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[–]PencilPusher55 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't understand why they hate us? Lets say for example that the notion of "white people inventing everything" was 100% true. Wouldn't they be terrified to rid the world of the people who helped bring it to these levels?

[–]Canbot 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's fine to ask why so long as you don't think that not having a convincing answer for why is a valid argument to dismiss all the evidence that it is happening. Any speculation on motivation is inherently based on your own imagination, bias, and experiences. No two people can really ever agree on what someone else's motivations are. Most people's motivations aren't even clear to them. And compounding that difficulty is the fact that it takes the collusion of thousands if not tens of thousands of people who's culture is different from yours, and who are not presenting themselves or their culture to you honestly. The anti goy ideas and arguments that are discussed in private are not displayed publicly. So it is far better to simply look at the entire collection of actions, rules, and results to try and understand where this is all going.

As for the loss of future technological advancement it may quite possibly be a feature not a flaw. The level of technological advancement has reached such a point that it threatens the ruling class. With 3d modeling software and 3d printers in the hands of anyone with an IQ over 135 it is suddenly possible that one individual can develop a system to assassinate any Rothchild or even gas everyone at the Oscars. The spy state has thus far kept that in check, combined with the fact that high IQ individuals generally have a comfortable life that they would not jeopardize with revolutionary ideals. As technology progresses those tools fall into the hands of increasingly dumber people. If you take an inquisitive look at the "cutting edge" of science you will find a lot of absurdity, and I don't think it is unintentional. The catch is you have to be intelligent enough to question authority in order to see it.

The actual level of technological advancement is far greater than you probably realize. The majority of it is classified. For example software defined radio was invented at least 30 years ago and was in the hands of "hackers" and tinkerers at least 20 years ago when I first heard about it. But when I tried to buy the hardware for it suddenly it had disappeared. Just recently it has reemerged and you can buy kits for it. The tech was invented by some tinkerer and was then captured and concealed by whoever has the power to do that. Their ability to conceal technology is far greater than most people realize, even tech that is not specifically invented by DARPA or military contractors.

Logically AI is now far more powerful than Open AI's newest program which is itself so powerful and dangerous that they have abandoned their own ethos, their raison d'être, and refused to release it to the public. The ability for a few trusted individuals to push forward technological advancement on their own, in secret, in a controlled manner is likely to be astounding.

They no longer need the men who built and ran the factories which made western countries the marvels that they are. They don't need the thousands of engineers and architects to design, test and redesign the marvels of the modern world. They don't need the character, resilience and hard working men that were once needed to traverse the oceans in wooden studio apartments.