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[–]Alienhunter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

No giving more censorious power does become an issue. We've seen the censorious right operate in the past and they shut down a lot of the discussion around fringe issues, LGBTQ included, that essentially forced these disparate types together into a movement and allowed for the ideology to develop and spread unhindered and unknown to the larger society. I've been aware of many of these issues for a long time but you couldn't discuss them publicly until very recently. And you still really can't because of the social orthodoxy against wrong think.

If we ban porn, which isn't something I'm necessarily against mind you, we have one singular and central problem,

What is porn?

This isn't a joke, a bad faith attempt to confuse you. Or any such. You and I both know what porn is. We know it when we see it of course. But that's not a legal definition.

We need a strong and uncontroversial legal definition of what porn is before we can even talk about censoring it online. Otherwise we cede the territory into another endless fight between the crazies on either side. You'll get the prudes trying to claim that a kiss is pornographic, the status of David is pornographic, a medical textbook is pornographic. And you'll get the pedophiles and sex fiends and crazies there trying to shut down anyone blowing the whistle on them by claiming that pointing out the problem itself is banned pornographic content.

If I say, want to start a website documenting botched genital surgeries. Someone somewhere is going to jack off to it. Sorry but that's the nature of this. Does that mean the content is pornographic though? Should it be allowed to be censored simply because someone somewhere might find it sexually arousing.

It is the same problem with extremely violent content. Yes I don't want to see someone's brains blown out, nobody does, but if the police are going around doing it to someone unjustly, they shouldn't be able to get the evidence pulled down under a thin veneer of public decency.

This is really a very complex issue. There's no good answers or solutions that don't have downsides. That doesn't mean we should do nothing. But we can't approach this with an idiotic refusal to even awknoledge that there are issues with the solutions.

[–]Dragonerne 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It is not complex at all. I'm tired of pilpul. Ban jewish subversion of western nations and deport anyone with dual citizenship caught dealing in these industries.