Green(berg) who use to work for Viacom -- the handyman who talks about the Zionist Jews all day, yet blocks me for emailing him one time regarding UK Critical Thinker and his detailed video concerning Brussels that illustrated Zionist involvement in a staged event -- a video, which would be conveniently scrubbed the VERY NEXT day. Yes, that Adam Green a definitely legit truth seeker, who with Jake Morphonios spends lots of time in Israel together getting important information. I believe that Robbie Parker was truly grieving and that the Richman took his life because of how horrible conspiracy theorists are. I’m now going to fry my own audience for not believing the zionist media, which I pretend to expose but I'm merely a honepot Operation.


[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Morphonios also seems sympathetic towards freemasons and perennial philosophy which is a wrong Christian worldview and gets you into trouble. He admitted that he believes Gnosis to be the truth. It is almsot as if these honey pot operations, and/or shilsls accoutns keepign you locked into special little groups are all part of one bigger tribe. A tribe that controls the opposition.