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That sucks. Hooey, is most wealth is passed generationally in America I just want some of that in my pay first. Health care as a right free education if you want it. Ending wars spending money on America with the green new deal. You know building and making wealth. real wealth is less worries for all of us. I am truly the richest man in the world with less worries of getting it all taken away because I'm sick and old. Or not knowing because I'm not educated. Or with out because all we spend is our treasure everywhere but here at home. Wealth is not money at all. Real wealth is less needless worries. Take that from a old fuck like me. The only way to be wealthy is to serve here to serve you with better ideas. Bernie 2020 becoming rich is all about helping each other with the resources we have we start by ending the bootstraps thinking of our missed opportunitys is the only way to be. Truth is, know you know the true richest man in America.