Whom we pledge allegiance to everyday,
ie who give our time, efforts & money to,
determines our destiny.
Pledge them
- to Corporations: the 0.0001% ("the 1%") use them to buy up politicians to rule over us
- to Co-ops: the 1% & their Corporatocracy decentered
Hence, to be freed from Corporatocracy
Let's Decorporatize & Co-opefy The Economy
Shun Corporations that work for the 1%
Turn to Co-ops that work for the 99%
Doing so, we gain:
- Economic immunity, for People and the Planet i.e. protection against exploitation by the 1% & their corporations,
- the 1% defunded
- their Corporatocracy decentered
Mondragon exemplifies this
Watch this 2 minute video
It is:
- Direct Change - no politicians, unions nor strikes necessary
- Conflict-free
- the 99% co-operating & solving the problem ourselves- rather than just complain, be distracted & divided
- Immediate & radical change of power
How To Make It Happen
The present storm is the once-in-a-millennia opportunity to flip the System -- the "elites" know it
99% outnumber 1%
But the 1% control Government to control the compliant masses
They also employ the media & Gatekeepers to keep the 99%
- divided: cultural, religious, identity, political, vax...
- distracted: narratives & counter narratives, ever changing
- rabbit-holed: limited hangouts, (half) truthers, heatsinks
Divided, Distracted & Rabbit-holed, We Lose
Gatekeepers keep us from leaving their system
We must unfollow them. It is not too difficult to identify them:
- They suck our time (& money, in some cases)
- They lead us nowhere ie we remain in the system & the existing paradigm
For the 99% to win against, we must
1) Unshackle Our Minds
2) Exit Corporatocracy
Step #1
Unshackle Our Minds:
Build The Mind Shift Avalanche 4 Co-opecracy
to bury the 1% and their System
Leverage on:
"Leaders" & Groups who are pro these hashtags/labels:
Duopoly = Uniparty
Everyone joins the #Avalanche4Co_opecracy:
Everyone shares the message with their favorite social media account
and they in turn shared it with everyone else
and everyone else in turn shared with their favorite account
and they in turn shared it with everyone else
You get the idea
In the process we would be able to identify Gatekeepers - those not keen to promote the idea
Step #2: Exit Corporatocracy: Build Co-ops4All
By Location
By Service Category
Consider & List:
- The Local Community: Our Strengths - what the Community (People & Land) has to offer
- Neighboring communities: Their Strengths - opportunities to learn / co-operate / trade
- Target Corporations - those that can be more readily co-opefied - the workers of these Corporations should shift to Co-ops ie they already have the expertise to operate the business
Different kinds of co-op ie who forms & funds them:
- Consumers Co-op
- Workers Co-op
- Producer Co-op
- Platform Co-op (online with greater geographical coverage; can be a hybrid) Example
Some ideas here
- Credit unions
- More established co-ops
- Crowdfund co-ops
- Community currency (if local community co-op)
KEY: "Money" = Credit = Trust
1) Existing Co-ops - Join / Expand Them
2) Existing Businesses - Convert Them
3) Existing Workers (of the "elites'" Corporations) - "Unionize" Them
ie form Co-op, to compete against the Corporations
there doesn't seem to be anything here