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[–]useless_aether 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

i think trotsky was the only jew among the original bolsheviks, no wonder, the jesuit trained stalin killed him..

from wikipedia:

The book stirred controversy, and many historians criticized it as unreliable in factual data and antisemitic.


He asserts that the anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire were not government-sponsored but spontaneous acts of violence, except for some government culpability in the Pale of Settlement. Solzhenitsyn says that life for Russian Jews was hard but no harder than life for Russian peasants.[1] The second volume covers the post-revolution era up to 1970 when many Jews left Russia for Israel and other western countries.

emphasis mine; not so btw: this shows the zionist nature of communism, which is understandable since both share common roots - the jesuits.


Solzhenitsyn says that the Jews who participated in Russian revolutions were effectively apostates splitting from the spirit of tradition.[1] Solzhenitsyn emphatically denies that Jews were responsible for the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. At the end of chapter nine, Solzhenitsyn denounces "the superstitious faith in the historical potency of conspiracies" that leads some to blame the Russian revolutions on the Jews and to ignore the "Russian failings that determined our sad historical decline."


In the spirit of his 1974 essay "Repentance and Self-Limitation in the Life of Nations",[8] Solzhenitsyn calls for the Russians and Russian Jews alike to take responsibility for the "renegades" in both communities who supported a totalitarian and terrorist regime after 1917. At the end of chapter 15, he writes that Jews must answer for the "revolutionary cutthroats" in their ranks just as Russians must repent "for the pogroms, for...merciless arsonist peasants, for...crazed revolutionary soldiers."


Solzhenitsyn also takes the anti-Communist White Movement to task for condoning violence against Jews and thus undermining "what would have been the chief benefit of a White victory" in the Russian Civil War: "a reasonable evolution of the Russian state."

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ahhh, to say that Trotsky was the only Jew among the Bolsheviks is very ignorant. I have a whole series on all the Jews in the Bolshevik party. Did they make up a majority, no. Did they control the movement, yes, mot definately. They were commissars, controled the Cheka and were in the higest parts of the government.

Read Solzhenitsyn's book, if you refuse to believe me, it is in pdf form. Banned in the US, he also talks about the origins of Zionism as well.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Read his book, he calls on Jews and whites to think about their decisions. Jews were persecuted as well by apostate Jews, but Jews nonetheless. I have a whole post on that too, read them.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

READ ALL PARTS, its a compilation. Trotsky was not the only Jew, far from it.