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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

That sound's very worthwhile, though I don't know what you mean exactly. I don't know what Wikipedia bots are or do.

To aggregate the SaidIt content in this sub (and/or others?) into a file (document/database/newsletter) to archive (cumulatively?) on WikiSpooks?

Or have SaidIt posts sync with WikiSpooks articles with the comment section and talk pages mirroring content?

Or I'm suspecting something else. Humans would have to write up summaries, unless you mean something else generating the "article summary".


I have another 2 ideas, IMO, very worth while:

I'd like to set up a server, here, at home. Ideally a plug and play thing, that everyone and anyone could also do. (ie. 1 Raspberry Pi loaded with an OS and software + 1 or more hard drives (ie. FreeNAS)) It could be run in series on a LAN and it would run 5 scripts:

1) Download and torrent the WikiSpooks backups.

2) From the moment of internet connection, keep up with SaidIt.

3) From the moment of internet connection, go back with SaidIt.

4) Check for inconsistencies and changes and/or fill in the gaps and/or redirect 2 or 3 as necessary.

What are they doing on SaidIt? Backing up/copying/mirroring all the content as well as all the links and media.

5) Share all that data via IPFS, torrents, shards, etc. with other SaidIt servers. (This may become outlawed in some ways by some countries eventually. This should also include an open source but very secure executive burn thing where you or M7 control deletion of some critical content (porn or child porn) with a very limited discburn thing. Centralized very limited censorship for not-tollerated images and/or video. If it gets to words becoming illegal then we're in trouble.)

Maybe it could be extended beyond just the 2 sites for a whole new paradigm.

That's the "Spider-Scraper Home-Server" idea of a decentralized archive network for the SaidIt community, and I'd bet there's better, different ways to accomplish the same ends with a better name for this "Decentralized Site Archive Network". This DSAN could be linked to the next idea: "Recommendation Button".

Just as the "Report" button has a few options, you could have a new "Recommendation" button. (Also, if you master that you could throw all the lesser-used flat-line things under another "Options" button to minimize the interface in browsers and on phones.)

"Recommendations" in the button may include:

1) Archive Post - add to SSHT/DSAN que, a list of top priorities with a chance of censorship or whatever.

2) Ping /s/WikiSpooks_Recs (with comment) - comments in auto-monthly/weekly/daily posts recommending that WikiSpooks editors take note to to add/include/reference content. Users could discuss/comment on these and indicate progress.

3) Ping /s/SaidItWeekly_Recs (with comment) - recommending the same, but for those aggregating a weekly summary to publish. Users could draft up summaries, discuss, and comment on these.

4) Ping /s/SaidItWeekly_Noms (with comment) - nominating exceptional content to be featured, a step above just a recommendation. Add as many steps as you like for a future ranking process, with lists openly accessable. This kind of stuff could make SaidIt far more valued as well as more interactive.

5) Log SaidIt Metatags (with comment) - every meta tag can be logged into a sub (as above or perhaps a database, file, or wiki is better. SaidIt wikis are problematic if 2 or more are editing the same wiki page at the same time.) With this log of metatags, a simpler differently-effective search engine might become of value. An auto-script could also be triggered to tag all posts within select topical subs (different than community subs), perhaps with better renaming of the metatag (instead of vague or weird sub titles).

6) Optional other ways to recommend or classify posts and comments with a potential to be useful in a list, file, database, etc.


I'm also desperate for two browser addons, including one that would be better fixed in SaidIt. After a week or two, if people still don't like it, revert it. YouTube-DLG is able to rename your file, sourcing the information from the YouTube page, just as SaidIt can get the title. I'd like it to add the running time length, credit the source channel, and if it's over a month old add the date (I try to do these in most of my media posts). I'll be taking a few months off soon for my story. When I return I'll waste time figuring out how to make an addon or bot or whatever, but I'd be happier if someone else did it, and happiest and eternally grateful if it were incorporated into Saidit.

The browser addon would be a "SaidIt With One-Click" button to copy the current page address, open a new tab on a SaidIt submit link page with the address pasted with fetched title ready for the user to enter the target sub to post in, perhaps after adding something to the link title or for the user to shift mode to submit text where the address might also be pasted waiting for further user embellishments.


I know these are big. Maybe add them to your "one day maybe" list.

My neighbour smoked me up, so ask if I need to clarify some stuff.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Or have SaidIt posts sync with WikiSpooks articles with the comment section and talk pages mirroring content?

Yes, basically this.

Here's an example from reddit: So if you click 'permalink' then 'parent' on any of these, you see it is detecting wiki links and commenting with the article summaries (or the first x characters of the article, whatever). This appears to be used for comments only, but it could also work on link posts that link to WP or WS.

I like your decentralized site archive idea. SaidIt could certainly add some buttons on page to hype this and make it easy to use. The first button could be but other buttons could interact with other tools. I've been meaning to dig into this system to see if it's a good fit:

I'd like it to add the running time length, credit the source channel, and if it's over a month old add the date (I try to do these in most of my media posts)

This sounds good too, another commenting bot similar to the above would be a good fit to handle this.

The browser addon would be a "SaidIt With One-Click" button to copy the current page address, open a new tab on a SaidIt submit link page with the address pasted with fetched title ready for the user to enter the target sub to post in, perhaps after adding something to the link title or for the user to shift mode to submit text where the address might also be pasted waiting for further user embellishments.

I shan't assist with making it easier to double post and repost!

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

" I shan't assist with making it easier to double post and repost! "


If you mean that for me then you're out of luck. I feel I've "wasted" tooooo much time copying over the time and author. (It's not a waste if people appreciate the extra info.) Once the title and the link/text are in, all I have to do is select the sub to submit to. After that, I click the "go back one page" and the title and link/text are restored and still filled in leaving me to change the submit fields or just mirror to another sub.

I'd like the "SaidIt With One-Click" but am fine with doing URL copypasta once. Several times is painfully tedious. So far I think I've been 100% accurate usually typing in the time code by hand and copypasta the creator. Except one time, I noticed a really messed up time, after it had been already well viewed, so I wasn't going to delete the conversations or repost. No one said anything about it. Every other error that I've noticed corrected. I have no idea how many errors I don't know about.