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[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hjalmar Schacht, in his book, contended that he never knew why Hitler stopped the Haavara agreement, that he himself helped to initiate. Maybe because Hitler realized he was being used? Surely, when we go through the Dur Sturmer articles, papers and comics of the NS, we see not a NS loving Zionism but an NS commically telling Palestinians and the Germans through drawings and 20th century memes that the Zionists will create a swindler state and terrorize the people there. Well that happened! So, Hitler was indeed correct in that prediction.

Moreover, Schacht not being charged for warcrimes as Hitler's initial banker, probably because of his close ties to BIS and International banking, we can observe that he had close ties to British intelligence, as he provided Britain with all the inner workings of Nazi Germany. Hitler then fired Hjalmar Schacht in the late 30's and from that point on the war was initiated by all western powers against Germany. It appears that once Schicklgruber nationalised the Reichsbank, which for 6 years was privatized but regulated to maintain close relations with the NS, a decree of Feder's National socialism, Hitler would be enemy number one to the International bankers and Britain.

The lie is that Hitler was a modern day Zionist like Netanyahu. Certainly, we can compare their tactics but to say, as Bjerknes contends, that Hitler was a Bolshevik and Zionist, like Poale, is such dsinformation. All the evidence in this case proves otherwise.

Hitler was howver, a eugenicist pusher, and like every human fallible and most definitely a warcriminal, as most powers were. But when we dehumanize this man, we forget to look more closely at the causes and minute details of what led to his rise and power.

I did notice that Hitler displayed many Freemasonic handgrips, but I would have to see who he was shaking hands with to be sure. For these secret handshakes might be a mask for another society, sort of like how the Jesuits masked their society for a time with Freemasonic symbolism, despite being agents to Rome and thus enemies of the Freemasons.

But as you've said. He likely played both sides as it was convenient to his nationalist cause. The decree illustrates clearly that he wanted a specific Jew out of Germany. And was fine with bolstering Jewish nationalist as it was a convenient way to kick them out. But I cannot help but question that if he did want all Jews out why did 125,000+ serve for the reich and why were many top German commanders?

We can say for sure Shicklgruber loathed the Bolsheviks, and made it known to the German nation that the threat was Judeo-Bolshevism, though we cannot say that Bolshevism was only a Jewish affair, though communist Jews certainly played a big role. Scholars today will scuff at this, calling it anti-Semitic, but communism most definitely was a threat to Germany. Hitler knew this.

I just think some of Hitler's connections are odd, such as him learning oratory speech presentations by an occultist Jew.