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What would Wikipedia be like if it wasn't controlled by the CIA's Operation Mockingbird and Mossad?
WikiSpooks utilizes the same software as Wikipedia, however, having taken the red pill WS does not assume that the Official Narrative (nor the Official Opposition Narrative) is the last word on anything.
Please avoid using polarising perspectives and enemy images
WikiSpooks launched on May 22, 2010.
/u/Robin is had been an admin of WikiSpooks for years.
CSS and banner images by /u/JasonCarswell
Help WikiSpooks improve this article on "The Establishment" and please offer a better glossary definition and overview of "The Establishment" to contrast against the official narrative. Include relevant citations.
submitted 1 year ago by JasonCarswell from
Wikispooks faced legal threats in 2022...
submitted 2 years ago by JasonCarswell from self.Wikispooks
WikiSpooks is Being Censored at the DNS
submitted 2 years ago by raven9 from self.Wikispooks
COVID-19 + Perpetrators + WEF
submitted 2 years ago by JasonCarswell from
WikiSpooks needs your insightful help. - Operation Atlas Strike 21, List of Operations, COVID, Scamdemic, Etc.
submitted 3 years ago by JasonCarswell from self.Wikispooks
WikiSpooks Is Under Attack!
submitted 3 years ago * by JasonCarswell from self.Wikispooks
Jacques Attali, 2009: “A major pandemic would raise awareness of the need for altruism, at least self-interested. History teaches us that humanity only evolves significantly when it is truly afraid: then...
submitted 3 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Obama era "EstablishingNewNormal.pdf"
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
The Not So Secret Agenda Of 2021? (1:17:23) ~ Jason Bermas
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
WikiSpooks + SaidIt = Solutions (Part 1 Initial Survey)
submitted 4 years ago * by JasonCarswell from self.Wikispooks
Since you don't understand...
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
I just started a wiki article on the "Plandemic" exposé documentary series about the COVID-19 manufactured crisis, vaccines, and the technocracy's agenda - I need your feedback and additional material to improve this article.
The arrest of Millie Weaver, her "ShadowGate" exposé documentary on the deep state, and her scam-artist "whistleblower" Tore Says, aka "Dr." Tore Maras-Lindeman - I need your feedback and additional material to improve this article.
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from self.Wikispooks
9-11/WTC6 - Wikispooks
submitted 4 years ago by Robin from
CIA/Drug trafficking - Wikispooks
Operation Gladio B - Wikispooks
2016 Saumur Daesh Cell - Wikispooks
The "Integrity Initiative" - Wikispooks
"Conspiracy-theory encyclopedia Wikispooks is thriving during the coronavirus pandemic, seeing huge traffic gains from search engines"
submitted 4 years ago by Robin from
Plane crashes and other premature deaths of Bilderbergers
The Wikispooks Coverpage has broken itself!? Suggestions welcome as to what might have gone wrong...
The 166 Most Frequent Bilderberg Visitors, Ordered by #visits now on Alternative To - feel free to write a review, suggest alternatives, etc.
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
All Roads Lead To Dark Winter - Deep Dive into the US Deep State's false flag terror and bioweapons use
submitted 4 years ago by Robin from
Will SaidIt and WikiSpooks be targeted by the US government? (More than it already undoubtedly is.)
1963 FBI Memo mentioning Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency - Wikispooks
The Supranational Deep State (SDS)
Wikipedia page histories can reveal what the page itself hides. (Snapshot from their 9/11 page)
Wikispooks Backup 2020 - Non-trivial skills required to build the site from it, but all the info is there. [ NB: 5.6GB ] This is a dynamic link to the latest weekly backup, so as long as the site is running, it should never be more than 7 days old. Please share widely.
Richard Lambert, head of the Amerithrax case, repeatedly brought legal action against the FBI, alleging malpractice
Operation 40 - Wikispooks
US/Deep state - Wikispooks
9-11/George Washington Bridge plot - Wikispooks
Help Wanted: Writing Wikispooks articles about the Iowa Circus, Shadow Inc, and "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella.
submitted 5 years ago * by JasonCarswell from self.Wikispooks
Definitive lists of Bilderbergers by nationality
submitted 5 years ago by Robin from