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[–]EndlessSunflowers[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

... "They included bankers, merchants, planters, ship owners, lawyers, politicians, judges, slave owners and traders, speculators, smugglers, privateers, and other type wheeler-dealers.
"We the people," meant them. They created a government of men, not laws. Property owners alone had rights. Ordinary people didn't matter. They were entirely left out. Women were thought fit only for homemaking and child-bearing. They were considered appendages of their husbands. Blacks were property, not people. Native Americans were enemies. They were systematically exterminated. Privileged white men alone ruled.
John Jay (America's first chief Supreme Court Justice) said America should be run by men who own it. John Adams reflected the same sentiment. He wanted it run by "the rich, the well born, and the able." They had others like themselves in mind. Government of, by and for the people meant them alone. Bill of Rights protections were for them. Self-styled patriots were frauds."