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[–]calmbluejay[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I argue that Christian morality is in no way absolute because the bible is wildly inconsistent when it comes to morality in general.

No it's not. When there appears to be contradictions that means you just need to further study the issues to find how they line up. It's one of the greatest reasons why so much time is devoted to study the bible

I believe there are indeed no moral absolutes

Henceforth the reason you're an atheist.

[–]whereswhat 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When there appears to be contradictions that means you just need to further study the issues to find how they line up.

What is the stopping criteria for that exercise though? In my mind, it isn't a very valuable resource if it takes a lifetime to understand. Also, why would an all knowing and all powerful god leave us with such a convoluted guide for absolute morality?

The passges I cited cannot be reconciled within any modern moral lens, to the best of my knowledge. I have tried (as have many others) and I invite you to do the same. I promise to keep an open mind and thoroughly examine any claims you make.

I should mention I have spent countless hours studying the bible. As a piece of literature, it is one of the most important works in the western world and I feel for that reason it deserves much more attention in the public classroom than it currently gets. That said, it is nothing more than a piece of literature. It was written by humans after all.

To further demonstrate the ambiguous nature of the bible:

the reason you're an atheist

Sorry, not even close. First of all, I am not an athiest, I am agnostic. To be an athiest requires a certain level of faith that no evidence of a god exists at all (I'm not a fan of faith, aka belief without evidence). Since I have not seen any credible evidence of a diety in my lifetime, I consider it overwhelmingly unlikely that such an enigma actually exists. I recognize that my life experience is insignificant compared to the cumulative information existing across time and space though. Hence, I am agnostic.

Just because I don't prescribe to moral absolutism doesn't mean all agnostics are the same. It also is entirely unrelated to the basis for my views on god. That said, all it would take is one clear example of an immutable rule of morality for you to sway my opinion on the subject of absolute morality. Might be a fun exercise to try if you like. Reply with any moral guideline you feel is immutable and I will see if I can think of a set of circumstances in which it doesn't hold up.