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[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (13 children)

Considerable Fluctuation Movements in the 20th Century

Solzhenitsyn assigned special importance to the Soviet Jewish migration during the 1920s from their rural domiciles into the large cities of Russia. Only this made possible their intensified collaboration in the power centers of the new regime. According to Solzhenitsyn in The Jews in the Soviet Union:

The "great exodus" of the Jewish population into the large cities began for several reasons in the earliest years of communist power. Some Jewish authors give these concise descriptions: "Thousands of Jews streamed out of the shtetls and a few cities in the south toward Moscow, Petrograd and Kiev, toward 'a real life.' . . . Starting in 1917 the Jews moved in hordes to Leningrad and Moscow" The Jewish Encyclopedia gives the following numbers: "Hundreds of thousands of Jews moved to Moscow, Leningrad and into other large urban centers. ... In 1920 there lived in Moscow about 28,000 Jews, in 1923 about 86,000, in 1926, according to the Soviet Census, about 131,000, and in 1933 about 226,000."

Jewish-communist authors wrote of about 1 million Jewish settlers in the central cities of the new regime, and that in 1923 "nearly 50% of the entire Jewish population of Ukraine" had moved into the large cities, also into the Russian Federation, into the Transcaucasus region and into Central Asia. Every fifth settler landed in Moscow"

This migration was unleashed not only by the enthusiasm of those Jews for Bolshevism, but certainly also for reasons of simple survival. Because under the Leninist and Trotskyite policy of "war communism," all private business was forbidden, the craftsman was limited in his activity and a new category was created, "persons without rights." Jews too were affected by all this.

Whoever therefore had not struck firm economical roots made sure he vanished into the anonymity of the large cities to follow the new privileged class. Five-sixths of Soviet Jews "selected this path and landed positions in the communist administration and organizations. On the national level, the average percentage of Jews in the communist apparatus in 1925-1926, according to official data, was six times higher than their share of the population."

A Jewish man by the name of Joseph Bikerman wrote in 1923 of his great concern concerning his ethnic countrymen:

The Jew is now to be found everywhere at every level. The Russian sees him at all points: at the top of the heap in the ancient capital of Moscow and in the other capital on the Neva [St. Petersburg] as well as in the Red Army. . . . Russian people see the Jews now in the function of both judge and executioner. He finds Jews at every step and turn, Jews who are not communists but were just as poor as he still is, but who now have the last word and are advancing Soviet power.

This development was furthered from the beginning of the revolution by its merciless fight against the bourgeoisie the aristocrats, government officials and military officers under the czar, and the entire Russian intelligentsia [educated class], which persecution went so far as denying any entrance into higher education to their children. Thus the Jews created for themselves a huge privilege: Since this subpopulation "was persecuted under the czarist government," it obtained — even for its own bourgeoisie — unrestricted acceptance into universities, and this ensured that they were qualified thereafter for executive functions within all the activities of the state. The Russian proletarian intellectuals lost out to a large extent. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits:

Now that there were no more restrictions according to ethnicity for admission to the universities, ... in the academic year 1926/27 Jews constituted 15.4% of all the students in the USSR, a portion nearly twice as high as that of the Jews in the entire urban population of the country.

This encyclopedia avoided comparing this percentage to the 1.7-1.8% of Jew in the overall Soviet population.

Many Jews consoled themselves with the idea that instead of taking the dangerous and strenuous road of Zionism with Theodor Herzl and Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky they could, as Solzhenitsyn puts it, "rather immediately get a backbone in Russia, and not just an equal footing, but become a privileged nation."

It is noteworthy that their activism for Bolshevism, with all its consolations, as they recognized and admitted early on, "granted them privileged status," and they claimed this for themselves and their brethren for then and for the future as something natural. Equal rights with others were not to their taste; there had to be privileges. Lenin had provided these to them, but Stalin buried all that under his arbitrary rule.

The "privileging" of the Jews brought with it, among other things, the phenomenon that, as Solzhenitsyn says in The Jews in the Soviet Union:

[I]ncessantly, Jewish relatives streamed into proximity with those who had posts in the power structure of Bolshevism and concomitantly all advantages in practical life, particularly in the capitals with their many apartments and houses from which the owners had fled.

Participation in the Red Army

The founders of the Red Army in 1918 were Leon Trotsky, E.M. Sklyansky and Jacob Sverdlov. Their religion and ethnicity as well as their proletarian class connection ensured that Bolshevik command personnel, from the very beginning, showed to a large extent homogeneous ancestral traits, and these provided a certain guarantee for anti-czarist, anti-Orthodox Christian, and anti-Russian culture and tradition. Not only did many Jews fight in their ranks, but even an all- Jewish Joseph Furman brigade and other special Jewish units were created. Solzhenitsyn tells us:

In the command structure of the Red (worker-and-farmer) Army, Jewish cadres became ever more numerous and more powerful over time, and this continued after the civil war for many long years. Several Jewish authors and encyclopedias have treated the collaboration of Jews inmilitary leadership. The Israeli researcher Aaron Abra-movich created in the 1980s his own detailed lists of names of Jews, based on numerous Soviet publications such as the book Fifty Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR (published by the Soviet Historical Encyclopedia) and a collection "Directives of the Front Commands of the Red Army"; these lists consisted of Jews only who had occupied leading positions in the Red Army, beginning with the civil war and through World War II. 123 By order of Leon Trotsky, front commands were formed with appropriate staffs and new armies, and in nearly all the military revolutionary councils of the front commands and armies, Jews were represented.

Solzhenitsyn cites from various Jewish authors and mentions a long list of the names and functions of Army and division commanders and war commissars with the divisions:

Brigade commanders, brigade commissars, regimental and sectional commanders, directors of political departments, chairmen of military revolutionary tribunals. The proportion of Jews as political officers was particularly high in all branches of the Red Army

An Israeli researcher published statistics on the basis of the data contained in the census of 1926:

"Jewish writers often strive to represent Jewish Chekists as the "purge victims of Stalin " and to minimize their own participation in the 'Red Terror, ' although their role was very important "

Jewish men represented at that time 1.7% of the total male population of the USSR. . . . 2.1% of the officers who fought in actual combat were Jews. . . . 4.4%) in command positions were Jewish. . . . 10.3%) Jews among political officers and 18.6% of the Army surgeons were Jewish.

The Russian Jewish Encyclopedia augments and further describes much data by Abramovich. Thus certain "unusual women" are also named who assumed "command functions " among other things as heads of revolutionary committees, political departments, in Army operational staffs and military sections. Solzhenitsyn reveals his contempt for them, since they were active in implementing the "Red Terror." One of these Furies he describes, Rebecca Plastinina Maisel from the revolutionary committee of the Archangel government, "shot with her own hands 100 human beings . . . and belonged in the 1940s to the highest court of justice of the RSFSR (Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic)."

An Israeli historian confirms that the penetration of the high command structures of the Red Army by Jews, which existed from the beginning, still continued in the 1930s.

They were numerous particularly in the military revolutionary council, in the headquarters of the People's Commissariat for Defense, in the general staff and so forth. The same applies to the military districts, the armies, corps, divisions, brigades and all troop units. From the beginning, Jews occupied high positions in the political agencies. 127

Jewish writers born long after the events often strive to represent Jewish Chekists as the "purge victims of Stalin" and to minimize their own participation in the "Red Terror,"although their role was still very important "even in the 1940s in the enforcement organs, and only in the postwar years, when they fell victim to Stalin's "anti-cosmopolitan" campaign, were their numbers reduced."

While the yearbook Jewish World confesses that during the war "over 100 Jewish generals belonged to the Red Army," and ignores all but 17 "arbitrarily selected names," among them not one infantry general. It lists, "as a bad joke," with those 17 names, the Jewish major general in charge of the technical service of the Gulag, Frenkel Naphtali Aronovich.

A further Jewish anthology confirmed yet more names from the postwar period.

[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (12 children)

Solzhenitsyn says in The Jews in the Soviet Union:

Of course, the egregious failure in these works was not to have mentioned the super-general, Levi Mekhlis, who from 1937-1940 was Stalin's closest and most trusted friend and, starting in 1941 again became the head of the PURKKA, the political head office of the Red Worker and Farmer Army. Ten days after the beginning of the war, it was he who had a dozen Soviet generals arrested at the highest levels of the command structure at the western front — to say nothing of his retaliatory actions during the Finnish war and later at Kerch in Ukraine.

Fifteen more names of Jewish generals are added by the Little Jewish Encyclopedia: 1976-2005, Jerusalem, Vol. 1, p. 686). All this, however, is still far exceeded by a more recent Jewish author, who arrived at a total figure of 270 Jewish generals and admirals in the Red Army, which included also those promoted during the war to these ranks. These are not only "not a few" — this number is colossal!

Listed are also four wartime people's commissars: be- sides Kaganovich, also Boris Vannikov (in charge of ammunition manufacturing), Simeon Ginsburg (construction department) and Isaac Salzman (tank production).

In addition, there were some Jewish heads of the military administrations of the Red Army, four army commanders, and the commanders of 23 corps, 72 divisions and 102 brigades. "In no other Allied army, not even in the American, did Jews hold such high positions as they did in the Soviet army," writes Dr. Y. Arad.

To speak of a pushing-out of Jews from high positions of power during the war would be wrong. And in the Soviet everyday life of that time as well, no such displacement became apparent.

The Israeli Encyclopedia confirms that in the USSR, in comparison with other ethnicities, "the Jews represented a disproportionately high portion of higher officers, primarily because among them a much higher percentage consisted of people with a university education."

Y. Arad notes: "During the war, the number of commissars and political workers in the various departments of the army who were Jewish was relatively higher than in other fields of activity."

According to the newspaper Unity of Feb. 24, 1945 (nearly at the end of the war), 63,374 Jews were distinguished with a medal or medals for bravery and heroism in the fight, and 59 Jews became "Heroes of the Soviet Union." Yet by 1963, according to the Yiddish-language newspaper/ me Vaser, "Voice of the People" (Warsaw), 160,772 Jews were awarded a medal or medal, and there were 108 "Heroes of the Soviet Union."

In the beginning of the 1990s, an Israeli author published a list with names and data of recipients of this high award, claiming 135 Jewish "Heroes of the Soviet Union" and 12 Jews who received the "Medal of Fame" in all three categories. The same data is also found in the three-volume work Descriptions of Jewish Heroism.

The newest number of Jews who were distinguished for special achievements in combat with Soviet medals is, however, 123, 822. 136 But this is not all. Solzhenitsyn says:

Many Jews dedicated themselves to the construction of all kinds of weapons and war technology, tool-making, aircraft, tank and ship construction, scientific research, the building and the development of industrial enterprises, power supply, metal production and transportation. For work for the front 180,000 Jews received decorations Two hundred of them received the Order of Lenin.

Joachim Hoffmann supplements this enumeration:

"Major General Abakumov, who had surrounded himself with a whole group of Jewish collaborators, was a close and trusted friend of Beria; Abakumov was described by the NKVD's General Sudoplatov as 'a Jew by birth.' He was one of the chief executives responsible for the tremendous crimes of the NKVD/MVD. General Reichmann of the NKVD was praised by Etchov in the 1930s while head of the Kharkov administrative area of the NKVD, was infamous for his special brutality. In 1940 he played a key role in the Katyn shooting of the Polish officers who were prisoners of war.

Twice decorated "Hero of the Soviet Union," Army General Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky, as the commander-in-chief of the Belarussian front, was responsible for atrocities against the civilian population and German prisoners of war in East Prussia. The list could go on and on and on.


Born Herschel Yehuda, as early as 1920 he was already in the Presidium alongside Cheka director Felix Dzherzhinsky. By 1924 he was a leader of the Cheka and the GPU. Between 1 934 and 1 936 he was the People's Commissar of the Interior. One of his famous quotes was: "The bullet is the very best means of struggle against the class enemy!" His hated "class enemies" were the medium and large farmers (the "kulaks") and also "suspicious ones," "counter-revolutionaries" (Russians, Ukrainians, Caucasians and members of other races). He had arranged for the cadre chiefs on almost all levels of the state organs of enforcement to be vengeance-seeking co-religionists. "They craved revenge, revenge on everyone: on aristocrats, the rich, the Russians— the main thing was revenge." He disposed of "troops for special use," availed himself of bestial methods of overwork and starvation, and exploited the outlaw status of former citizens with assassination and poison. He also counterfeited foreign currencies. On March 15, 1938, after his "confession" in a show trial, the "very best means" of class warfare was inflicted on him on Stalin's order. It was under Yagoda's substantial co-responsibility, and as a consequence of "war communism," that just in the hunger winter of 1921-22, approximately 5 million human beings perished. Over the course of the forced collectivization of agriculture, it was his responsibility as the People's Commissar of the Interior that another 6 million human beings died.

[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (11 children)


Levi "Lev" Mekhlis was an early defector from the Zionist Poale Zion to the Central Committee's Organization Bureau, to Stalin's Secretariat as well as to the editorial board of Pravda. He replaced J.B. Gamarnik, who committed suicide on June 1, 1937, as the head and "Army Commissar, First Rank" of the Main Political Administration of the Red Army, where he was responsible for political commissars. Mekhlis was promoted thereafter to first place, representing the People's Commissariat of State Control and was also Deputy People's Commissar for Defense of the Nation. He was the organizer of the terror against the Red Army. As one of very few, this "purge" accomplice survived the Soviet dictator's liquidations, which ripped 35,000 officers (1 937-1 938) out of the Red Army. That was about half of the Soviet officer corps. The navy did not escape unscathed either. The destruction rate rose with the rank of the victim, and attained 80% of colonels and 90% of the generals. Mekhlis' most prominent victim was the deputy people's commissar for defense, Marshal Tukhachevsky. With his battle cry "death to the fascist worms," he ordered the commissar under him in 1941 to murder German prisoners of war. In the New Encyclopedia of Jewry, Bertelsmann Publishing House, Gutersloh-Munich 1992, the perpetrator Levi Mekhlis isn't even mentioned.

Jewish Commissars Were No German Invention

The proofs to which Solzhenitsyn refers for the far above average percentage of Jewish leaders in the Bolshevik terror in comparison with the total population of Russia are almost exclusively taken from Jewish sources. This is a welcome procedure because it extracts him from any credible reproach of "antisemitism" or basic one-sidedness on this subject.

Here we limit ourselves to a selection of Solzhenitsyn 's general conclusions in order to avoid being crushed by the multiplicity of Jewish commissar names and functions, promotions and transfers to new responsibilities:

It is beyond all doubt that in the party called "the Bolsheviks" and in all the other parties that contributed so much to the success of the revolution — the Mensheviks, Social Revolutionaries and others — Jews represented a far higher percentage than their proportion of the population of Russia. . . . References to the lack of civil rights of the Russian Jews before the February Revolution . . . give no exhaustive answer by itself to this phenomenon.

The majority of the Russians, from the simple man from the people to the highest-ranking general, were stunned just to look at all these new orators and leaders of demonstrations and meetings, these persons who now had the final say and abruptly appeared so different from their leaders in former times.

The very trick many of these people used of exchanging their real [Jewish] names with Russian-sounding aliases and thus misleading the citizenry — mostly the Russians — as Solzhenitsyn explains, "greatly vexed them even in the early months after the February Revolution against the Jews. . . . Now a wave of popular anger swept over the Jews."

From Solzhenitsyn 's The Jews in the Soviet Union:

Before our eyes the most primal antisemitism is re-born. . . . One need only listen [in Petrograd] to discussions on the streetcars, in the lines before various businesses or in any of the innumerable spontaneous demonstrations at every intersection The Jews are accused of supremacism in politics, and it is said that they were bringing all the parties and the Soviets under their thumb, even destroying the army. 142 ... It is said even of the Executive Committee in Petrograd that it is infiltrated by Jews.

Even if Solzhenitsyn stresses that the October Revolution should be attributed to Russians as such "despite the over-all guidance by Trotsky" and the energetic assistance of others — since Lenin is considered to be clearly Russian 144 — this does not weaken the details that follow:

Jewish military men played an important role in both the preparation and execution of the armed rebellion of October 1917 in Petrograd and in other cities of the country and also in the final crushing of the mutinies and armed resistance against the new Soviet regime.

The resolution to launch the Bolshevik uprising of Oct. 10, 1917 was made by 12 men, half of whom were Jews: Trotsky (founder of the Red Army), Zinoviev (later chairman of the Communist Internationale, the "Comintern," Kamenev (a member of the CC and the Politburo), Sverdlov (director of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee), Uritsky (commissar of the Extraordinary Staff of the Petrograd military district, murdered shortly thereafter) and Sokolnikov. In the Politburo that was soon to be elected they were reunited, with the exception of Sverdlov and Uritsky.

The "Jewish question" ranked ten times higher than issues affecting farmers even at this first congress [of the Soviets on October 27, 1917], which was supposed to be a congress of workers and deputies of the peasants, and which had issued various decrees about peace and land.

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

Lenin himself referred to this circumstance:

What rendered a large service to the revolution was the fact that because of the war a significant number of Jews, who belonged to the mid-level intelligentsia, had relocated to the large Russian cities. Only because of this reserve of well-trained and more or less prudent and intelligent new civil servants could we succeed in taking over the state apparatus thoroughly remaking it.

And Solzhenitsyn adds:

From the first day, the Bolsheviks brought Jews into the Soviet power apparatus — some in directing positions, others as implementers It was in any case a mass phe- nomenon. Thousands of Jews streamed [in late 1917 and in 1918] into the Bolshevik ranks, since they saw in them the most decisive representatives of revolution, the most reliable internationalists, and they formed the majority of the lower layers of the party structure.

The creation of a Jewish commissariat in 1918 reflected this. It was designed to become a center for the Jewish communist movement. 150 Its task consisted of putting the new urban Jews into the service of communism and smashing all the old organizational structures of conservative Jewry in Russia. The consequence was that an important segment of their leaders crossed over to the Bolsheviks.

Stalin later ordered the cruel persecution of these same leaders. But as early as 1920 the Jewish-dominated Cheka presidium prohibited all Zionist [i.e. "striving for a Jewish homeland in Palestine"] organizations as "counterrevolutionary" and locked up all the participants in the spring 1920 All-Russian Zionist Conference in Moscow.

In the widely cast demonization campaign of the Bolsheviks, which targeted the aristocracy, the rich, state officials, the "hired hands of capitalism " officers, priests, monks, nuns, farmers (the "kulaks") and all the other "auxiliaries of czarism ," the once lowly Jews ended up as the only category that did not make the list. And so they could give the new "purgers" a boost, which however came across to others, who knew them as a previously outcast people, as overzealous and unscrupulous. This is how they acted. It may be that they encountered the other, the goyim, dehumanizing him because of the tenets of their religion, preserved among themselves, however, an unusual level of co-operation.

So it was surely no coincidence that the secret services Cheka and GPU, brutal from the outset and given unrestricted authority, used Jewish regional directors (primarily in Petrograd, Moscow, Odessa and Kiev) to implement force to an extraordinary extent, aside from the Pole Felix Dzerzhinsky, who had undergone 1 1 years of czarist banishment.

An investigation published in 1999 in Moscow revealed:

In Kiev, Isaac Schwartz assumed the direction of the 10-member Kiev Cheka collective. Initially seven of its members were Jewish. The Cheka personnel in Ukraine — with Ukrainians being 80% of the population — was 75% of Jewish origin.

If as late as 1934, with a Jewish population percentage of approximately 2%, fully 39%) of the top officials of the secret services came from Jewish families — yet from Russian families only 36% — history is entitled to speak of a Jewish supremacy in the secret services. This supremacy was smashed only by Stalin [Solzhenitsyn adds that on January 1, 1938 their percentage was 27% and on July 1, 1939 a mere 4%.— Ed.].

And who were its victims? Solzhenitsyn says:

. . . [T]he innumerable shooting victims, those who were sunk in whole ships, the hostages and prisoners . . . the officers were Russians, the nobles were Russians, the zemstvo members were Russians, and the farmers who did not want to go into the Red Army and were dragged out of the forests, Russians.

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

Bela Kun

Pictured here is Bela Kun (the former Aaron Cohn, a Hungarian national). He proclaimed the dictatorship of the proletariat on March 21, 1919 in Budapest. After the bloody rule and collapse of his Soviet republic on August 1 , 1 91 9, he went to Russia and took part (after 1 920) as a member of the Revolutionary War Council in the Russian civil war and spent many years participating in Bolshevik "purges," to which, just in the Crimea, 60,000-70,000 people fell victim. In 1935 he rose to become a delegate to the Comintern— and on November 30, 1939 was himself executed.

Jewish Commissars: Continued

Even the intelligentsia [well-educated class] that was opposed to antisemitism, as well as of course the members of the Orthodox church, were Russian. Besides this, all active anti-Semites were considered outlaws, i.e. they could be shot out of hand, "they too all being Russians." 157 Even Pravda published an appeal by the workers in Arkhangelsk:

Everywhere we see that only the Russian-Orthodox churches are being defiled, desecrated and robbed, but not the Jewish synagogues. . . . Deaths by hunger and disease carry off hundreds of thousands of innocent Russian lives, but the Jews do not die of hunger and disease.

Solzhenitsyn elaborates in his The Jews in the Soviet Union:

In the USSR the persecution inflicted on Christians exceeded anything that ever happened in the past in both cruelty and extent. However one may not burden this entirely on the Jews, but their influence may not be played down either.

In the eyes of the Whites [the right-wing anti-Bolsheviks] all this promptly and naturally revealed authentic proof of the fusion of Jewry and the Bolsheviks.

Even observers from America paid tribute to the dynamic role of the Jews in Bolshevism. ... In the upward momentum of the October phase many Jews still spoke with proudly erect heads of their activities for Bolshevism. . . . The participation of the Jews in the revolution and in the civil war went even beyond their extraordinary participation in the government; it was far more extensive even than that."

Inadvertently a photo taken at a meeting of the presidium of the Petrograd Soviet after the October Revolution was published. Jews formed the absolute majority at the presidium table.

In retrospect, one may use the words of the Zionist Arno Lustiger:

It is no injustice to identify Bolshevism with the Jews. Three of five members of the "Committee for the Revolutionary Defense of Petrograd" were Jews: Uritsky, Goldstein and Drabkin. The chairman of the Soviet there was Trotsky, later Zinoviev and Uritsky, all Jews. Of the eight members of the "Revolutionary War Council of the Republic," five are Jews: Trotsky, Sklyansky, Gussiev, Kamenev and Unshlikht. The first head of state of the Soviet republic was Jacob Sverdlov, a Jew.

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

Solzhenitsyn says:

"the role of the Jews was particularly remarkable in the agencies responsible for the food supply."

According to Solzhenitsyn, they implemented directives such as these:

Food requisitioning must be carried out without consideration for the consequences, including the seizure of all the entire grain in a village. The producer is only allowed the hunger ration. In putting together the units that requisitioned the farmers' food they hired former criminal offenders and antisocial elements who had no problem with beating the farmers. 164 The all too open participation of the Jews in the Bolshevik fury directs the eyes of the Russians and of the whole world upon us.

I.O. Levin affirmed in his writings on the communist revolutions in Hungary and Bavaria after WWI that the flood of Jews into the Bolshevik camp had hardly anything to do with any preceding suffering. Solzhenitsyn explains:

In both countries the number of Jews who took part in the Bolshevik regime was enormous. In Bavaria, we find among the commissars the Jews Levine, Levien, Axelrod, the anarchist ideologue Landauer and Ernst Toller. . . . In Hungary Jews represented up to 95% of the leaders in the Bolshevik movement. . . . The legal status of the Jews was excellent in Hungary. For a long time there had been no legal restrictions. On the contrary, the Jews enjoyed a position that could tempt anti-Semites to speak of Jewish supremacy in the cultural and economic life of Hungary.

One should add that these were the conditions in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy of the time, and similar conditions also prevailed to a large extent in Imperial Germany. . . .

Josef Stalin, Vladimir Lenin and Mikhail Kalinin

(photo from the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, March 1919). The second party program, adopted at its 8th Congress, was aimed at "the maximum centralization of production, simultaneously striving to establish a unified economic plan." In their commentary on this program, Bukharin and Preobrazhensky explained what lay behind this phrase. They stated that under communism, "society will be transformed into a huge working organization for cooperative production. There will then be neither disintegration of production nor anarchy of production....

No longer will one enterprise compete with another; the factories, workshops, mines and other productive institutions will all be subdivisions, as it were, of one vast people's workshop, which will embrace the entire national economy of production This is how the organization of communist production will be effected." In other words, Big Brother would control everything.

Jewish Commissars: Continued Two

Solzhenitsyn recognized the international situation correctly in his remarks regarding the Zionists of the east coast of the U.S., who, independent of Russian events, used their power in 1 9 1 9 at the Versailles "peace treaty" — which they ignored — to set forth to bring all Western traditions crashing down. His comments:

That which united all those insurgent — and also many Jews on the other side of the ocean — was a sudden flaming up of unchecked revolutionary internationalist fervor, a stormy urge for revolution that they wanted to carry out as a "world revolution" or even "permanent revolution."

The rapid advancement of the Jews in the Bolshevik administration naturally did not remain unnoticed among Jews in Europe and in the U.S. and called forth, shamefully, nothing but joyful approval.

Solzhenitsyn wrote, referring to Jewish sources, once again on the immigrants from the US: "Especially the many Jews . . . these people displayed a brutality and rigorousness in Russia with their repressive measures against the middle class [that provoked discussion even in the U.S. Senate — Ed.]:

They only speak the Russian language badly. The people over whom they had seized power was strange to them, and they behaved like conquerors in a defeated country. Whereas in czarist Russia, Jews were not given any important positions, and schools and the civil service were closed to them, there were Jews everywhere in the Soviet republics in every committee and commissariat. Often they changed their Jewish names into Russian ones. But this masquerade could not deceive anybody. Vol. II, Jews in the Soviet Union, p. Ill]

Solzhenitsyn also refers to an article by the then war minister of the British Cabinet, Winston Churchill of February 1920 in The London Illustrated Sunday Herald:

And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underground of the great cities of Europe and America has gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and has become practically the undisputed master of that enormous [Russian] empire.

In this connection, Solzhenitsyn mentions that the British intervention troops in the Baku area "shot 26 Bolshevik commissars on September 20, 1918 in Baku in the desert on the Caspian Sea, without this exciting the slightest interest on the part of the world public."

It never bothered the many humanitarian moral apostles of the Western world that "the English were in a hurry to occupy the oil fields of Baku." The authors of the anthology Russia and Russian Jewry, G. Aronson and I.M. Bikermann, confessed in 1924 their worry:

Naturally it is clear that not all Jews are Bolsheviks, and not all Bolsheviks are Jews, but it does not take long to prove how excessively, and above all how over-zealously, Jews took part in the abuse of the half-dead Russia by the Bolsheviks. . . . The Russian people have never before experienced Jews in power. Now, however, one experiences them at every step and turn, and their power is brutal and unlimited One must understand the psychological reaction of the Russians when they feel themselves suddenly exposed to the power of this whole rotten scum, with its arrogance and crudity, its self-centeredness and churlish behavior.

When in 1929 the forced collectivization of agriculture was introduced, which led to at least 6 million dead by programmed famine, although it was ordered by Stalin it was carried out by a variegated team of Jewish communist executioners. Solzhenitsyn tells us in The Jews in the Soviet Union:

In the national planning authority "Gosplan'' Stalin maintained the previous Jewish majority. Of course J. Larin was among them, [the founder of the economics of "war communism" — Ed.] and one of the leading lights and theoreticians of collectivization. Levi Krizman began functioning in 1928 as the director of the Agricultural Institute and from 1931-1933 he was the Deputy Chairman of the Gosplan. . . .

Jacob-Levi-Epstein was the head of the People's Agricultural Commissariat. . . . Afterward [around the end of of 1929] he led the "Great Reform" the collectivization attack, which affected millions, along with the eager fill- fillers of his plan.

[He] belonged, together with M. Kalmanovich to the highest Government Council for Work and Defense (whose composition is nearly completely mentioned with Stalin, Molotov, Mikoyan, Orjonikidse and Voroshilov).

S. Margolina writes in her book Das Ende der Liigen [The End of the Lies — Ed.]:

Besides this, at the end of the 1920s not a few Jewish communists began showing up for the first time out in the flat country as military commanders and as lords of life and death. It was only over the course of the collectivization that the picture of the Jew as the hated enemy of the farmer was formed — even in areas where no one had ever previously seen a Jew face-to-face.

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

Solzhenitsyn takes a stand against the view that it there was merely a Jewish "layer of implementers" and stresses instead that "Jews also belonged in no small measure to the dominant class of that time," which, after 1937/38, and centered in the large cities, kept the whole enormous country under lock and key, ever forgetting to put forth that the exponent of their idea, Karl Marx, was "the creative genius behind the ideas for the communist liberation of mankind."

The "pitiless and disastrous" Lazar Kaganovich, a member after 1930 of the Politburo and head of the Central Committee's Control Commission, and after the mid-19308 CC Secretary, was co-responsible for the forced collectivization of agriculture and for the great purges of 1934-1938.

Solzhenitsyn says that:

"outside of Stalin, he was the only one at this height."

175 His three brothers in high positions also received Solzhenitsyn's mention. The press, the political administration of the Red Army and the guidance of the Komsomol [the communist youth organization] lay in Jewish hands.

The eight Jewish people's commissars in 1936 were also not forgotten:

  • Maxim Litvinov = people's commissar of the exterior;

  • Genrikh Yagoda = people's commissar of the interior (1934 -1936; shot on March 15, 1938 in Moscow);

  • Nicolas Y. Yeshov = people's commissar of the interior after September 27, 1936. His deputy, M. Berman, remained at the same time the head of the national punishment camp administration, the Gulag. His staff of collaborators was ethnically as one may expect. Yeshov was liquidated at the end of of 1938; his successor was Beria.

  • Lazar Kaganovich = people's commissar for railways;

  • A. Rosenholts = people's commissar for foreign trade;

  • I.J. Weizer = people's commissar for domestic trade;

  • M. Kalmanovich = people's commissar for the sovkhoses (state properties);

  • L.J. Lyubimov = people's commissar for light industry;

  • G. Kaminsky = people's commissar for the health service;

  • S. Belenky = chairman of the Committee for Soviet Control.

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

As Solzhenitsyn says in The Jews in the Soviet Union:

We find many Jewish names in the same cabinet on the level of the different Deputy People's Commissars for finances, radio and telecommunication systems, railways, river transport, agriculture, forestry, foodstuffs, education and law. The most important deputy people's commissars were Y. Gamarnik (defense), A. Gurevich (who made a crucial contribution to the setting-up of the metallurgical industry in the USSR) and Simeon Ginsburg (heavy industry, later people's commissar for the building industry, then for armaments factories.

Solzhenitsyn also found many Jews in leading positions locally: for example, working as first secretaries on the area committee ruling the Volga Germans and on regional committees in the Far East. 177 Two hundred thousand starving, poorly clothed workers were used to enlarge the Kusnezker Kombinat [Kusnezker Collective Combine, in the Urals — Ed.]. The control of this hell was in the hands of S. Frankfuter and then I. Epstein.

Bolshevik Uprisings in Post-WWI Germany

At the Comintern congresses in Moscow one met the elite of the Jewish communists of Soviet Russia." (More than one page of names follows in Solzhenitsyn 's book of Jewish names from Russia and numerous other countries.)

Motto of the Comintern chairman Zinoviev: "It is not crucial whether we hang the class enemies illegally or legally. 178 . . . The communist parties and also the secret apparatus of the Comintern were substantially shaped by Eastern European "Red assimilators" in a whole set of countries.

When in 1919 the leaders of the KPD [the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands, "Communist Party of Germany" — Ed.], namely Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, were murdered after their failed Spartacist uprising, their successor was Paul Levi. August Thalheimer took over the editorship of Die Rote Fahne ("The Red Flag"); its editorship was "mainly Jewish." [Jewish Bolshevism — Myth and Reality, p. 165] Adolf Yoffe, the first Soviet ambassador to Berlin, made his Central European location into "the headquarters of the revolution." ["Jewish Bolshevism— Myth and Reality," p. 127]

Leo Flieg ran until 1932 the secretariat of the "Org" office of the CC of the KPD, and at the same time administered, as an agent of the Comintern, the financing in the millions of revolution that flowed from Moscow to the Soviet embassy in Berlin, as Solzhenitsyn points out, "for the setting up of a Red Army arranged into proletarian 'hundreds' [groups of 100, a concept from ancient Rome], designed to conquer power in Germany according to a guerrilla concept." 180

All of them were ethnic foreigners, just as were the KPD Comintern comrades Ruth Fischer, Heinz Neumann and, among others, Arkadi Maslov (born Isaac Chemeringsky in Russia) of the German CC and Politburo. The same is true of the internationally operating communist press baron Willi Miinzenberg, the GPU boss for Western Europe Ignaz Reiss and the "Red Chapel" boss Leopold Trepper, who, out of his Brussels location, ran Moscow's European espionage operations and prepared himself early on for his future tasks in World War II.

His confession:

"I became a communist because I am a Jew."

As Solzhenitsyn tells us in his The Jews in the Soviet Union:

At the beginning of 1919 the communist "Councils" (in German, Rate), led mainly led by Jews in Berlin and Munich, carried out their first armed rebellions and, in the KPD at that time, the portion of Jewish activists was disproportionately high, although the Jewish municipality did not particularly support this party . . . .

The rebellion in Munich was led by a Jew with a bohemian exterior, the theater critic Kurt Eisner. He was murdered. . . .

G. Landauer, Ernst Toller, E. Muhsam and O. Neurath pro- claimed their new government of leftist Jewish intellectuals in Munich the "Bavarian Soviet Repub- lic." One week later this "republic" fell to a still more radical group,which proclaimed itself the "Second Bavarian Soviet Republic," at the head of which stood one Eugene Levine. . . .

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

The fact that the leaders of these communist rebellions, suppressed by the army and the volunteer Freikorps, had been Jews was one of the most important causes for the revival of political anti-Semitism in the Germany of the [post-WWI] revolutionary period.

In any case, members of this minority of 0.7% of the German population became 10% of the KPD parliamentary group in the German parliament, the Reichstag, by 1925.

This supplemented the significant effect of American Jewry on Germany as part of the Versailles policies of the WWI victors after 1919. One may note the word "revival," meaning that there was no serious political antisemitism in the imperial (Kaiser) Germany of 1870-1918.

What Solzhenitsyn forgot to mention was that from the outset the CPSU and the Comintern, under the direction of Grigory Zinoviev, affected incessantly the revolts after 1918 in Central Europe with organizational assistance, personnel and weapons. (Of Zinoviev, ne Radomyslsky, Solzhenitsyn comments "only thieves concealed their names and used pseudonyms.")

By 1923, Zinoviev had already picked out, according to Solzhenitsyn, "the future cabinet members of Soviet Germany. A significant group was selected from among various Russian Soviet functionaries, which were to be the core of the future German Soviet of People's Commissars. He listed the economic cadres . . . the military ... the Comintern functionaries and some leading GPU coworkers.

Pravda published almost at the same time [1923] some poetic verses about a Germany in flames."

And this nameless chosen one, at that time among the revolutionaries on the Bolsheviks' Central Committee enunciated calmly the following "modest" objective at the Xlth Party Congress of the CPSU (from March 27-April4, 1922):

We possess the monopoly on legality. We have refused political liberty to our opponents. We do not permit anyone who wants to compete with us to legally exist. . . . The dictatorship of the proletariat is — as Comrade Lenin says — a very cruel thing. In order to ensure the victory of the dictatorship of the proletariat, we cannot avoid the need to snap the spines of all opponents of this dictatorship.

Solzhenitsyn then swivels over to Hungary, a country of which he notes: "The Jews had lived substantially more prosperously than other Eastern European co-religionists and had enjoyed substantially more success in their careers in Hungarian society" This, Solzhenitsyn points out, would have been some- thing to appreciate about the tolerant Austro-Hungarian monarchy:

The Jews had played a very considerable role in the revolutionary uprisings in Russia and Germany, but their role in Hungary was truly a leading one. ... Of the 49 people's commissars, fully 3 1 were Jews; the primary per- son among them was Bela Kun, the minister of foreign affairs who was in fact the head of the government; one and a half years later [after the collapse of his uprising in Hungary and his departure] he was to inundate the Crimea with blood.

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)


Kalinin was an early and close collaborator with Lenin and Stalin. He defended Germany— propagandistically for strictly tactical reasons— against the Versailles Treaty, which violated international law. He served from 1919 until his death in 1946 as Soviet head of state, president of the Executive Committee of the CPSU and (beginning in 1938) was chairman of the Executive Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. He was among the co-signatories of the order to shoot the 15,000 captured Polish officers in April - May 1940. In 1945, the German provincial capital of East Prussia, Koenigsberg, was renamed Kaliningrad after this Russian collaborator in Bolshevik crimes.

Emigration — Between the Wars

Among the 1.16 million Russian emigrants who escaped the civil war conditions that existed after 1917 were more than 200,000 Jews. Of them, most turned to Poland, Germany and France for refuge while some sought admission into Palestine, the U.S., Canada and the countries of South America. They did not play their own independent political role, but instead were integrated into the general trends coming out of New York that were steered by international Zionism.

While one important participant in the creation of the Red Army, E. M. Sklyansky, built up a reputation in Moscow as "the greatest of the diamond dealers," Mrs. Zinoviev, Slata Bernstein-Lilina, attempted unsuccessfully a border crossing into Lithuania; the would-be emigre was carrying "jewels valued at several tens of thousands of millions of rubles [several billion dollars — Ed]."

The comment of Solzhenitsyn:

"With all this, we are still attached to the legend that the first revolutionary leaders were self-less idealists."

In the Western world, in the meantime, equating Bolshevism with Jewry was becoming "the usual European thinking of the time," as Solzhenitsyn put it.

Perhaps in 1922 Dr. Pasmanik was too hasty in his opinions, but he wrote:

In the whole civilized world, in all nations and the members of all social classes and political parties, the belief has become stronger that the Jews have played a crucial role in the emergence of Bolshevism and all its formations. Our personal experience has showed us the fact that not only avowed anti-Semites are attached to this opinion but . . . representatives of public opinion in the democracies are pointing to hard facts, i.e. to the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik movement, not only in Russia, but also in Hungary, Germany and everywhere else where Bolshevism has appeared.

This opinion was fed by the unreserved support for Bolshevism on the part of American Jewry. There Solzhenitsyn saw prevailing "the opinion that the fall of the Bolsheviks in Russia inevitably would entail for the Jews the danger of a new, bloody wave of pogroms and of massive loss of life. . . . With this in mind, Bolshevism is preferred as the lesser evil."

It certainly would have been more meaningful to admit that:

  • A heavy-consciousness of guilt was in play in considering a change of power,

  • Certain power objectives and expectations about building up a dangerous eastern front against Germany militated for a positive international reevaluation and strengthening of Soviet might.

When Stalin began with his elimination of Trotsky and his close collaborators — the "Trotskyites" [A renown Trotskyite, Iriwin Kristol, father of William “Bill” Kristol was the shaper of the neoconservative movement that would form in the mid 20th century] — and his party began more or less obviously to "purge" Jews, "and anti- Jewish tendencies in the USSR were echoed in the pages of the Soviet press," this did not overly agitate the "holy warriors" on the east coast of the USA, who otherwise were "anxious about the fate" of every mistreated Jew in foreign countries. Their calculation was to use the USSR as a power factor against Germany and therefore to sacrifice their ethnic brothers whom Stalin was executing, and the fate of the German Jews was also unimportant.

Even in 1939, on the eve of World War II, "it cannot be denied that feeling among the Russian Jews abroad was to set their hopes in the inviolability of the Soviet dictatorship. . . ." Jewish public opinion in the whole world thus turned against Russia and in favor of the Bolsheviks."

The correct conclusion is drawn by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "[The fact] that in the Jewish milieu Bolshevism was favored affected the general course of events in Europe. What more need be said?