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[–]StillLessons 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This article is specifically about the UK, but the theme they write about is ground zero for the battle of our times: censorship.

Individual freedom is basically gone, and the reason for that is censorship. Elections have no meaning in the absence of accurate information. Censors around the world have stepped in to ensure there is absolutely no access to such a luxury. One striking example is Li-Meng Yan. This is a woman who is perfectly placed to comment on the greatest issue of our times: Covid. Covid is the basis of the most radical rearrangement of human interaction in history. That's not overstating the case. Never before in human history has the entire global population been atomized from one another in this way. And this is all premised on Covid fear.

Li-Meng Yan, meanwhile, has two positions which make her as qualified as anyone on the planet to understand the truth about what Covid is: one, she is a fully trained (and well published, including Nature and The Lancet) virologist commenting on a new virus; but two (the real ultimate solidifier of her credibility), she has worked with this precise virus professionally since the first days when it appeared. This is a person who as much as anyone knows what this virus is and is not.

The response to what she has said? She is absolutely censored. Apparently, TPTB have inadequate counter-arguments to dispute her claims. The only option they see is to prevent anyone from hearing them. As much as any other response could have, this suggests there is truth in what she says. If what she said could be disproved, they would do that. Instead, they are forced to shut down the argument. This is an intellectual admission of defeat.

But with this kind of censorship going on, elections become an exercise not in policy, but in who can more effectively manipulate people who don't care enough to dig for truth.

Our elections are from here on out about people who are ignorant of what is actually happening choosing leaders who manage to play most strongly to our base emotional fears.

We've been warned about this so many times (Orwell, Huxley, Gilliam, Bradbury, just to name a few), and yet here it is, and we are being led to slaughter anyway, as long as sufficient food keeps coming that we can survive until the next, even worse, chapter begins. No-one in politics is remotely close to addressing the obliteration of objective truth. Until this happens, we are left without a centerpoint.

Not surprisingly, society is rapidly disintegrating.

[–]Questionable 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This article claims it's 'the government'. Though I suspect these are laws written by corporations behind the government.