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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Anyone with an ounce of knoweldge on this subject would know that masonry is opposed to Catholicism and Jesuitism, which was an order of the Church that spread the gospel to the 4 corners of the earth. Why then are rabbinates, masons, Marranos, Chabad-Lubavitchers and a Pope that hangs a painting in his office with the words: "to blot out His name forever," as Talmudic rabbis often proclaim; the modern heretics but certain owners of the Church? It is because, today, they control the church, not Catholics, let alone Catholic Jesuits. For Pope Bergoglio is a marrano.

This you have in common with the rabbis hibiki. A fervent hatred for Catholicism and a denial of Christ having ever walked on this earth. You'd rather believe in the kosher slaughter of the gospel—fairytales espoused by Joseph Atwell. This fellow Joseph, that you often quote, would have you believe that Jesus Christ never existed [even though Talmudic tests exist denigrating Christ] but that the Khazar Jewish woman that interviewed Atwell is a relative of Abraham ... As the rabbis say, and Pope Francis with his anti-Christ painting hanging at his office: "Yimach sh'mo v'zikhrono (May [Jesus'] name and memory be blotted out)”

Atwill wrote a book "Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus" but wait: the gospels confirm that Jews (not Christians) cried out "We have no King but Caesar"! The rabbis fail for 2000 years and on they fail! JESUS is not a "Jew" HE did not descend from the Pharisees nor was HE a member of the Serpent Cult called Judaism that derived from the Pharisees.

Mr. Atwill is self-described as being "Brilliant". Lucifer also was described thusly.