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[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)


This should put to rest the idiocy I keep seeing over "Corporations".

Just think...this is only Chapter 1, of a book from 1881. That's right...1881.

But we all know it magically "doesn't count", even though it was taught AT HARVARD LAW SCHOOL.

I bet 10-to-1 Vegas Odds I hear ZERO "investigative journalists" that self-proclaim greatness out here EVER speak of ANY of this, even though it is written in black and white.

I would suggest the "BAR", "Law Societies", "Freeman" and "Sovereigns" go ahead and learn to read these crazy books of law.

Also, one final note... The 1871 Act DID NOT make the United States a magically new "Corporation".

Reconstruction" was exactly that...reconstruction [Legal Tender ; Frankfurt Jews among usurious industrialists.] of the ALREADY FUCKING EXISTING CORPORATION, across the top of ALREADY FUCKING EXISTING STATE CORPORATIONS (Plantations, North & South).

Go read the book (or not...nobody ever does) someone tell Hip Hughes to read this, he's alright for a filthy yankee.

--- Captain Slappy

And he's right nobody ever does read any of this. None of it. Instead they listen tl conspiracy theoreticians paied by the CIA, FSB or MOSSAD.

[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

(Corporation codes and Act of 1871)

P. 86 Municipal Corporations Enactment and Contents.

..No particular form of words is necessary to the creation of a municipal corporation, although a particular form of words is generally used for this purpose, the question whether a particular statute creates a municipal corporation is one of legislative intent.

--- anon user

Fictio Legis Neminem Laedit

^ ^ ^ Remember that!!

A corporation is a collection of NATURAL PERSONS, joined together by they voluntary action or by legal compulsion, by or under the authority of an act of the legislature, consisting either of a special charter or of a general permissive statute, to accomplish some purpose, pecuniary, ideal, or GOVERNMENTAL, authorized by the...

It will thus be seen that a corporation is not only a LEGAL ENTITY or ARTIFICIAL PERSON separate and distinct from the NATURAL PERSONS (fascism 4 da lulz) who compose it, but it is also a collection of INDIVIDUALS, and this conception of it is recognized by the courts whenever the FICTION of the LEGAL ENTITY is urged to a purpose NOT WITHIN ITS REASON.

[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Fictio legis neminem laedit is a legal maxim that means fiction in law does not injure anyone. A fiction is an assumption or supposition of law that something which is or can be false is true. A fiction is a rule of law which is assumed to be true. This will not allow disproving something which is false, but not impossible.

Well isn't that just grand /s