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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)


First, Donald is the divide and conquer puppet. Hillary would not have been able to divide the country as good as Trump and the media has done. Divide and conquer is a tactic in controlling discouse and disengaging the public from actions against, say a kingship or dynasty. Yes, the presidential elections are rigged and Gabbard has signed the DHS bill to completely rig them based on computer algorithms that can easily be hacked to alter vote counts and other fraudulent dynamics. Cynthia mickinnley was the last congresswomen who was not controlled by pledges and lobbyists. Gus Savage and Jim Traficant were two others, the former was ridiculed and made a laughingstock, the other conveniently died in a tractor accident.

So, yes. All congressmen and women are controlled in some way by big money and especially lobbyists like AIPAC. It is a dirty game but not as dirty as the agenda that sits above the nation state and uses our government like a toy.

Before you take the time to read this response, I hope you research what I state below. Do not believe me solely on my words nor the media or those who have a vested interest in deceiving you.

On your own time, research what I’ve laid out here. On a side note: DO NOT USE GOOGLE OR BING to search for anything. Reading books and documents is your best source. If the things I’ve stated below are on the inter-webs they are likely on archive websites. So, do specific searches on duckduckgo AND, or any other searx search instances (look up searx search instances on github to chose the one you like).

Lenin says the best way to control the opposition is to lead it. Among the bickering and political theater of the left-right paradigm there is an end goal neoliberal agenda not in the best interests of the United States of America. This new economic agenda will use the BRIC countries to bolster its rise to stardom. It is an agenda that, with help from elements and internationalists within the United Nations and many neoliberal end goal think tanks will engender a planned US welfare economy, complete citizenry disarmament (UNODA Disarmament Affairs - codification of confiscation laws - codification of UN police task force assisting member states w/ collecting weaponry from citizens) a greater Israel, a Russian federated state, and a world wide court in Jerusalem to sort out nation state controversies. Read what 1st prime minister Ben-Gurion predicted would come to fruition. His prediction was also a parallel to the UN founders ideology and even used the words “a United Nations enshrined by the ideology of the UN founders as prophesied by Isaiah” (you might ask why this is prophesied? Because this plan is much more than a geopolitical agenda, it is both a spiritual and religious end times agenda — I will get into why later).

If you have not heard George Bush Seniors 1991 or 1994 speech on the UN and the Order of Ahepa, you should. He states the words ‘New World Order’ and the rule of law envisioned, enshrined by the United Nations founders. Which if you read old UN reports, disarmament commissions, and the UN founders spiritual ideologies as well as the Order of Ahepa’s ties to the noahide laws, you’ll start to understand at least the religious portion of the end goal. Bush tried to sign the Noahide laws into law. They might sound fine and dandy but if you read in between the lines, you will understand that your religious beliefs will get you imprisoned and/or executed if you do not adhere to the ideologies of there religious beliefs, whatever they might be when their end goal is accomplished. Because there always is a plan, hundreds of years in advance, and there always will be, whether it is good for the nation state or not. Most people could never envision a world wide court and a one world currency (SDR) backed by gold but for hundreds of years very powerful internationalist think tanks and wealthy dynastic families have set out to accomplish this goal.

This agenda uses ideaological subversion, opposition propaganda and a slew of other tactics inccluding demoralization, and the 6 D’s method:

  • deceive

  • distract

  • disengage

  • deny

  • disrupt

  • degrade

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Think about these words and how they are used independently, how they are utilized to push agendas by different mediums, how they are used to manipulate viewpoints; to distract us whilst the planned goal, implemented slowly with our tacit agreement will be the end goal. Much too late for the people to prevent it’s status and artificial infallibility when the public becomes aware in-mass. Take the time and read news stories, focus on the 6 D’s and you might better understand why these stories are being broadcasted to you and the masses.

From there, read the Smith Mundt Modernization Act, which allows since the end of 2012 the use of domestic propaganda on US citizens. This propaganda can be out right lies; manufactured facts, or Psychological Operations. These PSYOP’s can be small or large in nature. Small being the falsification of stories to push certain agendas to full blown, community table top drills passed off as real (think mass shootings and terror attacks). These are NOW LEGAL if they are drills and no fraud is committed.

Now why legalize propaganda and Psychological Operations? Because ‘they’ need to deceive in order for them to achieve their end goal, internationalist agenda. Look up the UNODA disarmament affair commission. Almost, all candidates are for disarmament, especially democrats. The corporate republicans just ignore this and focus on the militarization of police, the signing of civil forfeiture laws and mental hygiene laws such as the Baker Act, which in the future will create the framework for political dissident laws. Think in the future, not now, but a world much different because ‘they’ integrate their plans very slowly, over several generations, even centuries because for them the end justifies the means.

If you read the Smith Mundt Modernization Act, read older UN disarmament books. Read the UN small arms treaty, fast tracked by Obama but 2/3rds of congress refused— for now, to sign it.

Why legalize Psychological operations you may ask? Because perception management is VERY important. For reference, lookup the tactics/methods of perception management and see if you can attribute them to events that are happening now. There are many tactics of perception management which encompass the 6 D’s but also include ‘schema’ (the retelling of propaganda to footnote and give credibility to new propaganda), ambiguity (intentional conflicting information - to confuse, and disengage public), to many other tactics.

How does this all fit in with the disarmament agenda? Since the late 50’s the United Nations and various other think tanks envisioned the disarmament of a United States of America citizenry (again, type into duckduckgo: UN disarmament books. There are dozens, some thousands of pages long illustrating their plan). Since 1993-2013, DOJ and FBI statistics illustrate a 47% decrease in gun homicide rates and a 53% decrease in gun violence rates, whilst private gun ownership rates have skyrocketed, despite ever-tightening gun control laws. Most people probably believe the opposite. They believe gun homicide and gun violence has skyrocketed. It has not. So, how do you manipulate the public into believing the opposite?

Propaganda, psychological operations and reaffirming the propaganda through schema over and over again until that lie is believed. Now you might ask, well why do we have high profile mass shootings every week since 2012. I’d tell you to go back and focus on the tactic of perception management, propaganda and the methods of psychological operations legalized by the 2012 Smith Mundt Modernization Act. Discover if what they are telling you is the truth. Because they have a vested interest in NOT telling you the truth if it serves their goal.

If we compare the frequency and number of mass shootings from the 1980’s to 2011 and clarify whether there is a correlation since the signing of the Smith Mundt Modernization Act in 2012 to now (2019), you will see that there is now correlation and in fact there are numerous anomalies and discrepancies that make zero mathematical and statistical sense. The number and frequency of ‘alleged’ high profile mass shootings (I say alleged because they can legally pass off hyperactive table-top exercises as real shootings) from 2012-2019 is astronomically impossible. The frequency makes little to no sense. We have two a week for two months and none for a half a year. We have a 1000% increase in annual mass shootings compared to the 30 years before 2012, despite those years having exponentially higher gun violence and gun homicide rates. So, what gives? During 2012 was their a dramatic cultural change that you can attribute to the statistically impossible increase in mass shootings? What could be the causation? I can not seem to find a cultural causation at the rate of these alleged mass shootings but I CAN SEE a political and legislature change that ALLOWS propaganda and psychological operations. You be the judge.

In my research, I’ve come to the conclusion that MOST, yes MOST of these mass shootings are nothing more than hyperactive table top drills passed off as real to push political and more appropriately internationalist agendas.

How did I come to this conclusion? Instead of watching the television, instead of reading the newspaper or written news with an agenda I decided to research every player involved in the Orlando shooting. Yes, paying hundreds of dollars for records in SSID databases, birth and death certificates, morgue identification papers, court docs and records, police and mugshot records, hospital records, etc,. I wanted to see if what the media was telling me was true. (Look up UK Critical Thinker and Watch all his videos, especially on Orlando and Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting— he was censored, and most of his research banned on YouTube and other forums. He still has his videos up on but they will most likely be deleted too. Don’t worry about all the disinformation on the front page of that site, just watch his videos).

Watch the video below to get just a snippet of what I’m talking about.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What I discovered is that ALL the witnesses of the Orlando shooting had either criminal records w/ high bonds, were b-movie actors and actresses that failed in Hollywood or were up and coming news casters playing a part. I looked much further into hospital and burial records, could not find anything. Called the hospitals and they had zero patients by the victims names that the media said they were transported to. You also have a criminal on a high bond; Norman Casiano allegedly shot 4 times in chest and lower abdomen doing an interview the next day on CNN, completely fine, no evidence of pain. He even did an interview the day of, saying he got out of the hospital... no records... after being shot 4 times, point blank with high velocity bullets. Why do this? Because the anti-gun agenda has to be broadcasted in the heat of the moment before people forget. And you may ask why they fake them as table top exercises and not simply stage a false flag or conduct a real shooting? First, watch UK’s videos.

Now, the reason why is because every drill participant by the hundreds, sign a non-disclosure, national security clause well before the event. They are ALL vetted and on a need to know basis. By signing this they can and will be jailed and tried for treason for exposing their participation in these psychological operations. They have nothing to lose by keeping quite.

They are compensated by GoFraud me accounts thousands of dollars and the crisis management private sector groups like Osidian pay them hundreds of thousands for their participation and to keep quite. The state and towns will also obtain tens of millions; in the case of Sandy Hook hundreds of millions including evidence of money laundering!! Count me in if all I have to do is deceive the public and pretend I’m someone I’m not.

The many criminals they use, such as Angel Colon who has several mugshots and a high bond, yes Colon— how convenient in a gay nightclub shooting (the Dr. who supposedly worked on him, get this, by virtue of the media is named Dr. Lube. See even the writers of these psychological operations have some sense of humor, and for us researchers we’re able to laugh at these intentional absurdities).

I also noticed the media would change their names, add letters etc,. That did not stop me from figuring out that the majority broadcasted on the media concerning Orlando were criminals. Either out on bond, probably paid by the state as many were sealed records. But for those I could find were out on domestic assault charges, bank robberies, substance abuse charges, financial fraud, molestation, sexual assault, etc,. They say, “hey look, we arrested you and you need to go to jail but, there is something you can do for us that will make us forget this ever happened".........

And the media has the audacity to use these people, paint them as hero’s in a psychological operation and have the good people of the public pay them millions in donations for their deceit.

If the law abiding American people lose their guns through the slow implementation of the UNODA confiscation agenda and the many psychological operations they are pushing, then the time is right for the establishment to orchestrate crashing the banks (and this is a desired goal of theirs).

The working people will have no way of fighting back and will lose their nationstate, their constitution and sovereignty. As according to the UN their charter supersedes the US constitution, opening the world up to a supranational governance.

Everything they've worked for their entire lives in an orchestrated crash with super high inflation, plus, the system has all the Orwellian infrastructure in place, the police are tooled up with body armour, balaclavas, guns and armoured vehicles, and the people have sticks & stones to fight back. That is when confiscation takes place. And that could take 50 plus years of subtle generational manipulation through all facets of media and political doctrine.

As for the economy, it is a weapon. The intentional collapse of an economy serves to bolster new systems and more centralization. Ask yourself, what does the IMF and BIS have in mind. Do they desire a unipolar world or multilateral world. Search on the bank of international settlements website multi and uni. You will see the new economic world order is indeed multi, led by EASTERN bric countries. The US will be left in the dust. In a further comment, I will get into SDR, global currency, the Economist magazine owned partially by the Rothschidl family predicting the coming world currency in 1988, predicted for the end of 2018/2019 and if not before 2030. That and the manufactured crash. I will also talk about the religious goals and the phases that will be implemented.