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[–]RuckusChan 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Mohammedans are not typically oriental they are from the Sandbox, the ones blowing up shit in Thailand are Orient, some are Congoid Negroe muslim jihadis, some are Desi from the Indian sub continent, others are Albanian in Europe, others are African Negroid type

[–]Chipit[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You're unfamiliar with the term Orientalism. It refers to anything east of Turkey.

[–]RuckusChan 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am aware of it but never use it...and I guess everyone has opinions like everyone has an asshole...but here is my asshole opinion on my dislike of it. I hate using that term, never use it almost ever. It is a vague unclear 'term' but I like to be precise with the English langauge, when English is used in a shit Inaccurate Undefined way the language it becomes a language with no meaning. I have never ever used this term because for me it's a shit outdated term used by old pretentious farts from modern Britbongistan but I like the old term 'Mohammedan' or like using a term like Hindu radical or Atheist extremist or Sunni jihadist or Shiʿite terrorist because it actually defines something, I like a description like Tokyo-Shintoism because that also describes something exact, a people a religion an exact region. A while ago the city of Constantinople fell and was hijacked by Low IQ inbred islamist jiahdi mohammedans, rapists and terrorists and imperialist and bandits who prayed to a Moon-god al-Lah came attacking from Turkmenistan the culture of Greece or Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire is lost, the place would never be the same once there was islamist occuption of non-moslim land. The place of Afghanistan also used to be Buddhist, they were Macedonian, the followed ancient Persia religion or European Greek religions, they were influenced and conqured by Sassanids and Mongol, the 'Orientalism' thing is a really dumb ignorant term to describe Egypt, the Siberians, Greece, China, Russia, Aramaic culture, Manila Philippines, Ainu of Hokkaido, the Hindu of India, Thai culture, Afghanistan or ancient Mesopotamia, they are not all the same peoples. The word Orientalism is as stupid and meaningless as Eastern-Homosapien-ism, it has very little meaning.