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[–]Canbot 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why are they saying that it is a conservative group when the majority of the politicians they show are Democrats?

Aside from that incongruency there has been for the last couple of years a push by certain left wing groups to try and replicate the "jews control everything" conspiracy theories with replicas that claim Christians control everything. It really started getting pushed on 4chan with memes that were facsimiles of the infographics that connected Jewish organizations, CEO's, politicians, etc with symbols within money, policies, and larger social trends; replacing them with Christian organizations, CEO's, politicians and symbols they claimed are Christian (like keys). So while there are definitely left wing conspiracy theories that simply originate the same way as right wing conspiracies (mostly organically), this anti christian stuff in particular really seems contrived in a created in a pitch meeting kind of way.

Real left wing conspiracies generally blame more abstract things like "white people" "capitalism" "the rich" and "society".