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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 1

Leo H. Lehmann mentioned that the Jesuits were behind the creation of the Protocols of the elders of Zion. (X-post from s/Jesuits)

A Jew, named Lehmann, mentions that the Jesuits were behind the Protocols? No, Asher Ginzburg and the Chabadniks were behind the protocols as admited by many Hassidic Jews over the years.. These were very racist supremacist Jews that do not represent all of Jewry.

Jesuits were NOT BEHIND THE PROTOCOLS. The Protocols even mention the Jesuits as the only group in which stands against the Chabadnik agenda but they would win and destroy Edom. Funny, because Chabadnik Jews today call for the destruction of Edom. Also, the Jesuit protocols (oath) to take over the world was a fake and was written by a marrano who was banend from the order.

It is explained that Palmio thought that New Christians were still Jews and “overly ambitious, insolent, Janus-faced, pretentious, despotic, astute, terrible, greedy for power, and infamous”, and that “the neophytes want to dominate everywhere and this is why the Society is agitated by the tempest of discords and acrimonies”, and that “all their and our evils proceeded from neophytes and especially from those who governed in Rome”.

“Being children of this world, pompous, cunning, fake, self-seeking, etc.,it is certain that they fit religious life very badly and that it is impossible to maintain union with them. If those of this blood are made superiors, they employ almost all their government in external things: they promote genuine mortification and solid virtues very little and seem to be merchants, seeking first seats and being called rabbis; they are hardly eager to seek perfection that is described in the parts 5 and 6 of the Constitutions; and readily admit others of the same blood who are very unworthy.” [8]

Suppression of Jesuits was after the attempt of Marranos to take over Jesuits. This attempt was mostly in Spain and it was defeated by the blood purity rules. Later Freemasons campaigned against Jesuits, who were the intellectual defenders of the Catholic belief, which was opposed by freethinkers like Freemasons. Many countries banned Jesuits because of this criticism, but the original reason for this criticism seems to be that Jesuits tried to help American Indians who were put to slave work and exploited by Portuguese.

Translated into English:

… During the visit, all members of our “Soviet” delegation were housed in the homes of representatives of the Chabad elite, where even in extra-hours” time we were relentlessly engaged in agitation and ideological work. I was placed with Itzik Scoblo, one of the heads of The Habad’s security service, a person close to Lubavitch Reba. During this time we became quite close with him, and all the free “from the visit” time gave long trusting conversations. In addition, it turned out that the roots of his family lead to Kharkiv. So we had a lot to talk about.

Once we were talking about the “Protocols” about which at that time I knew only by hearsay. Upon learning that I was not familiar with their contents, Itzik calmly took out a well-published brochure in Russian language from the bookcase. It was the Protocols. Only texts, no comments…

I will not describe my impressions about what I read. I will only say that the first thing I naturally asked the question: who is the author? Itzik replied very succinctly: “There was such a man…”.

… Why have I been silent all this time? I just didn’t want to talk about it – it’s a very delicate topic. But today the followers of the “sage” themselves removed the veto from this question and forced me to speak.

P.S. In one of the conversations with Vasily Vitalevich Shulgin, I tried to touch on the topic of “Protocols”, especially since he was familiar with their contents even before the “Soviet” ban. However, my attempts to talk to the interlocutor were unsuccessful. He just said to me, “I’m afraid you’re going to find this fake.” It was 1970…

Protocol 16

De-mobilization of universities. In order to destroy any collective forces, except ours, we will neutralize the first stage of collectivism – universities, re-educating them in a new direction… We will exclude state law from teaching, as well as everything concerning the political issue. These subjects will be taught to a few dozen individuals selected by the outstanding abilities of the initiates.

… introducing a large number of policy makers creates utopians and bad subjects, as you can see from the example of universal education in this direction goyev. We had to bring in all those beginnings that so brilliantly broke their system. When we are in power, we will remove all embarrassing objects from education and make of the youth obedient children of the superiors, who love the ruling as a support and hope for peace.


– Haim, our boy will learn to play the violin!

“But he has absolutely no hearing!

What does it have to do with the rumor?! He will be taught to play, not to listen!

Replacing classicism. Classicism, like any study of ancient history, in which we will replace the study of the program of the future more bad than good examples. We will erase from people’s memory all the facts of the previous centuries, which we do not want, leaving them only those that outline all the mistakes of the Goyev’s boards…

Independence of thought. In short, knowing from centuries-old experience that people live and are guided by ideas, that these ideas are absorbed by people only through education, given with equal success by all ages, of course, only by different techniques, we absorb and confiscate in our favor the last glimpses of the independence of thought, which we have long directed to the necessary subjects and ideas.

Visual training. The system of reining in thought is already in action, in the so-called system of visual learning, which has to turn the goyev into non-thinking, obedient animals, waiting for visibility to understand it …

Information to think about

I confess that after returning from New York, the subject of “Protocols” somehow fell out of my area of attention. They were supplanted by the events that took place in the country, my active religious and social activities and, finally, the fierce struggle against Chabad and the consequences of its domination on the land of my homeland…

In recent years, however, I have had much more time both for literary activities and for a thorough study of materials related to the origins of the Protocols of the Elders of zion. Having studied many versions of their appearance, comparing historical facts and analyzing in detail the texts of the Protocols, I came to my own conclusions, with which I simply have to familiarize you. At the same time there will be a new reason for discussion in the Jewish press.

It’s not for nothing that I’ve drawn your attention to the french researcher Leslie Fry’s version. From my point of view, it, like no other, came closest to solving the origin of the Protocols. Moreover, I, as well as she, have no doubt that their author is Ahad Ghaam, aka Asher Ginzberg, aka the husband of the granddaughter of one of the Chabad “Fuhrers”, he is the same “man” about whom Yitzik Scoblo spoke.


[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (17 children)

Part 2

Mormonism was another Jewish campaign to subvert Masonry as a mere fraternity and to also push Zionism. But many Jews were involved in mormonism and the founder, Joseph Smith, was taught the cabala by the Siexas family, which was a emigrant Jewish family that taught Joseph Hebrew. Siexias family founded the stock market, the bank of Rhode Island and the Newport Masonic temple. They also were proponents of masonic B’nai B’rith (hence British Israelism). Joseph Smith was a former Freemason.

Many Chabadniks are quite fond of Mormonism. It has much of the same deceptions as dispensationalism which pushes the millennial rule doctrine where a world capital will be centered in Israel which is merely a revamp of 1st century rabbinist messianism. Masons, mormons, and Jews are Noahides according to Chabadniks.

The Jesuits today, such as Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) are Marranos.

Francis has openly preached masonic, mormon and Talmudic doctrines that are counter to Christ. Maurice Pinay has illustrated this in his book ‘The Plot Against the Church.’

Whoever Francis is, he is not a traditional Catholic, and appears to a willing propagandist of the noachide agenda.

I do admit that it isn’t all Jews involved in the Zionist scheme, though 94% of funds that go to the Zionist project are from US Jewish establishment. Only 6% are from Christian Zionist establishment, and most of that comes from ignorant church goers and false, likely masonic (NOT JESUIT) preachers.

I believe a Chabadnik wrote the protocols—mason or not. Israel Shahak, in his book ‘Jewish Fundamentalism,’ shows the utter hatred that the Haredim and Chabadnik sects of Judaism have towards the non-Jew. This hatred writes very similar to the hatred of the ‘goyim’ in the Protocols. These messianic orthodox groups propose a millennial Jewish rule centered in Israel under the noahide laws.

What’s interesting, however, is that the Chabad sect proposes two ways to bring about this millennial rule; one through proselytizing Jews world-wide and the other in promoting sin. Sounds anlot like the Protocols! The Jewish Telegraphic Agency says that Chabad is anti-Zionist, but I think they’re anti-Zionist Zionist. Anti-Begin and Anti-Secular Zionist and pro-Zionist religiosity. They are some of the richest Jews in the world and have converted many of the Jewish Diaspora towards their cause. Where these religious Jews encourage noahidism and proselytize diaspora Jews, revisionist Zionist Jews such as Herzl, have openly called for the killing of Diaspora Jews. I’m not entirely sure if Herzl was messianic. He wrote in his diaries that he wished for all Jews to emigrate to Israel and convert to Christianity. Whereas these Chabadniks promote a Jewish millennial rule where Jews lead the nations and wars are eradicated. That’s all fine and good, except that beliving Yeshua as messiah is also against the idolatey noahide law. The consequence for breaking this law? Beheading.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (16 children)

Francis isn't a traditional Catholic, he is a Joachimite Catholic, like the other Jesuits and a lot of the misanthropes in the CIA.

Nice to see you guys at work. I wonder if you'll be able to beat my Phoenix Demonic Illusion Combo? If there's no opposition then things aren't as fun.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (15 children)

Please denounce Talmudism. There is no such thing as a Joachimite Catholics. There are only Catholics or fake Catholics. Bergoglio grew up around many Jews in a Brothel and promotes Noahidism and Talmudism. THe Jesuits in the CIA are mostly Masons and the P2 lodge Jesuits at Gerogetown have nothing to do with actual Jesuits that preached the gospel all around the world and were killed for it.

Nice to see you guys at work. I wonder if you'll be able to beat my Phoenix Demonic Illusion Combo? If there's no opposition then things aren't as fun.

Which guys?

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (14 children)

They do exist and you know it. All of this mess is about the Jesuits and their obsession with the Third Age of Joachim.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

No, only Catholics or fakes. If a Catholic preaches Noachidism like Masons and Chabadnik Jews than they are not Catholic. The Jesuits today in teh 'Catholic' church are Marranos.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

So the Jesuits are all Marranos? Wasn't the Vatican and the Jesuits under the control of the Roths and everything being part of the Jew plan to conquer the world thing?

You see how this guy behaves /u/magnora7? Nearly everything /u/Jesus posts about is somehow related to the Jews and goes out of his way to spread his narratives even on my own sub. Now while I can't answer every single one of his claims, what I can tell is that a lot of the narratives that Jesus talks about actually contradict themselves.

One second he is all about the Zionist plan for world domination (Greater Israel) and when I bring up how I've debunked that narrative, he goes into the "The Jesuits have always been crypto marranos" thing, when they actually banned the Jews from their order and played a huge role in spreading anti-Semitism in Europe.

You should check a post I made recently about how the Roths are related to the Vatican, how it broke free from the debt and how the Vatican used the money of the Rothschilds to spread the "Jewish World Domination plot" memes.

Anyway, just a friendly warning to be careful with this guy magnora. You know I'm loyal to Saidit to the end and I appreciate the work you do over here. The main ideal behind the NWO is Darwinian-Capitalism, which will lead to the Omega Point, in which we will all become one with the help of technology, achieving true communism. /u/Jesus has talked to me a lot about how he sees the world as a corruption and has said that there is a need to give up our own flesh for spirit. (Those are Jesuit ideals 101 which is why I think Jesus is a CIA asset)

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

No, of course not. The Jesuits were an arm of the Catholic church against Heretics but more so to preach the gospel to all that would hear on earth. They were, in fact, the largest spreaders of the Gospel and The Way of faith. The Marrano's or Crypto-Jews within the Jesuit orderin order to eventually subvert it, were not Christians; whereas dozens of those Jesuits with Jewish ancestry sworn into the initial incorporation of the Jesuit society renounced their Jewishness for Christianity. Many went on to preach the Gospel and set up orphanges and property to protect the needy and downtrodden. The former group, however -- the Marrano Jews -- sought to take over the order and rise up the ranks to infiltrate and destroy the Church. These were Marranos who we can trace to slave and opium trading. The modern Jesuits today are the same idealogues of the 1490 Marranos, ie., many of them being Talmudic Jews.

Wasn't the Vatican and the Jesuits under the control of the Roths and everything being part of the Jew plan to conquer the world thing?

I know the Vatican took out a loan from the Rothschilds as have many kings and nation state corporations. What are you trying to get at here? The Rothschilds were a significantly wealthy banking dynasty, one of the wealthiest in the world, who were of rabbinical Jewish ancestry.

You see how this guy behaves /u/magnora7?

God bless your soul... how do I behave? Is my behavior ban worthy?

Nearly everything /u/Jesus posts about is somehow related to the Jews and goes out of his way to spread his narratives even on my own sub. Now while I can't answer every single one of his claims, what I can tell is that a lot of the narratives that Jesus talks about actually contradict themselves.

No, Hibs, I debunk and make arguments against your posts, which is the point of Saidit; to have disagreements and debate them. Instead, you CENSOR my only but three posts on YOUR JESUIT sub that specifically concerns Jesuits. To deny the infiltration of the Jesuit order by Marranos is denying history. You're fine with censoring this topic, of course.

One second he is all about the Zionist plan for world domination (Greater Israel) and when I bring up how I've debunked that narrative, he goes into the "Thr Jesuits have always been crypto marranos" thing, when they actually banned the Jews from their order and played a huge role in spreading anti-Semitism in Europe.

No, hibs, Zionists do want world domination through the Noachide agenda. This isn't a secret.

...he goes into the "Thr Jesuits have always been crypto marranos" thing, when they actually banned the Jews from their order and played a huge role in spreading anti-Semitism in Europe.

No, hibs, you must have poor reading comprehension skills. I NEVER EVER said the Jesuits were crypto-Jews from their initial incorporation, you said that. As someone who is agaisnt Jewish tribalism, I know when modern 'Jesuits' preach Talmudism and the Noachide agenda, they are not Catholics or Jesuits but Talmudic Jews and Masons. Again, the Jesuits were infiltrated and then instituted the blood-libel laws to prevent marranos from infiltrating the church, after Vatican 2 the infiltration significantly ramped up.

You should check a post I made recently about how the Roths are related to the Vatican, how it broke free from the debt and how the Vatican used the money of the Rothschilds to spread the "Jewish World Domination plot" memes.

Where? The Vatican has been completely subverted and taken over by Noachide preachers. The Vatican paid off the debt, yes? ... and I'm sure Catholics encyclicals, letters, etc., were anti-Jewish, as Christianity is in fact, anti-Jewish and always has been on a religious but not racial basis. The Catholics not attached to the subverted P2 Vatican have written extensively about the war in Iraq and the Jewish neocons.

Anyway, just a friendly warning to be careful with this guy magnora.

/u/magnora7 Yup, be careful magnora ... : /

You know I'm loyal to Saidit to the end and I appreciate the work you do over here.

Hibs is loyal mag but be careful, my behavior is red flagged by him... I could be part of the NWO.

The main ideal behind the NWO is Darwinian-Capitalism, which will lead to the Omega Point, in which we will all become one with the help of technology, achieving true communism.

That is a technocracy run out of the WEF which is filled to the brim with Zionist Jewsish supremacists.

/u/Jesus has talked to me a lot about how he sees the world as a corruption and has said that there is a need to give up our own flesh for spirit. (Those are Jesuit ideals 101 which is why I think Jesus is a CIA asset)

Yes, the bible explains this and Jesus says we must be born again in SPIRIT. Of course coming from an atheist who denies Christ and thinks monkery and monasticism is communism, then I'm not surprised you'd call me a Jesuit and CIA asset.

Exactly what pro Talmudism and pro-Judaism uselessaether said. It's true magnora, useless_aether and Hibs are right. I'm at the Zionist controleld DoD as I write this.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

The Jesuit controlled CIA was directly involved in placing Castro in power and Allen Dulles literally sabotaged the Bahia de Cochinos Invasion. Even if you judge them by regular standards, yes, the Jesuits are a bunch of communist lunatics and that is without touching the original, Jesuit Communist Empire in Latin America... And yeah, the Catholics of the CIA share their ideals and are overall a bunch of mysantrophyc loons who don't understand that human subjectivity is the most holy thing that people have.

Also, yeah, Jesus and Julius Caesar are the same person. The whole thing is a fraud from the old times, who taught you Jesus is real, The Roman Catholic Church? Or the Jews with their writings when they didn't even exist as a group until Jesus supposedly "happened"?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I never brought up Castro. Castro was a marrano Jew, self-admited. Power politics dictate who controls the said communist, such as Castro, who had his own rabbi. Capitalism and communism work hand-in-hand to control foreign policy outcomes, it's just the matter over who the communist puppet serves.

Jesuits in some regions were genocided by tribalistic socieities in South America but they did get many people out of poverty and taught people how to till the soil and taught trades. Many kings hated the Jesuits because they taught what kings deemed lesser people trades to lift them out of poverty and ill-health. Read the wonderful book 'The Jesuits' by Christopher Hollis. He goes into more detail about the Jesuits and their history.

the Jesuits are a bunch of communist lunatics

No... maybe the Marrano Jews who took over the church but they certainly are NOT communists and they often preached against communism whereas Bergoglio the Marrano does not; he even promotes Marxist Leninism and we all know Marx has family connections to Rothschild and is of Talmudic ancestry.

Jesuit Communist Empire in Latin America...

You mean Marrano?

And yeah, the Catholics of the CIA share their ideals and are overall a bunch of mysantrophyc loons who don't understand that human subjectivity is the most holy thing that people have.

Oh, so like the OSS having their own department to subvert communist and National Socialist views and push indoctrination on the defeated countries? Or Habe running around as a triple agent for Britain and then occupied West Germany and then being tried for Treason but then working for the US and CIA as an intel asset to gather Soviet information, etc.? Read Transmission Impossible, a decent book on the Capitalist world aimed at re-educating the people under communism and Fascism. The CIA recruited communists but they were not an actual communist inception. The CIA is an incorporation and the president can appoint whoever he likes, such as JFK, who desired to appoint anti-Intervention anti-unconventional warfare veterans but the pro-Intervention, entente Zionist Masons and pro-Israel Likudniks, wanted nothing to do with that.

Also, yeah, Jesus and Julius Caesar are the same person. The whole thing is a fraud from the old times, who taught you Jesus is real, The Roman Catholic Church? Or the Jews with their writings when they didn't even exist as a group until Jesus supposedly "happened"?

So, you're going to believe a Jew who says Yeshua never exists even though he appears dozens of times in the Talmud as a Bastard CHild rotting in feces? You do realize both the Talmud and Cabala reference Jesus in a bad light because he was a Galilean who preached agaisnt Phariscism which is now modern Judaism.

The Jew's didn't exist but the Pharisees did. The term Jew was invented in the 17th century and has no resemblace to Hebrew Judahites. It is in reference possibly to Judea and Judaism today is what Jesus spoke out against, which is rabbinism.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Go on, keep playing dumb, you CIA dirtbag. You may be able to fool some, but can't actually beat me. Seriously how many times have you guys been confident about taking me down only for me to come back stronger everytime? I'll just keep beating you, everytime. So go on, keep misleading people, you monster. -- Hibs

Seriously how many times have you guys been confident about taking me down only for me to come back stronger everytime?

This is why I think your useless_aether. If not, a mere clone of him.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Now, why these harash words, calling me a monster or saying blood will be on my hands in other such posts?

It was because of this comment I posted:

You posted:

And a lot of these big bad Jews that you mentioned are already aware that the Jews of Israel will most likely die/be destroyed as a nation once the fightings in the Middle East begin.

I posted:

Why even bring this up? How do you know this? What makes you think these "big, bad Jews" are aware that Jews of Israel will be destroyed."? Are not the Israel government doing that to Palestinian Muslims, Christians and Jews?

You posted:

Because they aren't Ultra-Zionist loons like the CIA keeps pushing but rather traitors towards their own people (With the Roths also being traitor scumbags) who serve the Jesuits, who have been using the Jews as scapegoats long before they were even allowed to be part of the group.

I posted:

Is grant F. Smith and Alison Weirs CIA connections Zionist? Just asking?

I posted:

Please, provide evidence. I know many "Jews: are not Zionist, some are crypto-Zionists. I still disagree with Judaism as a religion because it is counter to Christ. Do you mean the Roths or Roth(s)Childs?

Many wealthy Jews are criminals such as the Neocon Jews ... We need humanists, whether they call themselves Jews or not to call out the criminal ZioCons behind 9/11. Instead, many "Jewish" organizations, fund these radical Zionist organizations.

[–]Node 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

One second he is all about the Zionist plan for world domination (Greater Israel) and when I bring up how I've debunked that narrative,

One could mistake this for you saying jews are liars, but it's almost like you're defending them?

the "Jewish World Domination plot" memes.

It's pretty clever of them to quote and show videos of them saying exactly that.

You know I'm loyal to Saidit to the end

You may be able to fool some, but can't actually beat me. Seriously how many times have you guys been confident about taking me down only for me to come back stronger everytime? I'll just keep beating you, everytime. So go on, keep misleading people, you monster.

This was a couple comments below the quote under this ⇩ suggesting you're the reincarnation of a user going by /u/useless_aether.

Useless was banned and then given another chance with a different account; he might be hibs now. He was banned for dragging down discussions and calling for censorship on people who exposed zionism and called magnora a commie.

Mainly, how in the hell can you literally apologize for the jews and still present yourself as a legitimate person?

(Rhetorical question, but go ahead and answer if you can point out how you're NOT supporting the jews here.)

I've liked a bunch of your posts, but wtf is this? Are you secretly a jew?

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He's actually protecting Zionists here, not Jews.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the Jesuits are all Marranos? Wasn't the Vatican and the Jesuits under the control of the Roths and everything being part of the Jew plan to conquer the world thing?

I don't know, what do you believe? Do you believe the PsyOp deception that Jesuits were all Crypo-Jew Marranos; such a narrative would deny the fact that the Jesuits were one of the only powers that stood against Masonry and Juadic supremacism? The Protocols do explain that the Jesuits would be destroyed. And we know how Chabadniks think and where a lot of their money goes and who worships them; it isn't Catholics, it is fake Catholic marranos and the Haredi mafia that funds nearly every nation state executive officer in the west.

Unfortunately, the Jesuits were subverted but regained strength under the blood libel laws, making sure that former Jews were preaching the gospel and were not secretly Talmudic marranos; but again, they lost their strength when kings complained that they were helping "lesser peoples", such as Indians, regain their livelihood; and were finnally subverted for good during Vatican II.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

So, no denoucement of Talmudism?

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Satanic, Khazarian Jews can go fuck themselves for all I care. But most Jews, even the really paranoid tribalistic ones are mostly good people despite their flaws. And even when it comes to them, I'm not scared of questioning the Holocaust.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How about denounce Satanism and follow Christ? They could do that.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Does it matter who authored the Protocols? Really? One with even a half functioning brain need only read it, take a discerning look at modern day reality, and see this document reads partly like a playbook, and partly like a book of prophecy.... to shame anything Nostradamus wrote. Did a jew write it as an expose on his own kind? Did a goyim well acquainted with Jewry write it to warn his own kind? The authorship don't matter, only the unerring accuracy of its predictions are worth study.