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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"Fourth Theory" is being supported by "anti-jew nazis),

Dugin has many connections to sects of the theosophical society but he has been a supporter of the World Jewish ogranization of South east asia. Both he and this organization support eurasianism, which would benefit Russia and the BRICS, as well as Israel, if they so choose to break away from the unipolar order that now seems to be on the decline.

If you look into Putin’s background, he was brought into power by a Chabad Lubavitch rabbi, one whom happens to be very close to Kushner and Netanyahu. He also, like the Zionists and WASPS in the US are more than capable of conducting false flags on their own citizens. THe hotel bombings in RUssia was a KGB job and Putin had a hand in this matter.

The alt-right supports Dugin/ For example, the Zionist Jewish reporters of Rebel Media who adore Trump. are supporters of Dugin and Putin oddly enough. I think Putin and the Duginist culture of the alt-right are fronting the faux pro-orthodox christian order, as the faux antithesis of the western backed liberal world order. Dugin is staunchly against the west and its declining morale. But it seems that this decline, i.e., demoralization and ideological subversion has been planned. iIt is quite evient that the media and DoD backed propaganda campaigns as well as a hijacked schooling has led to this decline.

"Fourth Theory" is being supported by "anti-jew nazis),

It is and it isn't. Most of the supporters are Trump supporters and quite Jewish. Go on to places liek who shill for Putin and multilateralism. Alex Jones did the same thing. He made his viewers fear some sort of liberal backed NWO, calling it satanic and embraced Putin.

I believe, from my research, the goal is to collapse the U.S. economy, or at least implode it slowly by capturing european energy market via multilateralism. Keep in mind Netanyahu and the Zionists in Israel made Putin man of the year. So, clearly there are Zionists with different geopolitical agendas, though, the neoconservatives for the most part are also Israel firster Zionists, and probably would work with Russia if it meant increasing the security and geopolitical strength of Israel.

There is clearly a geopolitical relationship with Israel, China and Russia. I believe internationalists in the west are well aware of this new order and are pushing very much for the same goal.

Here is Zbigniew Brzezinski with Alexander Dugin. Dugin is the founder of National Bolshevism, an aid to Putin and an avid supporter of Eurasianism and the 4th political theory. So, he supports communism but also is a Zionist.

Dugin claims that the new order will entail Orthodox Christianity as the principled religion of the world.

Here is Dugin reading Aleister Crowley’s Book of Thelema Liber DCCCXIII, so much for pushing Orthodox Christianity:

Dugin states:

Russia should use its special forces within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism. For instance, provoke “Afro-American racists”. Russia should “introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.”

”we should make the sun rise from the east using our minds!”

Here are two avid Trump supporters and so-called alt-righters, who worked for the Zionist owned ‘Rebel Media’ both Jewish and suppoedly white nationalists who met Dugin and are fans of his theories, odd to say the least. I think Zionists are fronting both sides.–OHvxK4

I believe that the euro-asian Jewish congress has a lot to do with pushing multilateralism and Dugin is often seen here. You also have Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov, claiming that the goal is to ideologically subvert and demoralize the US. And it is an ongoing agenda by these eurasianists, Zionsits, whether Marxist Zionists or neo-conservative (neo-Trotskist) Zionists or Nationalistic theocratic inspired Zionists already in the US government.