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[–]Alienhunter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Universities have become the new orthodoxy to protect the quasi-religious beliefs of the masses, namely that anyone can be anything they want to be and through the rituals of public life we can achieve equity and freedom like some kind of unachievable state of nirvana. As such the universities have a very important roll in keeping these sacred beliefs safe from inconvenient facts of research that might make the adherents question the legitamacy of our cultural institutions.

Much as how Copernicus got by largely unscathed when he put forth his theory of heliocentrism by framing it as a mathematical trick to make seeing the "truth" of the geocentric universe easier got by the church by not challenging their authority, so to can scientific research on gender be done so long as one understands that the truth is already known and it's what the university says it is. And of course whatever the university says must be true even if it contradicts what the university said before. Everything is Awesome. You aren't a slave. Freedom is yours! You are free to do or be anything. Except for what you aren't free to do. But that doesn't exist.

[–]StillLessons 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Universities have become the new orthodoxy to protect the quasi-religious beliefs of the masses, namely that anyone can be anything they want to be and through the rituals of public life we can achieve equity and freedom like some kind of unachievable state of nirvana.

Exactly. This would be amusing if it weren't so serious: they screech in a tone so shrill only the dogs can hear that they are anti-religion -- this is about Science™! But the claim that "a person is born in the wrong body" is a manifestly religious claim. This isn't arguable. The statement is a question of origin, creation, and the meaning of being human. It is nothing to do with the mechanics of the natural world, which is the purview of science. They have created a new state-sanctioned religion, thereby destroying the intent of the founders by claiming not to be a religion at all. It is a fascinating phenomenon to watch in real time, again if it weren't such a tragedy relative to where we were just a few decades ago.