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[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (49 children)

Yeah whatever. The migration laws were pushed by Catholics too:

[–]jet199 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (14 children)

Makes sense.

They pushed for nazi migration to South America as well.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (13 children)

That's right. A lot of the anti-Semitic ideals that the National Socialists followed were inspired by the writtings of the Jesuits, too. Overall, their group took a lot of traits from them. It all started with their anti-Semitic propaganda in their magazine La Civilita Cattolica:

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (12 children)

Civilta cattolica's century-long campaign against the Jews...

Which, Jews?

Observing that the journal only changed course in 1965, in the wake of the Second Vatican Council.

Yes, during the subversion and infiltration of the Church by Zionists and Talmudics as has been done in the protestant sects.

"It is necessary, however," he adds, "to note that these [hostile articles] were not a matter of 'anti-Semitism,' the essential ingredient of which is hatred against the Jews because of their 'race,' but rather anti-Judaism.

You forget that tib bit. That traditional Catholics expose Judaism as a religion and ethno-nationalist identity, not as a race. Anti-Semitism, a word you like to use, was hijacked by Zionist Jews, specifically ZioFascists on the rightist spectrum, such as the Likud. Palestinian Arabs and many Arab muslims ARE SEMITIC. So, being anti-Semitic implies that a person must then oppose the languages of Arabic and Hebrew. Does the Irgun oppose the Arabic language? Probably, but this means nothing,. Do those who criticize Jewish supremacism, Zionism and Israel oppose the Hebew language, no, they do not. So, we must conclude that this term does not make any sense. It is a misnomer.

Traditional Catholcis and most real Christians are anti-Judaic. That means they oppose Judaism which rejects Christ. Yeshua told everyone of his followers to turn the other cheek. Judaism tells their adherents an eye-for-an-eye. The Talmud teaches all sorts of anti-Christian and supremacist doctrine as does the Zohar and Lurianic cabala, which was written to subvert the word of God. Knowing all of this, it makes perfect sense why meek Christians would love their enemies but expose the principalities of darknes. That meek Christians would do good unto others but so too reject Judaism as a religion. Hence, be opposed to Judaism.

The atheistical "Jews"; a new identity that stemmed from a persecution complex started in the 15th century, are considered by religious Jews to be apostates, and by their more Orthodox members, "fake Jews." My question to you: Why are they Jews then? What makes them Jews? If they reject the rabbinical God, how can they be Jews but also atheistic? Many reasons: 1.) they are ethno-nationalists; covert or overt and are loyal to the Zionist settler state 2.) Their religion is Holocaustianity which is propagandized by political Zionism as a way to integrate all "Jews" for their settler project 3.) holding onto the traditions of Judaism and their ancestors judaism barred of its religosity 4.) they reject Christ; for neither Jew, nor Greek, nor Roman are brothers in Christ. (Do not take this statement to mean that none of these nationalities and religions can renounce their identity to follow Christ). They renounce their nationalism and Jewishness and place their hearts and mind on Christ. For it is their fruits that must be observed. Salvation is in Christ and accepting Him comes with living a rightful life and turning your eye unto God.

...which opposes and combats the Jews for religious and social reasons."

Social reasons, yes, because following Christ, who was the Jewish messiah, has far different social ramificatios than the cult religion of Judaism which is merely the law of men.

...that the Jews battled the Church, that they practiced the ritual murder of Christian children, that they had enormous political power in their hands to the point of controlling governments and, above all, that they possessed great wealth, earned by usury, and thus had incredibly strong economic influence, which they used to the detriment of Christianity and Christian peoples." Father De Rosa adds, quite correctly, that the Jesuit journal was not alone in making such accusations, for they filled the pages of many mainstream Catholic publications.

All is true. Look at the Zionist Jews behind 9/11, the war in Iraq and the US government, who work hand-in-hand with noahide Freemasons of the Northern and Southern masonic divisions of the US and the fascist P2 lodge in Italy through the World Brotherhood Corporation, Permindex, CMC, and the Jewish owned Seligman bank in Switzerland, of whose family member, Joseph Seligman, was part and parcel of introducing income tax and permanent public debt to the American people, even before he acquired his citizenship! Look at what Zionist Jews: secular, atheistical, religiously orthodox; hasidic Chabadism or other Orthodox Talmudic sects, did to the church and how so easily they subvert and control evangelicalism. How they use it to their benefit for the war call on their amaleks.

Was ritual murder a hoax, no, was it exaggerated by some and put as a looming sin over the whole of Judaism, yes.

'Blood Passover' written by a Jew illustrates that ritual murder orchestrated on Christian children by certain cabalist Jews did happen.

Do certain Jews have enormous political power? Yes, of course! Do certain Jews control the US governemnt, yes, with noahide Freemasons, yes. Do they possess great wealth? Not all, but Jews are the richest of personhoods in the US. They account for 25% of billionaires, despite them being 2% of the population and in their holy texts are pro-Usury! Talmudic hasidic Jews that follow the Rebbe say that all Jews should strive to be rich in wealth, and they do not mean rich in the spirit of Christ, but rich in money. Was some of their great wealth acquired by usury? Yes, for their religion allows usury, where Islam and Christianity do not. Solzhenitsyn makes this clear in his book '200 Years Together',

...thus had incredibly strong economic influence, which they used to the detriment of Christianity and Christian peoples.

Certain Jews, yes, and also non-Jews and anti-Christian Catholic Christian democrats themselves who work hand-in-hand with noahide Freemasons. Meaning they are not Christians nor Catholics at all. The religious Jews are pro-Usury and so they can lend at interest onto the non-Jews, hence, this is certainly a detriment to Christian peoples. For the whole system is one based on usury and that was of course initiated by Jewish bankers such as Rothschild and co., through the lackey Belmont; Seligman, Kuhn, Loeb, Schiff, Warburg, Lehman, Hamilton etc., all Jews and other Shabbos goys who believe usury to be some sort of virtue.

Father De Rosa adds, quite correctly, that the Jesuit journal was not alone in making such accusations, for they filled the pages of many mainstream Catholic publications.

And that is a good thing. For everything I have said here is what is happening today. Is it Judaism's fault as a whole? No. Rather, it is sin that caused all of this to happen. It is Jews and non-Jews alike, including Catholics in neology only that reject Christ and continue to go on in sin.

By way of illustration of Civilta cattolica 's anti-Judaism (as opposed to anti-Semitism), he offers some passages from articles in the journal authored by Fathers Rondina and Ballerini in the 1890s. These tell of Jews' thirst for world domination, their hunger for gold, and their belief that Christians are no better than animals.

Anti-Judaism has always been a Christian doctrine. Christ told us that "They call themselves Jews but are not, but are the synagouge of satan."

Meaning that modern "Jews" today are not Jews at all. They frequent synagouges but have not Christ in them. The Jews that went onto follow Christ renounced their Jewishness, as did the gentiles, who renounced thier Roman and Greek nationalism and followed Christ.

Secondly, anti-Judaism implies that Christians are anti-Judaism of religion. It does not say that one should destroy Judaism but rather try to convert them through peaceful means by preaching "The Way', as many Chrsitians often do in Israel. These Christians are stoned and spat on and many times jailed by Israeli law enformcement for trumped up charges. One can go back to the days of Solomons temple and oberseve the Gold and money-lenders within the halls of synagouges. Outwardly, they were seen as God's people, but inwardly, they were of dead mans bones.They had God not in them.

These tell of Jews' thirst for world domination, their hunger for gold, and their belief that Christians are no better than animals.

Certain Jews, such as the integrationalist Chabadniks that back Putin, Netanyahu and Trump do want world dominion over the Christian through noahidism! Secondly, they do have a hunger for wealth , and third their holy books including the Lurianic cabala and Talmud explain that non-jews have no better souls than animals and are satanic. That non-Jews are only born to serve the divinity of Jews.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (11 children)

Hahaha. They only edited the hardcore parts to sound less edgy. There were times in which Jesuit media actually encouraged the "extermination of Jews". The psyop continues to this day, with the whole alt-right movement being pushed by the CIA online.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Evidently, you do not want to debunk anything I've had to say. Instead, your first sentence is degrading and merely shows that you have no logical refuation for at least arguing your point of view or answering any of the questions I have asked.

Hahaha. They only edited the hardcore parts to sound less edgy.

What are you even talking about? Darby dispensationalism is anti-Christ. I could give you hundreds of verses manipulated by Jews, who use the anti-Semitic canard to manipulate the word of God. And what about edgy? Are you 12 years old? Do you follow Christ? Are you a Christian? But that is not the point, the point is Zionists and Talmudists have taken over the Church, period. As they have done in the protestant sects.

There were times in which Jesuit media actually encouraged the "extermination of Jews".

Lke where? Which Jesuit media? Who owned that media? Secondly, many Jesuits were detained and thrown in concentration camps in Germany and Russia.

"extermination of Jews"

There was not a 6 million figure holocaust; though Jews were persecuted heavily by National Socialists. I am not denying that.

Secondly, you completely ignore all of my arguments and have, like your post above posted the same argument with nothing to back it up, other than saying that Jews are a persecuted people and that "Jesuits control" the whole of the alt-right pushed by the CIA online. Which just is not true. I have a paper that I wrote illustrating the utter over-representation of Jews in media, to the point that it is laughable.

So, wait, if the Jesuits were against the marrano Jews in the Jesuit order and thought their only goal was to subvert the church, and if the Likudniks work with noahide Freemassons of various masonic orders with the CIA that has been heavily infiltrated by Jews and neoconservatives at odds with the traditional republicans such as Smith and other directors who stood by JFK, then why did they assassinate JFK, if he himself was a Catholic? That's right, because the current Jesuits today, after the 2nd Vatican council, have subverted and infiltrated the Church and are crypto Talmudics pushing Noahidism.

I already posted the anti-Christ things Francis has said about Yeshua which is exactly what the Talmudics preach. If anything else, Zionist Jews are working with every other society to infiltrate and hijack any institution or people that represents Christ. They have the Vatican, and that is obvious. I'm not going to post anymore, because you argue with red-herrings and bring nothing to the table.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

Hahaha. They only edited the hardcore parts to sound less edgy. There were times in which Jesuit media actually encouraged the "extermination of Jews". The psyop continues to this day, with the whole alt-right movement being pushed by the CIA online.

Our current Pope is a Converso Jesuit Jew who pushes Noahidism.

In addition, Herzl the founder of Zionism called for the persecution of his own kind to emigrate Jews to Israel.

I do not deny that the Papacy commited atrocities; that stoic anti-Usury was put on the backburner and sects within the Church used the sword... that being said, today, traditional Catholics are no more.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (8 children)

Irrelevant. I haven't even seen that much convincing evidence that Francis could be a Jew. Even if he were, It's not like he is an actual "crypto Jew" but rather, the whole thing is backwards. He gave up the Jewish identity to become a Jesuit.

Simply put, the background of the Jesuits for political subversion goes way back, like their communist movements in Latin America. So now just because some of their members could have Jewish backgrounds, the whole thing becomes a Jewish plot? Despite the fact that Jews were banned from their group when they had already commited many crimes? When they constantly used the Jews as scapegoats? The mental leaps you do are incredible.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

I gave you all the info needed to illustrate that Francis pushes all the noahide laws and now says LGBTQ communities views are natural and of God. 8 gender laws of the Talmudics say the same thing. He quotes from the Talmud! What does that tell you? You ignore my information by using historical information that was true then but can not be applied in this situation.

He's acts as if he is a marrano, period.

Yes, the whole plot is that of the converso marranos and Masons. They are pushing noahide laws which goes hand-in-hand with Freemasonry as they too are noahides and now they want to bring together Talmudism and Catholicism, which is exactly what marrano scribes want to do!

Inalready posted elsewhere that Freemasonry was largely a Talmudic-masonic endeavour. That does not mean the majority were Talmudics.

Yeshua says the Papacy is the beast and that there is a conspiracy in Jerusalem. The conspiracy is that of the Talmudics taking control of the papacy to bring about their "Jewish" moshiach, who is Jewish in name only. The Freemasons are noahides, so they automatically are not enemies of this anti-Christ strongman. Christians who confess to Christ are enemies.

Remember, Talmudics are not Jews. Only those that follow Christ are Jews. Modern day Jews are anti-Christ. The individual who orchestrated 9/11; had a strong hand in its planning was Rabbi Dov Zakheim, a Talmudist.

They call themsleves Jews but according to Christ, they are of the synagogue of Satan.

Sure, the traditional Catholics used the Templars and old Jesuits to destroy their enemies, which was seriously corrupt and unjust but they do not control the vatican today. Bergoglio IS NOT a traditional Catholic he is a futurist and pushes exactly what talmudics push, word for word. I'm basing this off what I see and hear.

Why do the Freemasons love Bergoglio? Freemasonry wished to destroy the Catholic church through infiltration. The old Jesuits were always an enemy of the Freemasons, so what happened? It appears Bergoglio is a noahide and follows the Talmudic anti-Christ agenda, which goes hand in hand with Freemasonry and "Jewish" infiltration.

Simply put, the background of the Jesuits for political subversion goes way back, like their communist movements in Latin America.

Great, I'm talking about after the 2nd Vatican council.

So now just because some of their members could have Jewish backgrounds, the whole thing becomes a Jewish plot?

No, real Jews follow Christ. It is an anti-Christ plot orchestrated by Marrano's, Zionists, Masons, noahides and Talmudics.

Despite the fact that Jews were banned from their group when they had already commited many crimes?

No, the old Jesuits and marranos both committed crimes. I don't doubt that. "Jews" are now allowed to become Jesuits and likely were Jesuits after the blood purity law stopped being enforced. There are transcripts of marranos against old Jesuits and vice versa. They both made their contentions, they both stood against each other. In the end, the old Jesuits appear to have lost the papacy; and that becomes obvious when you take into account their opposition to Freemasonry of which Bergoglio invites Freemasonry and Zionist Protestantism to become one with the Church.

When they constantly used the Jews as scapegoats? The mental leaps you do are incredible.

They did, and humanist "Jews", unfortunately, do not seem to ever expose the fake Jews who orchestrated 9/11 or their infiltration of the Church with their masonic, Talmudic and P2/P3 right-wing Grand Orient friends.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (6 children)

This is all coming from the guy that said real Jews were all psychopaths not so long ago...

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Show me exactly where I said that?

/u/useless_aether did the same to me; he claimed I commented some occult link that he said was me trying to seduce him with satanic imagery. I found that comment, and I never commented it, it was someone else; I sent him the link and even then he continued to say it was me. So, provide the comment and right here and now I will say I do not think "Jews" are psychopaths but I do think the Talmud and Lurianic cabala breed psychopaths.

You also asked why I trust the information/site I post. As if trust has anything to do with facts. Then you ignored the post on Bergoglio who hangs out with Talmudics who think that non-Jews are not human and Yeshua is boiling in feces. He often quotes the Talmud which is anti-Christ. Why are Freemasons so enthusiastic about Bergoglio? The Church was always against Freemasons. And now knowing that Protestant Zionists, the CIA and Zionists killed JFK it appears the Jesuit myth is a fraud. That the myth is centered around the old historical Jesuits. They are Jesuits working for Noahide Freemasons. So if the Jesuits were always against Freemasons, why is this Pope inviting Freemasons to speak on his behalf?

I never said real Jews were psychopaths. I base my faith on Yeshua who told his followers that they call themselves Jews but are not. That they are of the synagogue of Satan. Who frequents synagogues? You say Jews, I say anti-Christs. Christ was the "Jew" of God's new covenant with a spiritual Israel. Most "Jews" today are not biblical Jews of the old covenant and even more of them are not Semitic.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Why are "Jews" "Jews" then.

Are you a follower of Christ?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Provide the comment/source... thanks. Until then, you're putting words in my mouth.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

Jesuit Catholics under Talmudists.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (7 children)


"But muh Jews"...

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Fallacy. You didn't even care to argue the post I sent you on Talmudists in the church and then used the anti-Semite canard which is a Misnomer.

Jews, as a religion, rejected Christ. They do not believe in "turning the other cheek", and their books are all pro-Usury and supremacist against non-Jews. It makes sense now why so many Jews support the "alt-Right," for their own agenda. For Zionism and the Jewish-ethnocracy is a racist welfare state founded on terrorism.

They are anti-Christ but they can renounce their ways and follow Christ.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

so many Jews support the "alt-Right," for their own agenda.


[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ethnocracy. National Socialism were started in the transcripts of the World Zionist congress.

Doesn't mean Hitler was a Zionist in its modern sense. I'm only stating that ZioFascism is real.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Think about it for one second. Maybe not YOUR ALT-RIGHT, but certainly their alt-right.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

New Testement preaches love and forgivness. Talmud preaches pedophilia, genital mutilation, supremacism against non-Jews, racism, and Usury. Of course, the Talmud is oral tradition so yes, it does have some great verses in it that anyone can agree with. Nevertheless, Chabadniks are Zionists and, what do we know, Jews but the false ones: that of the synagouge of satan (only those that followed Christ were the true Jews); these Satanic occultist Jews in neology only are behind the Vatican, and want a false Moshiach to return to create the Kingdom of God on earth, which they say all Jews will be its devine incarnation.

As told be a Cahabdnik rabbi and follower of Rabbi Kook:

Non-Jews are only born to serve the divinity of Jews. There lives are subsidiary to the life of any Jew.

No-Jews have the soul of an animal. (they are not human).

I bet Yeshua preached this, right? So modern Jews are the synagogue of Satan. True Jews follow Christ, period. And they cease to be Jews. For there is neither Jew, Greek or Roman in Christ.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So, you think Talmudists are Jews. So, you reject Christ then?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (24 children)

Whataboutism, never seem to acknowledge my posts illustrating that traditional catholics are dwindling and are no more in power. The Jesuit futurist Pope is beloved by the Talmudics and Freemasons. Jesuitism is thus the memorialism of crypto-Jesuits.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (23 children)

I've never seen any evidence from a decent source proving that the Jesuits are Jews...

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

You literally ignore every post I've ever made on the Talmudics behind the Pope. Read Maurice Pinay. The Church has been infiltrated and subverted by Hasidic Zionist Chabadniks that follow the Talmud. They also follow the Lurianic Cabala which takes a place in Freemasonry. It says non-Jews have the souls of cattle.

The Talmud is anti-Christ. The Lurianic Cabala of which many rabbis gave to Francis as gifts is also anti-Christ and supremacist.

^ ^ ^ That is @HereisJorge's blog.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Why do you place so much faith in that site? I rarely see that much evidence for the claims. The current black pope for example, is Venezuelan. Also, Freemasonry is derived from the applied rituals of the Jesuits and neo-platonism.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Are you a Christian?

Why do you place so much faith in that site?

Why are you using a strawman? Faith I put not in man but faith in what I know through Christ. I've read every article in that blog, there is not one lie mentioned in it, it simply lays out the Talmudics behind the Pope and what they plan to do.

I gave you a whole bunch of evidence, it's up to you to connect the dots. Hasidic Talmudics are the synagouge of Satan. "They call themselves Jews but they are not but the synagogue of satan." Those were Yeshua's words. Who frequents the synagouge and who outright rejects Christ in their oral law, calling him the son of a harlot who is rotting in feces in hell. That would be Orthodox Jews, all of them, whether Zionist or anti-Zionist.

I'm sure if Yeshua rasied his arms to humanist Jews, (that means his physical coming) the ones who do not step foot in a synagouge, they might seek to receive Christ, such as Pappe, Said and Shahak, who expose the criminality of the Zionist occupation in Israel. For Christ is open to all. For the Talmudic Cabala worshipping anti-Christs, they reject and hate Christ and everything he stood for, so why are they behind the current Jesuit Pope?

The evidence is tremendous. Read Mauricepinay's twitter and blog or HereisJorge's blog or his twitter.

The current black pope for example, is Venezuelan.

You're point? That has nothing to do with the Talmudic fake Jews behind thr Pope.

Also, Freemasonry is derived from the applied rituals of the Jesuits and neo-Platonism.

That may be so, but the Jesuits were always opposed to Freemasons. The traditional Jesuits were an army of the Church that sought to keep the monarchies intact. There is such thing as counterintelligence. Mossad often dressed up as Palestinian Arabs, blowing up cars in the weat to blame the Palestinians. The Freemasons did this with the Jesuits, Jesuits to the Freemasons and even the Bavarian order to the Jesuits. Freemasonry is a corporate charter, of which some lodges have been subverted with Weishaupt's Illuminism. Weishaupt, although said to not be Jewish, his family and his ancestry are. Secondly, Weishaupt in his own decrees, letters and journals dispised the traditional Jesuits and the Catholic Church. In fact, he hated all forms of religion.

Interestingly, there are corporate charters and decrees in the 1730's where the British King, mentioned the Illuminati. This is odd, considering we are told it never existed until 1776. Illuminism, was simply a means to destroy monarchy and even faith in God itself. It was deist and atheistical.

The other York rite lodges of Freemasony are also opposed to the Catholic Church and traditional Jesuitism as is the Scottish (Jewish) rite.

Marrano Jesuitism is opposed to traditional Catholic Jesuitism. Just as Futurist Catholicism is opposed to traditional Catholicism. So, then, why are all Freemasons Noahides and why are noahide Talmudics pushing the Noahide agenda all around the world and why are they backing the Pope?

I agree Freemasonry was derived from the rituals of neo-Platonism. I also, must say that Cabalism is NOT a Jewish invention. It only became Jewish mysticism in mideveil times when the false Zohar was pushed unto Jews by rabbis.

All this can go back to 70AD, when the Temple was destroyed. Talmudics want the temple rebuilt for animal sacrafices. They reject Christ as their messiah and even rewrote God's words to make their settler project look legitimate, as if ordained by God.

So, Catholic aligned Jesuitism is opposed to Freemasonry. Corporate chartered Freemasonry is opposed to catholic Jesuitism. Some lodges were opposed to Weishaupts Illuminism. Other lodges, such as the Grand Orient in France were not.

Marrano Jesuitism was for Futurism in the Catholic church and were very liberal. Traditional Catholics were opposed to marrano Jesuits.

Again, why then do we hear time and time again about how much Talmudics and Freemasons love the Jesuit Pope Jorge Bergoglio? Catholics were always against Freemasons, what changed?

Why are Talmudics pushing the Noahide Laws, ie. the decapitation of Christians who worship Christ and why are they working with the Pope?

The creditor owns the debtor.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Also, I must add, if you read Michelle Metta's book on who killed JFK, you will notice clearly, in modern times that Freemasons hate the traditional Catholics who are anti-Usury. These Freemasons oreach Individualism and Free-enterprise and Free-markets. They are a corporate charter and make money for their brothers.

If Freemasonry is so different between every lodge, why did theu with the help of a Zionist protestant preacher sign an anti-JFK pact in writing between the grand Orient P2 lodge in Italy and the North and Sourh devisions of the Masonic corporations in the US. And why were dozens of Likudnik Jews involved in this process?

Likudniks and Freemasons work together. That's why Freemasons are noahides. They follow the Talmudic rules whoch means they do not accept Christ as their savior and that shows, because they killed JFK, either working for the CIA or LIKUD. JFK was the first Catholic president too, so that was another reason to hate him.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Also, anyone making the case that Freemasons are Jesuits or Jesuits are Freemasons or the Illuminati is part of the Jesuit order is a liar. The "Illuminati" is not a group but a concept, which makes sense, considering charter documents illustrate that the co ceot of this group existed well before 1776. It was derived from Medieval Gnostic cults that regarded themselves as pantheistic spiritual elite. They often regarded themselves as Intelligentia or "homines intelligentia" but always disguised themselves as and targeted pious Catholics, as did Marrano Jesuits in opposition to traditional Jesuits, as did Freemasons.

The old Illuminati groups like the Brotherhood of the Free Spirit went around pretending to be like medicant orders. Sometimes they would wear rags and monk robes and other times dress as nobles. They did everything they could to become nobles and then recruited Pious Catholics

This kind of stuff still happens in the present day, even within the Traditionalist community (think Plinio de Oliveria or Gnostic Steve Bannon) and because everyone is expecting rationalist freemasons no fucks are given.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (17 children)

Jesuits are working with Zionist Jews. Search 'Jesuit Order as a Synagouge of Satan' by Markyes. A scholarly book written by a Jesuit from Jewish ancestry that pushes LGBTQ+ agenda. It's a good book and shows the struggle of the Jesuit order between traditional Catholic aligned Jesuits and Jewish Jesuits who many times followed the Talmud and Cabala.

Today's Jesuits, just as the modern Catholic church are not traditional Catholics, period.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (16 children)

Catholicism from day one, perhaps even Chistianity as a whole are Jesuit psyops to subvert spirituality. Check V_A's Freemasonry Demystified documentary:

Also, the idea that the Jews/Roths control the Vatican has been pushed by many fake authors over and over, they want people to chase after the usual scapegoats of the church:

You tend to accuse others of being phony, but you tend to use and fall for a lot of fallacies yourself.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm not watching a long video that, probably won't prove your claim. You make a claim, so back it up. Tell me exactly why Catholicsm is a Jesuit PsyOp? That means a psychological operation and why? And by which sect of Jesuitism? The traditional Jesuits or marrano crypto-Jesuits?

All these groups are, in essence anti-Christ, just as modern Jews are. Christ is the only way, period.

Secondly, I'm not pro-Catholicism, for it is an institution just as the anti-Christ Talmudists are under their synagogues.

You tend to accuse others of being phony, but you tend to use and fall for a lot of fallacies yourself.

Like what? You've debunked nothing I've stated. You simple asked: why I have faith in these websites? That illustrates that you care not to read anything I give you. I believe the authors are telling the truth because Christ allows me to see. Not because I have faith in man.

Again, do you believe in Christ?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (12 children)

Every source you gave me was a YouTube video. Funny. This is what useless_aether did, over and over again, never explaining or proving his claims. Provide here evidence for your claims?

And I remember /u/magnora7 mentioning something about the Vatican and Rothschilds. If there is a connection there than that makes even more sense why zionist Talmudics in their synagogues are behind this Jesuit Pope.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

The fact that they are videos means they are fake by default? o.o

Also, strictly speaking, I'm a whole different game from aether, or Grace, or Aleister, or polkadotgirl. Most conspiracists I've met for the most part get in the way at the very best. But I'll probably win the information warfare all by myself.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 1

No, the fact that you send hour long videos proves nothing. What am I suppose to do, watch every video and pin-point where in it you make your claims in writing to me? If you cared to prove your point you would provide the information to me in writing. The burden of proof is on you.

I'm glad you believe you'll win the information warfare all by youself. I don't think I can do that alone. But let me post something again, concerning Bergoglio.

Again, I will post this: please debunk it, if you wish.

The Catholic traditional priests are in the catacombs. They son't exist anymore except un parts of Scandinavia.

Secondly, do you believe 9/11 was an inside job? If so, who do you believe planned and orchestrated the attacks? Are Kristol, rabbi Doc Zakhiem, Kagen, Levy, Silverstein, Eisenberg, Lauder, Lowy, Spitzer, Hellerstein, Libby, Wolfowitz, Frum, etc., Jesuits?

Being a Jewish gangster is “kosher” as long as you are good to your mother, follow Halakha, and help Israel. That is the truth. The Jewish mafia and probably Jesuit mafia is real as well, but the Catholic Church under Francis does not follow any of what the apostles preached. They teach a false religion and have the noahide Talmudics to back them.

Before Jewish expelling, someone always asks: what could they have done?

First, read Maurice Pinay's book 'The Plot Against the Church', and Solzhenitsyn's book '200 Years Together.'

Here is the answer: what the Italian and Polish and Greek immigrants who did NOT go into organized crime did: work in the mines, as carpenters (woops-I guess that's out!), tailors, stone masons, restauranteurs, railroad workers, police, fireman, auto workers, in other words BLUE COLLAR LABOR. The Jews refused to do this in their religiosity. These were "goy" occupations, and according to Talmudic law the non-Jew is born only to serve the divinity of the Jew. Please tell me what you think of this?

At least acknowledge that it is supremacist.

According to the lifeofbergoglio blog:

"At the end of the day, "the synagogue of satan" is Talmudic Judaism, which is a religion. They need to stop scapegoating, badmouthing, and charging usury on Christians for the sins committed by them and their co-Talmudists. It’s time to start paying reparations that they owe to the world starting with asking forgiveness from their Savior, Jesus the Christ, whom they reject.

Francis said of Christ that he was:

a little behaving like a fool”


he failed against morality”

Wtf, does that sound like a Christian or a crypto that follows Judaism?

Francis also said,

And who is dirty more than the hands of Jesus.”


Jesus (himself) got dirty (even) more.”

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Part 2

Quoted until further notice from link above:

As regular readers of this blog know, Francis is into all things Judaic, especially Chasidism. Their doctrines creep out here and there in Francis’ sermons and documents. One of the things which Francis does with regularity is to invert the teachings of the Church. An example of this is the use of the term ‘pharisee’ which he applies to his enemies, who are not open to Talmudic Judaism and Francis’ anti-Catholic machinations. Another example is his favorite blasphemous painting, White Crucifixion. Francis shows his hand, when he inverts Catholic doctrine, as a modernist change agent who is simply following the dictates of ‘The Rebbe’ to be, “modern on the outside and Chabad on the inside.” One of the most blatant examples is Francis teaching the Talmudic formula: Yeridah Tzorech Aliyah (“decent for sake of ascent”). This teaching simply means that one has to descend into sin, which paradoxically has a positive status in Hasidism, in order to ascend to new heights. This is done because the god of Talmudic Judaism is one of opposites — a hermaphrodite god of good/evil. In the Hasidic lore, tzaddiks (saints or righteous people) wrestle not with evil but with goodness as they descend into sin in this process in order to ascend into righteousness. Yeridah Tzorech Aliyah is one of the foundational beliefs of Orthodox Talmudic Judaism along with Tikun Olam. In the later belief the rabbis have the chutzpah to state that God made creation imperfect and the Talmudic Jews are to correct his work.

The Hasidism of Francis’ mind is also shown when he says such things as, “[Jesus] made himself the devil” and “the Holy Trinity [is] arguing behind closed doors but on the outside they give the picture of unity.” Who else sees Jesus as a devil or God as a bunch of arguing rabbis other than a Talmudist? Whether he his parroting the ideas of Heschel, Levinas, Buber, Wiesel, a dead rebbe from the Steppes, or having over rabbis as guests who often gift him with books (Gluck & Steinsaltz) there’s an excellent chance it’s comes from the Baal Shem Tov and his cult in one manner or another.

In the video clip below the late Chabad Lubavitcher rabbi, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, explains why Hasids should descend (into sin) in order to ascend — they are hunters getting ready to kill their prey. Another late Chasidic rabbi, Abraham Heschel (of Vatican II’s Nostra Aetate), in a 1965 interview with Ma'ariv explained exactly whom the prey were, “There are those who would like to attack [Christians] bodies. I want to attack their souls.” The elevation which takes place is one which will incorporate the prey’s soul into the of cult Talmudic Judaism and worship of their demonic hermaphrodite god. It’s a total inversion of Catholicism, the religion instituted by Jesus the Christ. So why is Francis teaching it?

Maybe he's a Marrano Jew so it comes naturally to him? (Ref. Maurice Pinay, The Plot Against The Church.)

All Francis does is blabber heresies and blasphemies galore. He follows the Talmudics hook-line-and-sinker.

This is what is being taught at the Vatican:

Gay Jews have 'higher souls' than gentiles, says deputy minister Habayit Hayehudi's Rabbi Eli Ben Dahan says same-sex marriage is prohibited just as marriage between Jews and gentiles is.

This is not the opinion of one wacky rabbi. This is the teaching of Orthodox Judaism spoken by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's cabinet appointee, Rabbi Eli Ben Dahan, also an elected Israeli Congress (Knesset) representative.

'Jews' have a "neshama," a higher soul which is of the same essence as God which gives them religious and philosophical understanding which non-'Jews' cannot attain regardless of whether the 'Jew' is a homosexual or mass murderer for that matter. Non-'Jews' only have a "nefesh" animal soul, according to the teachings of Orthodox Judaism. The Judaic mass murderer Genrikh Yagoda, just by virtue of being born, is a higher spiritual being than St. Francis of Assisi could ever attain to according to master race Orthodox Judaism.

This orthodox teaching of the rabbis of Judaism was indisputably documented centuries ago by the eminent Hebraist, Johannes Eisenmenger in his masterwork Entdecktes Judenthum. His tremendous self-sacrifice for the benefit of Christendom and all common people was suppressed by the Holy Roman Empire and his legacy of unsurpassed scholarship was blackened as 'hate,' for his having exposed the race hate at the core of rabbinic teaching.

Now, here we are centuries later lavishly funding and arming this meshuggah nation of Counterfeit Israel which adheres to that very same racial supremacist teaching which every half-educated person of 'the West' would know had the truth that Eisenmenger labored to bring forth been given its due.

I have news for you friend, the trouble didn't start with the ADL or AIPAC any more than than it started with Vatican II. The privileged and empowered rabbis have had Church and State support in destroying the work and livelihood of opponents to their race-hate institution for centuries which in the minds of most 'enlightened' Western ignoramuses today are misrepresented in hazy, dark hues of savage Christians in Templar outfits pillaging and plundering the ghettos of poor, helpless 'Jews' for no other reason than that 'they were Jews.'

Unburden yourself of these persecution myths, get a proper education in these matters, a sense of honor and get right with God. It's not your destiny to be lorded over by these lunatics.

At a canonization of five saints, Oct, 11, 2009, Benedict wore a mitre bearing large hexagrams and 11 stones on each side. The hexagram 11, and 22 are highly significant in Kabbalah. They have no strong significance in Catholicism that I am aware of. Also, his pallium has 6 Templar crosses on it.

This taken by itself is interesting to me at most. If Benedict was an orthodox pope I might overlook this suspicious almalgam of symbols. But let's look at Benedict's fruits.

On his watch, the rightly blackened legacy of the Templars--a violent group of Zionist international bankers with occult religious practices--was rehabilitated

Benedict was the major player in the rehabilitation of the rightly blackened image of the Zionist state shortly after its savage 22 day-long rampage on Gaza.

Excluding the sodomitical intention it is neither sodomy nor a grave sin if intercourse is begun in a rectal manner with the intention of consummating it naturally or if some sodomitical action is posited without danger of pollution."

Now, if this isn't evidence of talmudic/rabbinic hair-splitting in Catholic teaching, I really don't know what is.

Read the Talmud and what it says about accidental sodomy!

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So, /u/HibikiBlack, what is your take on Francis saying things that go hand-in-hand with what the Talmudics preach?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The last comment sounds rather egotistical. Nobody can win an information warfare all by themselves. And is that what you think you're doing, conducting warfare?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

/u/magnora7, do you have that post on the Vatican owing money to the Rothschilds? Or is this a false memory?

[–]magnora7 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

There were 2 loans, a small first one, then a giant second one. They helped the Vatican retake Italy in the 1850s, from Giuseppe Mazzini's short-lived revolutionary "Roman Republic".

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Interestingly the WIKI for Mazzini states that he was or was not a Freemason. Huh?

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thanks, and Mazzini is connected to Grand Orient Freemasonry in Italy. I know that many of the p2 lodge members who signed an anti-JFK pact with the masonic lodges in the US as did the Likudnik Jewish leaders in Israel, praised Mazzini. So, why would the Rothschilds create the Israel Zionist state for Jews but also help the Vatican to retake Italy from Mazzini? I can only contend it was a simple way to control the Vatican or profit off of the conflict. I know, currently, the Jesuit Pope Jorge Bergoglio is a Zionist and basically reads from a Talmudic script, so something is going on.

All Freemasons are Noahides, the Jesuit pope is preaching the Noahide Laws, as are those behind Trump, Netanyahu, Putin and even the UN now has its own Noahide organization. So, whatever the Vatican is now, it most certainly is not under the control of traditional Catholics. The whole goal of Freemasonry was to subvert the church through unconventional revolutionary means. I remember reading a bunch of articles when Bergoglio was first sworn in where Freemasons praised him. This is odd, considering Freemasons were the enemy of the Church for centuries.

It has been said that the Rothschilds are not considered the King of the Jews but The King of the Kings. I don't know how prominent they are these days, I'm sure they passed their wealth on to other families with similar goals in mind.

[–]magnora7 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So, why would the Rothschilds create the Israel Zionist state for Jews but also help the Vatican to retake Italy from Mazzini?

This is odd, considering Freemasons were the enemy of the Church for centuries.

Enemy of my enemy is my friend, and so on. They probably disliked the Mazzini regime even less than the church at that moment for some reason. It's like how the US arms rebels in Iraq but then also fights rebels in Iraq.

I think the Rothschilds still have control over most central banks from what I understand. They're probably less powerful than they were 50 years ago, but they're still quite powerful. Just read the Balfour declaration (it's 5 sentences long). The creation of Israel from the British Crown was directed to the Rothschilds specifically. And just think about how much influence Israel has over US policy even to this very day.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

EIR should be taken with a grain of salt:

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

But I'll do this... I'll watch the documentaries and get back to you. I do not deny that Rome is anti-Christ but I also observe Talmudics behind Rome. They, Jewish Zionists/Talmudics and Jesuit Rome, not the Traditionalist Catholics who have little power anymore, are making some sort of deal. What is it? I do not know.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Spirituality of what kind?