We have never seen anything like this before. This not natural. This is not genetic. I bet there is a direct corelation between the rise of the use of estrogen mimicking compounds used in plastics and homesexuality. Also, the water really is turning the frogs gay. There is so much runoff from chemical agriculture and even the water treatment plants don't get everything out. The animals eat the chemical sprayed foods and it gets in there blood stream. Then you eat the meat or drink the milk and it gets in your blood too. There is also a psycological aspect of it as well. Homosexuality also springs up in prisons. The confinement and being deprived your rights as a free man in a cell wreacks havok on your natural processes. We are all essentially living in a prison right now.
edit: hmm seems google has a tranny on the front page today. hmm uprising at one of the first gay bars right around when plastic use started to become popular.
Chemicals in plastics alter the brains of baby boys, making them "more feminine", say US researchers.
i duckduckgo'd plastic making people gay and this came up
or maybe the azenzkis are behind it...
what another weigh to cause havoc among the gentiles they consider less than cattle, than to promote the evil posion seed of homosexuality into society.
Magnus Hirschfeld: The Origins of the Gay Liberation Movement
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