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[–]coffee_addict[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This video is a Dustin Nemos interview of Ginny Silcox, a researcher focused on electromagnetics with respect to medical devices. It's possible to pick up a deep understanding of the human body and medical diagnostics from this kind of work.

At about 30:25 she mentions different stages of the 3rd phase of the vaxx clinical trials that we are currently in. She thinks that different groups have received different jabs at different times, and that it has all been meticulously recorded. She "knows" that the control group got saline. She proposes three stages (so far):

stage 1: mRNA nano-lipid -- spike proteins manufactured stage 2: non-magnetized ferritin (iron) -- magnets stick to the body stage 3: magnetized graphene oxide (superconductor) -- steel sticks to the body

This would explain why we are observing different outcomes. Vaxx stages are not the only source of variability, but they would be a major one. Not being aware of the possibility would certainly confuse any conclusions drawn from observations -- any generalizations need to be more qualified.

Most of us know about the effects of toxic spike protein, so I won't elaborate.

The second stage's ferritin particles tend to clump, hence more clotting. Being iron, they interfere with the ability of hemoglobin to pick up oxygen. Too much iron in the blood can cause heart attacks. The graphene oxide of the 3rd stage has only recently started to be found. These particles clump as well, but being magnetic they end up getting attracted to areas of nerve conduction: spine, heart & brain. Why are children suffering from enlarged hearts? Maybe because their 3rd stage injections congregate around the heart.

G-O also makes an excellent antenna. Since the nano particles of both ferrous injections can penetrate the brain, Silcox thinks that the magnetic ones can self-assemble there. Specifically along the caudate nucleus, which winds around both hemispheres.

What happens when you hold a cell phone up to your head that contains two antennae? The video includes a scene of Jose Delgado's charging bull experiment from the 60s. The bull is stopped in its tracks with EM signals directed to receptors implanted in its brain. The signals can also induce rage. This is terrify stuff. Imagine 2,000 antifa wired for rage.