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[–]cars 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

This is a really interesting situation. If you look at the post that resulted in Cloudflare dropping KF, it was from a dormant account that was activated only to write a few low-effort posts before writing the bomb threat. When the bomb threat was posted, it was heavily downvoted and reported by KF users, and the user who posted the message was banned. Additionally, Taylor Lorenz and the rest of the mainstream media had articles ready to publish minutes after Cloudflare dropped KF.

I don't think Matthew Prince wanted to drop KF. He owns less than 10% of Cloudflare and is selling his remaining shares in the company quickly. I think Matthew Prince is one of the few remaining people in Big Tech who support free speech. I think this was all a setup from Cloudflare's controlling Blackrock-affiliated investors who want to push a woke agenda and make it hard to find the dirt on trans people KF has dug up so that their agenda is not harmed.