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[–]cm18 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The plan is to unite Mexico, Canada and the US. In order to do so, the "agencies"/"they" are creating a boogie man, namely the cartels that are selling drugs laced with Fentanyl. This is being used as the excuse for military action in Mexico. Scot Adams has mentioned that we should annex Mexico, and then later claimed that he is a one issue voter, and that issue is Fentanyl. (Keep an eye on Scot as well as Peterson, they both seem to be insider influencers.)

So, we have the desired solution (military action in Mexico), with the created problem (Fentanyl), and the reaction they're hoping for is outrage over Fentanyl deaths.