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[–]cant_even 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

DARPAGoogle is about as much a "private company" as BMW, Bayer, IG Farben and Messerschmitt were in 1944.

[–]MostlySunnySkies 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Well that's because the National Socialists were socialists. With socialism, there is no distinction betwen the government and private industry. Same thing in China. Same thing in Venezuela.

Just because a company seeks political influence and the government works with and subpoenas a private company and even though a lot of private companies get cash in various forms (Intel-Q etc . ) from the government, you'd be blurring distinctions which need to be admitted if you say the US Government and Google are one in the same entity.

Here's an observation. A lot of the pain from bad theorizing that get passed around here on Saidit is traceable to an inability to observe fine and frankly not-so-fine distinctions. I think people are simply unable to make these disticntions or it seems like drudgery to them. They don't want to know reality in its fullness, they want a hot theory of everything. It causes them only anguish in the end, because none of what occupies their minds corresponds to reality. When your map doesn't correspond to reality, you're constantly frustrated, thwarted and your efforts come to naught.

When that happens, people blame some conspiracy . They never doubt the map of reality they've built for themselves.

There are conspiracies, for sure, but it's not the Jews or the Rothschilds etc. etc. In the second case what we have is over-monied busybodies who wish they could do what people say they do do, but they can't.

In the first case, it's more complex, but still wrongheaded. Cultural Jews are majority radical liberals and minority conservatives. Religious Jews are still majority liberal and minority conservative. What you're seeing is a bunch of like minded liberals pushing a very very liberal agenda. It's not about their Jewishness; it's about their extreme liberal positioning. Why are so many Jews so extreme and liberal and politically active ? It's not clear. There are tons that are just the opposite.

When the Russian Revolution was happening, the rap it is was a Jewsih revolution because there were so many prominent Jews in the inner core. But that was because for centuries they had been mercilessly persecuted, never left alone to live in peace in Russia, for centuries. So Bolsheivism seemed like a new, good idea to them, as it would have to you if you were them. You can hardly blame them for clinging together and throwing in with this new thing which promised to erase ethnic hatred and replace it with the New Soviet Man.

Sure Jews control Hollywood and Hollywood spews ultra-liberal highly destructive ideas. Ultra-liberal ideas are inherently anti-Western anti-individual, anti-social, really. But those Jews aren't all Jews. Lots of Jews hate those Jews for exactly the same reason and to the same extent I do, because they're highly motivated fanatics who are out of touch with reality and their ideas (such as they are) are destructive.

The amount of ridiculous and silly anti-Jewish conspiracy theorizing I read on here is disappointing. I refuse to ascribe it to racism. It's just bad theorizing over the field of a very complex world.

This goes to individual ability to discern what qualifies as evidence for a theory. People just aren't rigorous enough themselves. They lack a skeptical turn of mind, not towards the world (which they're highly suspicious of), but towards their own thoughts and reasoning ability.

The purpose, the utility of arguing is not primarily to convince your opponent; your opponent may be unconvincable because of the above flaws in their reasoning. The point of debating is in the unseen readers of the debate. The lurkers. They're the vast majority of netizens and your job as a debater is to personify in a convincing way good reasoning and argumentation such that the lurkers are persuaded and your opponent's flaws in reasoning become clear and in that clarity, present an object lesson in what not to do and who not to be.

[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

You are confusing socialism with communism.

Communism controls the means of production. Corporations controlled by government. This is totalitarianism.

Socialism regulates and provides social services, including safety nets, paid for by taxes. Corporations are taxed.

Capitalism "regulates" and externalizes costs as much as possible. Corporations control the government. This is inverted totalitarianism.

All have pros and cons and all are utterly corrupted by humans.

My recent thoughts on Jews. Zionist Jews don't just control Hollywood, they also control all the banks and Washington and all the levers of power beyond, including the Christian Zionist NeoCons, Wahabbits, Vatican, all royalty, B.I.S., Europe, Russia, China, and all internationalists/globalists. This centralized power in Zionism stuff is a very real problem - and we're seeing their plans play out now, across the world, but like in historical orchestrated crisis of epic proportions. Welcome to WW3 and Fifth Generation Warfare.

I like your purpose outline and concur.

[–]MostlySunnySkies 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)