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[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


  • Companies like Ford, Woolworth, Kodak, Alcoa and IBM, and Wall Street investors did business with Hitler’s “Nazi” Germany… Jewish-American bankers & entrepreneurs were allowed to make millions in Germany till 1938… The Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland propped up the National Socialist government as its proxy to launch World War 2… Germany was owned by the foreign banks & industry.

Many capitalist American firms & individuals did business with Germany after it became a united Constitutional Monarchy (1871-1918), and continued to do business with Germany when it became a left-leaning socialist democracy (1919-1933), and continued to continue business relations with Germany after Hitler and his NSDAP were elected into power (1933-1941).  Why wouldn’t they?  This is globalization; a series of interlocking international directorsips, shareholders and business associations.

BIS was an intermediary for reparations payments after WWI. After the gold standard swap for treasury notes, the BIS had no medium currency to interact with the Reichsbank. So anyone claiming Hitler was an agent of BIS has no idea what they are talking about. Report from the Bank for International Settlements Below:

If a local cigar shop imports & re-sells Cuban cigars, does that make the owner a Castro “collaborator” or a Communist? Not at all!

Note: If I make a purchase through a bank, sign up for a loan to purchase a home, etc. That doesn’t make me a shill for the bank? Of course not!

It is was established fact that Germany under the Third Reich was moving away from globalization and turning towards autarky; economically independent & self-sufficient.  This was a process!

National Socialist Germany also needed the technical & engineering know-how of corporations, like Siemens, Ford, IBM, etc., in order to modernize his country as soon as possible in 1933.  As his country grew, the NSDAP government, applying National Socialist principles, assured that these capitalist corporations knew their place in Germany; the folk were the top priority for the NSDAP.

Prior to the start of the World War 2, America was suffering from an economic depression as well as many to the Western countries, outside of Germany. Many greedy capitalist wanted to deal with Germany at this time because the German economy was booming.  For Germany to continue to thrive, the NSDAP was not opposed to doing deals with Western capitalists.  National Socialist German did have a relatively “free-market” economy, with the exception that the government would step in to intervene, if necessary, in order to protect the interest of the collective German folk.

  • Was Hitler taking loans from the bankers?

It would make common sense that a leader of a country would opt to utilize the “system”, if needed, in order to later destroy it, and at the same… it would make common sense that the “system” would opt to utilize an opposing country’s leader, build him up, in order to later defeat him, though that would be risky. Hitler and the NSDAP government were pragmatic & strategic with all of their economic, political and war-time maneuvering.

He even suggested these alliances are sometimes only a strategical preparation for fighting each other as soon as they have amassed enough strength. It’s not difficult to extrapolate Hitler’s understanding of war alliances with economics. Any “unholy” contacts & alliances that Hitler may have made, his politics were totally irreconcilable with; therefore, it would be his end goal to ultimately destroy them.

No State has ever gone bankrupt for economic reasons, but only as the result of losing a war!” -Hitler

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS), located in Switzerland, created to administer the German reparation payments after World War 1, has been claimed to be the main banking institution & channel, via the Bank of England, to which money would flow in and out of Germany during the Third Reich.

Note: German businessmen who did provide funds to the NSDAP were of nationalistic sentiments in a German tradition that was alien to that of the self-interest of the English liberal free-trade school.

Note: Foreign businessmen who might reasonably have been expected to fund the NSDAP on ideological grounds, primarily Henry Ford, did not do so, contrary to allegations.

  • Hitler suppressed Democracy… He was a dictator.

It is claimed that Hitler “subverted” democracy.  This is an allegation which is most certainly true, except for the fact that there was never any pretense over this matter.  The NSDAP openly abhorred democracy and aimed to replace it with the “leadership principle”, which the NSDAP believed was in line with the natural order of the world.  Resultantly, as soon as the NSDAP came to power, they implemented a program which resulted in the imposition of a one-party state. Hitler was an authoritarian leader, not a dictator; he had a large majority of the people for support.

In most present-day “Democratic” European countries, suppression of free speech and freedom of the press are happening.  Laws exist in some of these countries, which make it a criminal offense to discuss racially-related topics.  If you question or mock the Holocaust (Holocaust), in several of these countries, like Germany or Great Britain, you will spend time in jail, or even prison.

  • Hitler was a British agent; brainwashed & trained in England (1912-1913) by the Tavistock Institute… a 1979 claim by his sister-in-law.

No proof! Hitler volunteered to be on the front lines of World War One against Britain, and was awarded medals for bravery. He barely escaped death several times, and was injured from chemical gas. No Rothschild agent would bother to do that. It would serve no purpose.