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[–]CarCrusher 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

As a person that has walked on both sides of the law, I can tell you with no hesitation that that money that comes from criminal ventures is addicting just like cocaine is addicting and it is entirely possible that Mr Biden has been living beyond his means keep in mind he does have a son that is addicted to crack cocaine and I want to tell you something crack cocaine does not understand what a budget is and a crack cocaine addict does not know how to live within a budget so quite perhaps Mr Biden is way overextended maybe he's bankrupt do you see where I'm going with this you don't borrow $250,000 against your house if you've got 8 million dollars okay you just don't it doesn't make sense something doesn't wash in his numbers