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[–]Vigte[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

The populist right-wing movement is the precursor to theocratic fascism, the same way populist leftism is the beginning of globalist communism.

Globalist liberal rhetoric is the tool of the secret left. Conspiracy theory is the language of the secret right.

Don't be a pawn of either side. These are not "our guys".

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm going to up-vote you and all your posts for being a sensible poster and commentator but the hive mind is especially dense! Especially with it being an election year. You can't crack through it with chisel, insults or the truth. I tried and just got called a shill. Some of these mature accounts are truly agents for the hive!

Edit: And the hive has the purpose of achieving what the elite's want of-course.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're starting to get it Vigte. The populist right-wing movement is completely controlled by Zionists and Mossad agents and their staunch enthusiasts, such as Brazil's President and his brother, both fond of the Likudniks and Mossad. The Chabad-Lubavitchers are also staunch promoters of Zionism and a theocratic world government with its headquarters in Jurusalem, which is why this alleged Kushner deal to the Palestinians has been hogwah from the very begining. The goal is the tebuilding of Solomon's Temple, but that's merely the religious materialism of one sect of Zionism and world rule. The reformed sect of Zionists and Orthodox Jews base their identity on race rather than religiom, an ideology which is a fairly new phenenom. It is in thr blood accordig to many well knowm reformed Jews; blood purity as they call it. 16th century inquisitions and the ousting of Marrano crypto-Jew traders within the Jesuit order led to the extreme ethnic blood purity ideology we see today. For the old Christians in the Jesuit movement, blood libels were used to ween out Jews from various Christian movements. Whilst on the other hand many religious Jews and those who were false conversos and true conversos were subsequently marginalized and identified with ethnic traits rather than their religion. The common Jew and the common Christian were totally innocent. But for Spanish and Portuguese inquisitors as well as marrano Jewish bankers and their use of usury and money manipulation, both are at fault and both went on to persecute the other.

What we see today, is much of the same but it looks like the New World order was handed over to Zionists and the right wing movement who use the faux left-wing unipolar NWO to scare people to the right.

This isn't new per say. Devine right to rule or an absolute monarchy has been a system utilized since antiquity. Freemasonic, anti-monarchial socities, such as the Bavarian Illuminati, and orient Freemasonic lodges have sought to stifle this so-called devine right. Freemasonry was benign in origin. For instance, Andrew Jackson was a Freemason and was for the common person in the US, the farmers and the poor. He was an ardent enemy of the anti-masonic party and pro-aristocratic whigs such as Lincoln and Biddle. He ultimately ended the charter of the centralized banking scheme in the US in the 1830's. Unfortunately, the frankfurt school won in the 1960's and nobody had a chance to stop them. Today, we are taught to cheer for those who ruined our country.

Tht being said, it doesn't really matter the ism they choose. As long as money flows, everything will work out for them.