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[–]neovulcan[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Regarding SCOTUS, I'm supremely confident the issue isn't so one-sided as to override the 10th amendment. Let the states decide and stop resting on Roe v Wade.

Regarding abortion writ large, I think you see that I feel it's fucking evil. I am, however, willing to temper my opinion and see how things pan out between states. Surely some data will emerge to support my position...or change my mind?

Regarding the soul, I believe it grows with the individual, beginning with the fusion of DNA. While that may not be perfect, it's enough to craft policy, and bestows a certain respect on elders who have grown their souls.

Policy-wise, I'll agree that a straight up ban is counterproductive. People will find more dangerous and destructive means to the same end. However, we can defund the public endorsement that is Planned Parenthood, which would encourage those who were skeptical but uncommitted to complete the ethical course of action.

Lastly, I'll agree we need to address financial distress. We can start by eliminating the income tax, thereby placing more money in every working person's pockets, and incentivizing them to work more. We can solidify the value of the dollar by locking inflation at a low but predictable percentage. Printing money the way the current administration has done should be blocked by a constitutional amendment. Furthermore, we could extend a certain amount of UBI to each dependent, most appropriately a combination of a fixed amount plus a percentage of exported GDP. That much should negate financial distress to those considering abortion.