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[–]Myocarditis-Man 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You really have to marvel at how badly they fucked this whole thing up. From all of the divisive politics, to the relentless pushing of injections that don't even stop us from getting sick or spreading the virus even if we have had all five of them! Just ask the officials themselves who have come down with the virus despite being vaccinated and boosted to the moon and back.

And if I've had four injections and I don't want anymore, people, (the ones who have had five or more), have been programmed to turn on me. I didn't take drugs or go to parties, but now I fully know and understand how invasive, unpleasant and unwelcome pier pressure is.

As far as Covid policy, the only thing they've actually accomplished, and are continuing to accomplish, is the transfer of all wealth from those at the bottom, up to a select handful of guys at the top. By 2030, this select few will control all wealth in the country and everyone else will live in rented refrigerator boxes because the rest of society simply won't be able to afford anything else anymore.