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[–]AntiSemit 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Nietzsche is no Ubermensche. His entire philosophy is very much a slave to his genetics, which predisposes him to Wolf-like evolutionary strategies rather than Sheep-like evolutionary strategies. A predator's population is always about 10% of the prey's population, hence a Wolf-society would benefit the 9% while screwing over the 91%.

Nietzsche fashions himself a Kike. Like all other bootleg-kikes, he supports both European Imperialism, White Supremacy, and also Jewry, while he denigrates the Global South and Antisemites. His position is painfully predictable given the union of his Genetics and Class-Character, and hence he is nothing more than an untermensche robot.

The US Wolf-Society, which serves the Global South Goyim to the Kikes and Imperialists, naturally worships Nietzsche. However, for the Wolf to exist, the Sheep must, too - while the inverse is not true. Hence, the only end results of the Wolf-Sheep war - assuming roughly equal martial prowess, is Wolves oppressing Sheep, or Sheep exterminating Wolves.

There's a very good reason why Marxists call his morality "Bourgeoisie Morality".

Now on to his godawful quote itself. To hold those who think differently in higher esteem would lead to less arguments, which is the lifeblood of the collective consciousness of society. To pretend everything can be solved by words is to blindside yourself from Material Reality.

Also, that bootleg kike hates antisemites.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

So you think a true ubsermenche is supposed to be uncivilized?

[–]AntiSemit 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A true ubermensche is one who surpasses the constraints of his Class-Interests and Imperialist-Interest.

In other words, he has a high probability to possess Race Traitor-positions, because he can take any possible position out of a set of infinite positions, most of which humans are unable to do so. He is a true intellectual, unconstrained by the prison of his flesh, genetics, and interest. Any individual Ubermensche is equally as likely to support any side of the political spectrum, and often delves into the alien, the absurd, and the logically-pure.

Marx is the closest thing to a true Ubermensche. He beats the crap out of his own Class-Interests AND Race-Interests by being an Antisemitic Socialist. He does it because it is the only consistent way to unite Marxism.

Nietzsche claims that man will evolve to Ubermensche, who can "stare into the abyss". However, staring into the abyss is literally being a race-traitor for philosophical purity. Hence, if you want to "stare into the abyss", might as well betray your own racial and class interests while you are at it.

Not like he wants to stare into the abyss himself, though - he rather have the gullible proletariat stare into the endless abyss, causing them to lose their support-group (the Church) and hence lose bargaining power. Which led us to today, whereby you have no Church/Church has no power, but because the Proletariat are retarded, they failed to establish a Vanguard Party to replace it.

If God didn't exist, it would be necessary for man to invent some form of Vanguardism for his own interests. The Early Church was the original Vanguard of the Proletariat, and though heavily corrupted and defanged, it still served that purpose to a certain extent as of Nietzsche's time. Now, they are just a bunch of deranged fanatics with 0 bargaining power.