viewing revision from 1 year ago






Our mental paradigm - what we hold to be true, not whether or not we like the paradigm - shape our reality
The prevalent paradigm determines the trajectory of our collective reality

In order for the 1% to rule over the 99%,
in order for the Pyramidian paradigm to continue to hold sway
this is what the 99% are constantly distracted from:

The 99% do not have to be subservient to the 1%

We need to consciously address and end the Pyramidian paradigm
and replace it with a paradigm that works for the entire population, not just for the 1%
- this is what s/WritingsOnTheWall is all about


Reimagine the Future for People & Planet

Why don't we reimagine a future of well being for all - people & planet Free from disease, corruption, exploitation, pollution and mis-information... and yes - the 99% do not have to be subservient to the 1%

  • elite- & exploitation-free economy
  • toxin- and pathogen-free environment
  • propaganda-free information
  • corruption-free politics & government
    and more


The Status Quo: The Pyramidian Paradigm

The "1%" control
- the Economy with their Corporations
- Politics with their Government
all with the support of the 99%‼

But how?

They do so with the help of:
- mind Gatekeepers
- our own mind traps


What We Can & Must Do: DirectChange

To solve our problems, the 99% need to
1. Get pass the mind Gatekeepers
2. Oust our own long held, top-down/Pyramidian paradigm
3. Replace it with a self-organizing / mutual help paradigm

1. Change: gatekeeper-, politics-, & conflict-free, radical, *DirectChange
2. Free-dom i.e. to be
- free from economic exploitation: Co-ops4All
- free from airborne pathogens: Ions4All
- free from propaganda: Writings On The Cooperative Wall

1. Gather all at the s/WritingsOnTheWall
2. Build a mindshift avalanche to bury the 1%'s top-down control paradigms
3. Make the change

The Agenda That Is Normalized, Wins

Normalize the "elite's" agenda, they win
Normalize our agenda, we win

Writings On The Wall

Everyone, let's congregate
To gather all that we know
Put them up for all to see
Let's weigh and weave them together
Only then can we arrive at
Truths that binds & frees us all
and evil no place to hide

How the Wall works


Our Real Pledge of Allegiance

Whom We Pledge Allegiance To Everyday
With Our Tim€ + Effort$ + Mone¥
Determines Our Destiny

Pledge them to:

  • Corporations: the 1% use the €$¥ to buy up politicians to rule over the 99%
  • Co-operatives: the 1% & their Corporatocracy defunded AND decentered

Which is it then:
Corporations or Co-operatives?

Corporatocracy or Co-opecracy
For Your Children and Future Humanity?

Co-operative Ideas for Change

Cooperative Ideas & Solutions
to Decenter the 1%'s Corporatocracy
& to Build the 99%'s Co_opecracy with.

Instead of:

1) Corporations:
Worker, Producer, Consumer & Platform Co-ops
Better still: Co-opefy The Economy

2) Corporate-driven Debt-Money Creation:
Community Currency
eg Tenino wooden money
or VITA credits

3) Corporate + Social Media:
Writings On The Wall

4) Corporate Duopoly:

5) Corporate Chemicals + pHarma:
ie Earth's
& Humans'

6) Corporate-driven Consumerism:
Library Of Things

Rather than hope for Corporate-sanctioned change,
Let's Make Direct Change Ourselves!

On Covid Vaccines


2022 Jan 7:
The s/WritingsOnTheWall sub was created on 2021, Dec 30. With that:

  • the contents from the Original Wall will be gradually moved here
  • a new structure will be given to the contents to encourage exploration & discussion


revision by EddieC— view source