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[–]Oneda[S] 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

In this video, a granny can be seen crossing the road where she shouldn't. Although she looked before crossing, she just continued walking despite there being a motorcycle already approaching. The motorcycle wasn't able to avoid her, so the granny ends up getting smashed by the motorcycle, while the motorcyclist ends up hitting the ground hard as well. The motorcyclist, although hurt, manages to get up. People begin checking on the granny and nobody seems to be attending to the motorcyclist. The motorcyclist checks on his ride and he then leaves the scene of the accident by pushing his motorcyle away.

Personal opinion, granny definitely should not have been crossing the road there. It also seems to have happened during night time, so that makes it extra dangerous. As for the motorcyle, from the distance when it first showed up in the video, it appears as if the motorcyclist should have had enough time to slow down or avoid the granny. Maybe he wasn't paying attention on the road or maybe he got distracted by something. Still, since it's night, it probably made the granny harder to see, especially since she just stepped out from the island with trees on it.

In my personal experience, I do find it hard to see people at night, that's why I don't drive at night anymore. I hate jaywalkers for this reason. They can just pop out of places you don't expect them to come from, all because they don't want to go to the crosswalk. During day time, sure, jaywalkers can still be spotted as long as you're paying attention to the road, but at night, it's really hard especially since your mind is usually trying to avoid anything with those reflectors like bikes, so when something like a cat or a dog shows up (or a jaywalker!), since they don't have reflectors, it doesn't register in your mind right away to avoid them. No matter how "safe" it might seem to jaywalk, don't risk it especially if you have children with you. You might end up being featured here.

[–]thenotoriousdougie 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I hate jaywalkers for this reason. They can just pop out of places you don't expect them to come from, all because they don't want to go to the crosswalk.

They usually come our from behind a van or from between two cars and literally appear right in front of you like magic. I used to live in a college town and about 2 students a week got run over by walking right out into traffic in the middle of a block while staring down at their phones, oblivious to oncoming vehicles. about 1-2/year died that way. Which is surprising that only 1-2% of the ones struck died. But it was a college campus and traffic was usually moving kind of slowly.