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[–]magnora7 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The good thing is we live in an era when people can at least communicate these thoughts online, even anonymously if they need to. I think having this open worldwide communication that didn't really exist 30 years ago, or the hundreds or thousands of years before that, has really changed the game and added a lot of counter-balance to the powerful attempting to control the narrative.

That's part of why I believe so much in the power of things like saidit, where people can actually say the thing that needs to be said but everyone is too afraid to say. And have conversations about it. And understand it better.

Wisdom is our only way out in the long run, and I think the internet is a window that lets people build wisdom who truly seek it. And this is going to change our culture forever, but it's going to take a while